46. the end of an era.

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The sun was starting to rise. It had been nearly an hour since Harry left. Addy looked out the broken walls of the school and saw a large group of Death Eaters marching towards the school. Many people got up from their seats and rushed outside to see the commotion.

She wasn't sure if she would be as curious as them. That had drained out along with her will to live.

Hagrid was walking with the Death Eaters, carrying a body. He was sobbing. Addy prayed that the body wasn't who she thought it was, but she already knew deep down.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort announced happily. He looked around the crowd as if he were expecting a compliment of some sort. He didn't get one.

Addy knew this was going to happen, yet the words caught her by surprise. She tried to run over to Voldemort, grief running through her veins. She made a movement to pull out her wand. She didn't care if she had to Avada Kedevra him. She didn't care if she had to kill everyone there. He killed Harry, their only hope for finding their way out of this war. Her true love.

She felt arms hold her back from doing anything however. Hermione and Ron both had a little difficultly to keep her in place, but managed to do so.

"LET ME GO!" she struggled against their arms. She was surprised at how calm the two were. Their best friend's body was right in front of them, but they were silent.

"Addy, you can't it's too dangerous." Hermione whispered, "Please don't do anything. We can't lose you too now. Please."

Addy didn't even know what she was going to do. Hermione's words cut deep into her. She wanted to hurt the noseless man and make him feel remorse for what he did. She wanted to hurt every single person standing behind him except for Hagrid. They all caused this. They were the reason Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Harry and the others was dead. They were the reason Harry suffered his whole life. They were the reason why her parents were dead.

Addy finally stopped struggling and looked over at Harry's unconscious body. His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful. She would never see his beautiful, bright green eyes gazing at her again.

Harry was gone.

She would never see him again. She would never kiss him, hug him, or tell him how much she loved him. He was gone.

At least he was finally reunited with his parents again.

"Now, who would like to join us?" Voldemort asked, gesturing to the Death Eaters beside him. No one moved. It was a long, still silence. Mostly everyone had their gaze fixed in Harry's body.

The boy who lived, no longer lived.

Voldemort then noticed Draco Malfoy, who was standing behind Luna in the crowd.

"Ah. Draco. Come here." Voldemort motioned to him.

Draco looked torn. He anxiously glanced between the Death Eaters and his fellow classmates. No one made a move to tell him to stay. Addy was about to speak up, but found it hard to even say a word. She wasn't sure if she could ever speak again without her love.

Lucius Malfoy quickly whispered over the silence, "Draco, come."

The teen blonde looked around at the people surrounding him. No one made a move to stop him. He reluctantly trudged up to join Voldemort, who gave him an awkward, cold hug.

"Anyone else?" Voldemort asked when they finally broke apart.

From behind Addy, Neville limped forward. Voldemort's group laughed.

"I'm sure we can find some place for you in our ranks." Voldemort chuckled at him, clearly degraded by the fact that no one else volunteered.

"I'm not going to join you." Neville spoke admirably, "Harry is not dead, he still lives within all of us." he motioned towards everyone, "And we're going to keep fighting!"

Voldemort seemed displeased by Neville's response and set the Sorting Hat on his head, injuring him.

At that moment during the chaos, Harry leaped out of Hagrid's arms, apparently alive and well.

Relief poured through Addy. She nearly collapsed into Hermione and Ron's arms. Harry had the ability to escape death, it was a trait of his. He was still known as the Boy Who Lived. Ron and Hermione laughed beside her, both sporting huge smiles that had tension seeping out.

"He's alive." Addy couldn't help but smile, "He's alive."

She would see his eyes again. Her love was alive.

The hope that had temporarily died out, returned even stronger than before.

"POTTER!" Addy looked and saw Draco Malfoy throw his wand at Harry who caught it.

Hermione and Ron had shocked expressions on their faces, but Addy wasn't as surprised. She knew deep down that Draco really wasn't bad. He was just a person who made all the wrong choices. This was his first right one.

"C'mon!" Ron roared over the sound of Death Eaters shooting spells at people who were fighting back, "We've got to kill of the snake!"

Hermione, Ron, and Addy left the battle and found the snake, slithering up and down the stairs.

Addy crept up behind it and was about to strike it with the basilisk fang that was handed by Ron, but had to back away when the snake cornered her against a wall. She watched as Hermione and Ron were in a quick conversation as the snake began to follow them down the stairs.

"Hermione, I have to tell you something." Ron breathed quickly as Addy joined them.

"Don't tell me. I'd rather you save it for a better time." Hermione quickly served to avoid the snake.

Addy tried again to strike the snake but failed. The snake began to corner Ron and Hermione against a pile of rubble. Ron held Hermione tightly,

She tried to rush over to her friends, but she could tell it was too late. Just as the snake was about to strike at the two, a clang of metal sounded.

Addy turned to see Neville carrying the sword of Gryffindor. He slashed it against the snake, which fell to the floor, dead.

The last and final horcrux was gone.

Addy quickly ran outside where a crowd was forming. Harry and Voldemort were in a duel, but Voldemort's powers were weakening quickly. Harry shot one last spell towards his enemy, and before she knew it, he was gone.

Voldemort was forever destroyed.

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Voldy Moldy's gone back into the grave.

Fun fact, I share a birthday with him; December 31!

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