3. bloody day

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Readers of "Chase of Recovery" (a very old sequel to COD that's not published any longer) will recognize this chapter. I chose to take it out of my post-war era because I have a new concept and this chapter was really just a filler. Enjoy! Also, Harry and Addy live in Grimmauld Place, post-hogwarts. Also, some things may not make sense if you didn't read the old version of COD.

TW: Mentions of blood

He built a fire just to keep me warm

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He built a fire just to keep me warm

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Addy was laid across her bed, curled up into a fetal position. There was the intense pain that rippled through her core; period cramps.

They typically were manageable, something she could easily ignore. However, they had gotten worse over the progressing months, possibly from the stress.

She sharply inhaled when she felt a pinch in her abdomen, lasting for more than five seconds. Immediately after it faded, another one came.

Then another. She felt her insides trying to consume her with the pain, trying to take over.

Addy turned on her side hoping to ease the agony she was in. Her hands gripped the pillow tightly, her knuckles nearly turning white.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on soothing her breathing.

Inhale once. Hold it for a moment. Exhale once.


She winced as another painful twinge raptured through her core. She was practically paralyzed with the aching; she was afraid of even moving.

Harry wasn't here currently; he was out buying pads for her in Diagon Alley. Harry had been gone for over an hour, meaning that he was bound to return soon.

Her periods made her more stubborn and cross than usual, she could be found yelling over the simplest things or having a meltdown whenever something didn't go right.

He was smart enough not to agitate her.

The sound of the front entrance opening and closing from downstairs rang through the silence of the house, indicating that Harry had returned.

She didn't move, laying motionless as she heard the familiar footsteps nearing the bedroom.

The door creaked open and revealed a cautious Harry emerging in as quietly as he could. He was carrying a bag, presumably containing the pads she needed.

"Hey, Adds." he whispered, approaching the bed, "I wasn't sure which ones to buy but- fuck, are you alright?"

His eyes had widened in her state as he set down the bag, watching her concernedly.

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