12. quidditch & celebrations.

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On the morning of their Quidditch match, Ron was acting really confident. He claimed he wasn't nervous at all for the game, since he had played so well in their last match.

"Cocky, are we?" Addy mumbled as he confidently strutted into the locker room.

"Alright everyone!" Harry called for the team's attention, "We've already got a good season this year. If we win this match, we'd be in the running for the Quidditch World Cup!"

"Right, so play the best you can today. Ravenclaw has gotten to be a very good team this year." Addy announced.

The team all nodded and flew outside to the field.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and the game begun.

Addy caught the Quaffle quickly and began to duck and weave around the players. She made her first shot instantly.

"There's Addy Aldaine. She's very nice and a good player. She just scored a goal." a familiar voice came through the intercom. It didn't belong to Lee Jordan, the previous announcer however, he graduated. It belonged to the one and only Luna Lovegood.

Ron managed to save as many goals as Addy made. He was a good player now that he had confidence on his side.

Addy was zipping past the field. She passed the Quaffle over to Ginny who effortlessly caught it. Addy continued to fly over to the Slytherin's goal post, where Ginny threw the Quaffle back at her.

Addy aimed towards the goal and scored.

After about twenty minutes into the game, Harry caught the Golden Snitch. Cho Chang was the Ravenclaw Seeker, so Addy was pleased that Harry had gotten it before she did.

Cho had kissed Harry before Christmas last year, so Addy had a feud against her.

Gryffindor won the match, thanks to Ron's score keeping and Addy's score goaling.

"Great job everyone!" Addy exclaimed as the team regrouped in the locker room.

"Did you see the look on Cho Chang's face after she realized Harry caught the snitch." Ginny snickered.

"Yeah, it was priceless." Ron joined them.

Harry slipped an arm around her shoulders, "Let's go back to the common room to celebrate."

A party had taken place in the common room. It wasn't as wild as the one last year, hosted by Fred and George, but it was still exciting.

Addy and Harry were sitting on the staircase, chatting, towards the end of the night.

There was a large group of students playing Truth or Dare with a truth telling serum. Addy and Harry were both smart enough to not join in.

Ron was standing near the two and watching Dean and Ginny.

"What does he see in her?" he asked.

Harry shrugged, "Dunno. She has nice skin."

When Addy raised a brow at him he chuckled and kissed her, "Don't worry. You have the nicest skin."

Ron gagged at the two and went to join the game.

"Are you tired?" Harry asked her when she rested her head on his shoulder.

She yawned, "A little, but I can stay up for a while longer."

Romilda Vane's voice rang out loudly, "Dean, truth or dare?"

"Dare I guess." Dean's voice answered back. Romilda looked around the common room, her eyes landing on Addy and Harry.

"Dean, I dare you to kiss Addy." Romilda's eyes narrowed. Gasps emerged from the Gryffindor's. They often dared people to kiss, but only with people who were single.

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