2. [sirius]ly

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This one shot used to be a simple filler, but I decided to actually include it into COD! I didn't feel like deleting this tho so here we are (:

This one shot used to be a simple filler, but I decided to actually include it into COD! I didn't feel like deleting this tho so here we are (:

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Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs

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Addy was seated in front of the fire, on the common room couch. It was late at night, so no one was around except for her.

The quietness should've been reassuring to her, but it wasn't. There was a certain dark shadow that loomed over her body, following each way she went.

She had a nightmare. It was about the third Triwizard Task.

Every time Addy closed her eyes, Harry's dead body flashed beneath her lids dangerously. They became more and more vivid no matter how hard she tried to shake the image from her mind.

Not able to sleep, she came down here to the common room, needing a distraction. The final task was the next evening and that certainly did not help her nerves.

"What are you doing?"

The voice had startled her; it contrasted greatly with the thick silence.

Looking up, Harry was standing right before Addy, displaying a concerned look across his face.

She sensed her cheeks flaming at the sight of him; he was still in his pajamas with his hair messy strewn across his face.

"It's late? Why are you up?" he questioned again, his voice somewhat raspy on account of just waking up.

He seated himself beside her on the sofa, fiddling with his hands as he waited for a response. Merlin, now clearly wasn't the time to be blushing over him. There was more time for that later.

"I could ask you the same question." Addy finally whispered, leaning forward in her seat, "I thought you would want to be well rested for the task."

He shrugged, "I can't sleep. Nightmare."

"Same here."

They sat wordlessly for long moments that swirled around them like a breeze full of warmth. Addy reached over to hesitantly take his hand, requiring some sort of comfort after her dream.

He held onto hers tightly, gaze fixed into the fireplace. She didn't need to ask what was keeping him up; they had the same fear.

It had been precisely 3 months and 7 days since Harry had asked to be her boyfriend. She kept tally of the date without even realizing it. She found out recently he did the same.

In that time span, she discovered that they were much more similar than she thought. They could read each other's minds by just studying their expressions. It was like they had some sort of intuition that bound their commitment.

Their relationship was mostly the same as it had been ever since the Yule Ball. A bit of snogging here and there, hand holding, and teasing from the Weasley twins and Ginny.

The last couple of weeks were the best in Addy's entire life. She got to see another side of Harry no one else noticed, figuring out the surprises he had hidden inside.

At last, she tore her gaze away from the fireplace and to him, her eyes immediately finding his lips. He did the same, sitting up in his seat as he watched her own.

Addy's focus was just on him, paying no attention to the walls around her and to the one thing on her thoughts in the moment.

His eyes shone brighter than anything else in the room, captivating her just as they always would. They watched her tenderly, along with a certain crave.

She chose to lean in first, kissing him in reality rather than her imagination.

Their lips connected, moving slow yet passionately. His hand shifted up from his lap and to her waist, holding it firmly to bring her closer.

The sensation of his fingertips drumming amongst the hem of her shirt was alluring and attractive. She let out a soft gasp after sensing them graze the sliver of skin that showed.

One of her hands was located on the back of his neck, using it to pull him down to her height, needing the full potential of his mouth.

Her palm was pressed on his cheek, feeling the defined jawline with her fingertips as they stroked. She detected that her face was flushing against the firelight, but there was no reason to care.

He was the reason for her emotions to act up, and he knew it.

His hand moved to push against the small of her back, their legs compressed together as they pulled nearer. Every muscle of his was against her as they pressed even closer.

She had melted with his kiss, nothing in the world mattering in the moment. Any traces of aches and agony had dissolved faster than anything like it. His own troubles seemed to vanish as well as he brought his thumb and forefinger to angle her chin higher towards his face.

Harry was grinning as Addy's hands moved through his hair, gently weaving and tangling the dark locks that were silk against her skin.

Their little snog sessions had gotten more comfortable and easier to control after weeks of practice. She knew exactly what he liked and what his weak spots were while he knew hers.

Their secrets were revealed with each lip lock, laying on their skins for the other to take and manipulate, in a positive way.

"Get it, Harry! Whoo!"

Addy and Harry pulled away abruptly as possible, hearing the familiar voice cheer too loudly.

Sirius' head was visible in the fireplace, whistling and hooting at the couple. He certainly had been there for a while.

"Nice. I see you picked up some skills from your dad, then." he smirked, as the two got up from the couch embarrassedly.

"Shut up." Harry muttered through gritted teeth, his face reddening deeply as he stared down at the ground.

They knelt beside the fire, both equally annoyed by their interruption.

"And you, Addy, are a natural kisser. I had no idea you could find his weak spots so easily-"

"Sirius, please." she mumbled embarrassedly, daring herself to not look up at anyone.

"I bet you'll both be experts when it comes to the skills in bed-"

"SIRIUS!" Harry bellowed loudly, "QUIET!"

His godfather grinned, "Sorry. I just wanted to check up on you before the final task tomorrow."

"I'll just leave you to at it then." Addy nodded as she stood from the floor, smiling uneasily at Harry.

He flushed back, his eyes practically shooting daggers towards Sirius' direction.

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