10. christmas at the burrow.

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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲 (𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭)

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On the late afternoon of Christmas Eve, Addy and Harry were outside in the snow, enjoying a stroll around the Burrow. The holidays had been mostly uneventful, other than the Weasley twin's usual mayhem.

The sky was a surprisingly beautiful shade of grey, admitting flakes of snow down onto their flushed faces. The surrounding trees were blanketed in shades of white, appearing to set the holiday tone. It was a somewhat chilly day, even in Harry's sweater, but she didn't mind it. Winter was one of her favorite seasons, being all jolly and wholesome. All of the wonderful emotions felt maximized, spreading across the two week absence from their schoolwork.

Addy and Harry were hand in hand, sauntering around the surroundings of the Burrow. His fingertips were warm against hers, softly moving down their lengths. Their wrists were linked, allowing her to feel the reassurance of his skin. Whenever she spoke, a smile was noticed forming on his lips as he watched her, his eyes gazing as if she outshone the beauty of the winter.

The snow crunched beneath their boots, their soles creating imprints into the powdery particles. Flakes landed into her hair and melted, leaving it to end up frizzier than when she first came outside. Harry would just smile at her attempting to tame her strands, then reach out to gently move it over her shoulders.

At one point, Addy turned her head back at the Burrow. They had circled in front and were slowly walking around the yard. She loved feeling that euphoric emotion in her stomach, just looking back at the house.

She suddenly felt something cold on the side of her face, startling her greatly. Addy reached up and felt the familiar substance cooling her skin.

It was a snowball.

Harry was grinning, and holding snow in his hand. He seemed the most amused by her reaction, raising a brow daringly.

"Really?" she scoffed. Addy knelt down to gather a large ball of snow in her hands, aiming it at him. She managed to target square at his neck, causing him to cringe from the sudden coldness.

He continued to pelt her with as much as snow he could carry. She too did the same, unable to cage the laughs from escaping her mouth. Soon, several throws emerged into a full blown snowball fight.

Harry effortlessly ducked and side stepped the snow, being the quick, agile Seeker he was. Meanwhile, Addy had the better aim, despite his attempts to avoid the balls, using her Chaser arm.

It was a perfect balance.

At one point, it seemed as if Addy was going to lose. Harry had gained lots of confidence with each duck and throw; whenever he was feeling good about himself, he could be unstoppable. An idea hatched in her mind as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" she exclaimed, the tip aimed at the ground. The snow around obeyed her command, rising into the air quickly. It hovered above for several long moments, the smirk on Harry's face quickly transforming into fear. That was the best reaction she saw from him all day, making her cackle evilly.

"You're scary sometimes you know that." he breathed, his eyes widened. He then made an attempt to reach into his pocket to pull out his wand, but ended up swearing under his breath.

"What's wrong, Potter? Scared to go against me?" Addy taunted, grinning widely. He seemed slightly turned on by her actions, a subtle smirk on his lips.

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