45. harry's sacrifice.

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The four were silent as they rushed back to Hogwarts. The campus was quiet.

"Where did everyone go?" Ron asked. Hermione pointed to the Great Hall.

"I think in there."

The four walked in. The Great Hall were full of many people. Madam Pomphrey was rushing around with several other students, tending to the injured.

The dead were laid in the center. Something she saw made her blood run cold.

The Weasley's were huddled around a body. Getting a closer look, she could see who it was.

Fred Weasley.

Ron let out a sob and rushed over to his family, crying over his brother's body. George looked like he had no more tears to shed. Hermione went to go give Ginny a hug. She looked numb.

Beside Fred, laid two other bodies.

Tonks and Lupin.

"No." Addy didn't want to believe this. She let go of Harry's hand and dropped beside their bodies. They looked peaceful, as if they were only sleeping. But she knew better.

She looked up at Mrs. Weasley who had been watching the three bodies carefully, tears staining her eyes.

"Are they- are they?"

Mrs. Weasley nodded, "Yes."

Tears flooded her face as she struggled to breathe. She couldn't lose them now. She had already lost too many people. She didn't need any more.

Tonks had been there for her when her parents practically disowned her. She had been there for her when her parents were dead. Addy wasn't sure how she could live without her. Tonks had helped her find the light in the dark.

Through her tears, Addy could see many other familiar bodies. Lavender was amongst one of them. Along with Colin Creevey. He was underage, so he must've snuck in to fight.

Looking over at the mourning people, she realized she couldn't see Harry where she'd left him. She glanced back over at Tonks, Lupin, and Fred and stood up.

She made her way to Hermione and Ron who had been in a tight embrace.

"Where's Harry?" she asked.

"Dunno, we thought he was with you." Ron pulled away and wiped his tears.

"We need to find him. I hope he isn't thinking of turning himself in." Hermione whispered. The three exited the Great Hall.

They weren't in the mood to search the entire castle. Every moment they walked was a moment wasted. They settled by a staircase. Addy recognized it to be the very one she had walked down on during the Yule Ball. So many things had changed then. They had lost so many people along the journey.

Ron and Hermione sat down, close together. They whispered reassuring words to another, holding hands.

Addy paced in front of them, her thoughts racing. She was terrified that Harry had already decided to turn himself in. She needed to find him, to talk to him at least one last time.

She noticed movement above Hermione and Ron. She could see Harry standing at the top of the stairs, watching the three, numbly.

He slowly walked down. He looked burdened. He looked as if he fully understood something.

"Harry!" Hermione stood up from the steps, noticing him as well, "We thought you might've left! We thought you might've turned yourself in!"

Harry took a deep breath and was silent for a moment. His gaze travelled over to Addy, allowing her to see the emotions his eyes portrayed.

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