7. the astronomy tower.

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Several nights later, Addy was in her dorm room. Hermione had her curtains drawn and was presumably asleep. She was cross with Lavender for kissing Ron. Lavender was talking about her new relationship with Parvati, who seemed to grow bored of this topic easily after talking about it all the time.

Meanwhile, Romilda was shooting daggers towards Addy. It was a known fact that she fancied Harry now, just because he was all famous.

"He's actually a good kisser, though it may not look like it." Lavender was saying about Ron. Parvati was yawning and seemed to be forcing herself to pay attention.

"Addy, you were friends with Ron! Did he used to date anyone? I forgot to ask him." Lavender asked.

Addy shook her head, "Ron never had any romantic relationships with anyone. The closest was with Padma at the Yule Ball."

She chose not to mention the romantic tension between him and Hermione, it wouldn't do any good.

"Padma hated going with him." Parvati chuckled, "He was grumpy all night."

Lavender shrugged, but continued to dream about Ron.

"How are things with you and Harry?" Parvati asked Addy after a while. Romilda sat up in her bed, definitely wanting to hear in.

"We're fine." Addy answered, avoiding Romilda's glare.

"That's good." Lavender said, "Many people fancy both him and you now. At least your relationship is fine."

Addy nodded, "The annoying part is that most people only like us because we're "famous"."

"I've never met anyone that fancied you." Romilda muttered coldly. Parvati came to her rescue.

"You must not be paying attention. Half the school does. Even the first years." she giggled. Addy rolled her eyes.

Eventually, the girls fell asleep. Addy's mind couldn't help but wander over to her parents. She wondered if they knew she could tell the future. It was the daily gossip of many people, so she wouldn't be surprised if they found out. Her eyes grew heavier as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

Addy felt the mattress of her bed beside her seep with weight She also felt a body press up against her. She was about to call out, but a hand covered her mouth.

"It's just me, don't worry." a familiar voice whispered in her ear.


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I know that boys aren't allowed to go into the girls dorm's in the books, but just pretend :)

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Addy pulled his hand away from her mouth and turned around, "What are you doing here?" she asked. Nighttime visits like these at Hogwarts were uncommon.

"I want to show you something." he whispered, standing up, he tugged Addy out of the room, where they were able to speak in normal voices.

"Can't it wait till morning?" Addy rubbed her eyes as he shut the dorm door behind them.

"No, it can't. C'mon." he attempted to pull her away.

"Alright, let me at least get dressed first-"

"No, we need to go now." his tone wasn't urgent as his words were, but Addy listened.

"Fine. I'll just get my sweater, it's freezing-"

Harry quickly tugged off his own sweater, ironically the grey one, and thrust it at Addy.

"Put it on. C'mon!" he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the common room.

"Where are we even going?" she whispered quietly as they crept through the halls.

He smiled, "You'll see."

He led her up a long staircase that spiraled around. Addy recognized it instantly, but didn't say a word until they made it up to the top.

The Astronomy Tower.

Addy had never been here at night; only for her Astronomy O.W.L examination, but it was stressful then.

The sky was pitch black above them with glittering stars distributed around. They shone brightly.

"Amazing isn't it?" Harry said.

"It is." Addy breathed, fascinated. She had never seen the sky so beautiful before.

"I wanted to take you here, since you've been pretty busy with organizing Quidditch practices in the last few months. I figured you deserved something nice."

Addy smiled at his words, "You didn't have to bring me here! I would've been fine with just a thank you."

"But that wouldn't be enough, now would it?" Harry kissed her cheek and led her over to the edge of the balcony where there was a small set of stairs. The two sat down, close to another.

"Times like these remind me of how much things can change." he spoke quietly, as he held her hand.

Addy looked up at him, "What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath, "Do you remember that prophecy that had my name on it? When we went into the Department of Mysteries back in June?"

When she nodded, he continued, "I talked to Dumbledore about it. The prophecy is about me and Voldemort. We have to battle each other. Neither of us can live while the other survives."

Addy was silent, taking in the words he said.

"Dumbledore's searching for a way to defeat him, but in the end, I'm the one that has to face him."

"Why am I not surprised?" Addy sighed.

"Me either." he shook his head and sadly smiled.

"So is it really true then? You're the Chosen One?"

Harry's face broke out into a proud grin, "I like when you call me that."

The tension moments ago melted away as Addy laughed. She rested her head against him and the two gazed up at the stars.

"It feels like something's going to change soon. I don't know what, but I can feel it." Addy spoke.

"It will." Harry whispered, "We just need to be prepared for when it comes."

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It was nearly four a.m. when Addy snuck back into her dorm. She hoped that everyone was asleep as she quietly creaked open the door. Luck wasn't on her side today.

Romilda was sitting up, glaring as she entered.

"Were you and Harry together?" she asked furiously, though she whispered because of the other sleeping girls.

"What makes you say that?" Addy crawled into her bed.

"I heard him come in earlier. Plus, you're wearing his sweater."

Addy looked down, realizing that she was still wearing it.

"What's it to you anyway?" she asked.

"You're probably are only dating Harry because he's all interesting now, isn't he?"

"I've fancied him since I was thirteen!" Addy couldn't believe her, "We've been dating since our fourth year! I stuck by him even when everyone treated him as an outcast last year. If anything, you only like him since he's famous now."

Romilda didn't have anything to argue back with. She knew that Addy was right.

Addy closed her curtains around her bed, and went to sleep, irritated.

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