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Adelaide Anne Aldaine, known as Addy by her friends, was born to Tyler and Melissa Aldaine on January 14, 1980. Her family is a regular half-blood wizarding family, neither rich nor poor.

She didn't mind her status; she would be proud of it either way.

She remembers the excitement she had when she received her Hogwarts letter when she was eleven. Going to Hogwarts was something she always wanted to do.

Learn magic. Make friends. Explore the castle. It would be a dream come true.

So she went. Boarding the scarlet Hogwarts Express was unimaginable. There were not many empty compartments she remembers, but she did find one that hosted two boys; one with vivid, red hair and the other with dark, raven hair.

Of course they allowed her to join them and so they introduced themselves. Addy learned that she was in the presence of Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter.

The second name was familiar; she recalled hearing her parents discuss his past. She was hesitant to bring it up however, she hardly knew the boy.

Yet, he was kind and willing to share his details. However, when she first met him, it wasn't his iconic scar that caught her attention, it was his eyes.

Bright like the stars, glittering like a diamond, radiant like the sun. She instantly knew that green would be her favorite color.

Addy was sorted into the Gryffindor house. The hat had stalled for nearly two minutes, debating between houses, but it finally came to it's decision.

Looking back, she could still remember the warmth and comfort the common room provided. She knew her next seven years would be enjoyable here.

Addy befriended Hermione Granger later and found herself distancing from Ron and Harry for a while. This was because Ron had the tendency to retort to bullying.

She remembers finding Hermione crying in the bathroom after hearing Ron call her annoying and friendless. Of course Addy reassured her, telling her that she was easily the brightest witch of her age.

The two were just about to leave the bathroom when a troll encountered them. Ron and Harry came to their rescue, managing to knock the creature unconscious. From that day on, the four became friends.

Her friendship with Harry was different compared to the others. There was some sort of tension that hung thick in the air. She was sure it was platonic at first. It had to be.

But in her third year, things changed. He wasn't just the kind boy she met on the train three years ago. He was something much more. She realized kind wasn't the right word to describe him. She got to know him as the years went on; he was incredibly sassy.

His bravery she discovered was more than average. The most accurate word to describe Harry would be alluring. Whenever she was in his presence, the world stopped. She would forget where she was or what she was doing.

She would get distracted by his eyes, which was like the sky; both containing beautiful sparkles that anyone would get lost in. They were endless. She could tell her feelings were not just one sided however; he too seemed unable to return back to reality once she was in her sight.

These emotions she felt did not waver one bit. No, if anything, they intensified as the years went on. He was always in her mind, despite the circumstances.

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