47. reflections.

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Addy was up on the Astronomy Tower, watching the sun set over the balcony.

After Voldemort had been defeated, people celebrated all night. She needed a break from the excitement and decided to be alone.

She glanced around her surroundings. She remembered how over a year ago, Harry had snuck her out of bed to gaze at the stars. She remembered how he broke up with her in the same spot.

He hadn't expressed wanting to get back together yet. He was busy conversing with many Ministry officials. Even Hermione and Ron hadn't gotten the opportunity to speak with him much.

Addy wanted to be happy to start a new revolution, but she couldn't just move on. She left her parents behind. She didn't want to go without them.

The death of Tonks, Lupin, and Fred also held her back. She couldn't believe people so good could suffer such a terrible fate. Tonks and Lupin had left their child, an orphan. Harry was Teddy's godfather, but no one expected their untimely deaths.

"It's nice isn't it?" a voice called behind her. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

Harry approached and leaned against the railing beside her, watching the sun set.

"It is nice." she murmured back.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, giving her a sideways glance.

"What do you mean?"

"Now that Voldemort is gone. I defeated the person that killed my parents. I hoped that something would happen. Like somehow, my parents would-" he trailed off, flushing embarrassedly.

"Like they would come back to life." Addy sadly smiled into the distance, "I thought the same thing. But I knew the chances of that were slim."

Harry nodded and followed her gaze, which was facing the familiar forest path the two used to walk on.

"I always loved that forest. Ever since you showed it to me. We've always had- er- fun walking down there." he flushed slightly, referring to the countless snog sessions that had taken place whenever they would leave Hogsmeade after a date.

"Me too. I'll always thank Hagrid for showing it to us." she gained flashbacks from the memories.

They stood in silence for many more minutes.

"I broke up with you here. In the Astronomy Tower." Harry sadly shook his head, "I don't know why I did it."

"Me either." as much as she wanted to get back together with him, something in her didn't want to ruin what they had now. She didn't want to go back into a wonderful relationship, only to lose it again. The night at the cottage confirmed it.

"I should go." Addy turned away and began to make her way out of the Astronomy Tower. Harry looked disappointed.

She barely made it over to the stairs when he called out.

"I love you."

Those words were enough to make her stop and turn around. Those words somehow made her heart skip a beat. Those words made her excited, nervous, and giddy, all at once.

Harry looked anxious, but pushed himself to continue.

"I love you, I really do. I didn't say it just because I was about to die. I loved you ever since I met you, whether I knew it or not. Remember when I told you I fancied you in my first year?"

Addy nodded and he continued, "It's true. I've always been mad about you. I could never get you off of my mind. You were all I thought of every single day. You were an amazing Quidditch player, so smart, pretty, and just an amazing person to be around."

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