18. gone.

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One morning, during breakfast, Addy could see Ron, Hermione, and Harry huddled up over a newspaper and glancing over at Addy worriedly. It wasn't anything new that Addy was the subject of their conversations, but their anxious glances concerned her.

"Miss. Aldaine." a voice called behind her. Addy turned to see Professor McGonagall with a grim expression, "I need to speak with you, privately."

Addy followed her out of the Great Hall. She caught Harry's eyes which were combined with a mixture of shock, anxiousness, and mournfulness.

"What's going on Professor?" Addy asked, concerned by McGonagall's and Harry's expressions.

"Miss. Aldaine, I'm so sorry to inform you about this. I'm assuming you won't take it well."

"What is it?"

She took a deep breath, "Your parents have been found dead early this morning. They have been killed by Death Eaters according to evidence."

Her parents were dead. This news barely registered to her.

"We have arranged a Portkey to the Weasley's house, where you will be staying as long as you wish during the funeral." McGonagall continued, quietly.

Her parents couldn't be dead. They just couldn't.

"Go pack your things and meet me by my office dear." McGonagall patted her shoulder, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Addy stumbled up to her dorm and absently put things into her trunk. She couldn't even comprehend that her parents were dead. This had to be a lie. Or a joke at least.

But she knew it wasn't. Her parents were gone.


Addy closed her trunk and sat on the edge of her bed for a moment. She was feeling no emotions. The only thing she wanted right now was a hug. A hug that would include the message of how everything would be okay and how the only thing to do was to move on.

She didn't even care who gave it to her. It could be Filch for all she cares.

But she wanted Harry.

She stood up and forced herself to return back to McGonagall's office. The hallways were empty at the moment, since most of the students were in their classes.

She half hoped to run into Harry, Hermione, and Ron into the hallways. She wanted their reassurance, though she probably didn't deserve it.

She finally arrived at McGonagall's office.

"The Portkey is here." she was saying, motioning to a woolen hat on her desk, "You will need to touch it in about five minutes. Please sit down."

Addy nodded and slumped into her chair. She spoke up, her voice shaking, "Why- why were my parents killed Professor?"

McGonagall was silent for a moment, "That is the intriguing part, I'm afraid. We don't know."

Addy nodded. Small tears streamed down her face as she said her goodbyes to McGonagall and touched the Portkey.

She wasn't sure what pushed the tears. She felt nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Before she knew it, the familiar Burrow appeared in front of her.

Mrs. Weasley had been standing outside. She wrapped Addy in a tight, reassuring hug immediately. She had gotten her wish.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she kissed her cheek, "We only found out just ten minutes ago!"

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