15. why, harry?

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This one shot is after Harry broke up with Addy and how she deals with the grief. (also don't complain if this "gives you a spoiler" because you should probably read the actual version of COD like I stated in the introduction :)

 (also don't complain if this "gives you a spoiler" because you should probably read the actual version of COD like I stated in the introduction :)

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You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed

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After the longest, most fragmented moment, Addy mustered up the courage to mumble a feeble goodbye to Harry as she turned away from him and the sunset.

Her descend down the Astronomy Tower was foggy. Everything hurt; her head, her chest, her heart.

Addy squeezed her eyes shut as the hot tears trickled down her cheeks, and she dug her teeth into her lower lip while swallowing thickly to suppress the sobs that stubbornly wouldn't go away.

It was unexpected; she thought that she would leave the Tower with Harry, knowing that things would change around them but his love for her wouldn't. She was wrong.

Why, Harry?

She couldn't stand the pain, which framed her vision like a vignette and spun the world in circles before her sight. The shadows of the absent sun drowned her slowly moving figure as she entered the hallways.

Addy loved him so much. His delicate whispers of how beautiful she was and caring for her when she needed him was all fake. Unreal, artificial, insincere, deceitful.

He betrayed her. She thought every winsome word he murmured into her ear was true, before she realized he lied about everything.

Why, Harry?

Addy barely realized when she arrived at the Gryffindor common room, ignoring the absence of the Fat Lady, who was busy mourning over Dumbledore's death.

She ducked her head to avoid meeting anyone's eyes, fully aware of how packed it was. It was hoped by her that it would be empty to bless her with the time alone, but she had to face the wolves at some point.

"Addy, is everything alright?" Ginny asked worriedly, approaching her, "Are- are you crying?"

She stared down at her shoes, shrugging. She felt small and stepped on. She felt hideous.

There was a hand on her shoulder then, gently guiding her away from the eager eyes and towards the staircases of the girls' dormitories. Addy couldn't breathe.

Ginny cautiously watched her, alarmed by the state she saw her in as she glared at the gawkers and kept close.

They arrived in Addy's dorm, and she instantly dove towards her bed, burying her face into the pillows as her sobs finally escaped. They were loud and heart wrenching.

She heard Ginny cast a silencing charm on the room to avoid anyone else from hearing as she whispered to someone by the door. It was Hermione, she was able to make out.

Addy was hyperventilating as her tears dampened the bed, and all the emotions she'd felt on the Astronomy Tower finally made a jailbreak and was causing wreak and havoc. She couldn't breathe.

Why was he doing this? Why doesn't he love her?

Was it that she was too clingy, or stupid for crying over everything? Or was it the fact that no one would ever love someone so idiotic like her?

She felt the mattress sink down slightly as Hermione and Ginny seated themselves on either side of her. It was obvious they were hesitating whether to say something or not.

"Addy, what happened?" Hermione whispered, patting her back, "Something's clearly wrong-"

"H-Harry broke up with me." the words could barely be heard over her chokes.

Addy hid her face into the pillows as she sobbed harder, gripping the sheets and tearing them.

It hurt even more to say out loud.

"What!" Ginny exclaimed in shock, "He broke up with you?"

"Why would he do such a thing!" Hermione declared, sounding worried, "It doesn't sound like him, so he must have a valid reason."

"I-I dunno." Addy sniffed, her voice trembling, "Harry said that he- he-"

"He, what?" questioned Ginny.

She squeezed her eyes shut, "He said that he d-doesn't love me."

Another round of tears were shed as she reenacted the event from just minutes ago. She couldn't think about it without feeling her heart twisting and aching her chest. There was a heavy stone set upon her.

It was after that very day, everyone knew that it was the end of Harry Potter and Adelaide Stone.

Why Harry?

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I didn't include Addy's grief in COD because I didn't want too many chapters, and kind of wanted to skip ahead of the sadness :)

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