not good! He is calling for someone! .Chen Mingren hit him more and more fiercely. The wooden stick hit his body, and the other party just snorted a few times without frowning. His sickle couldn't block the wooden stick. He simply wouldn't resist it. The sickle in his hand It also brought many scars to Chen Mingren.

Bai Niannian looked behind the door and wished to replace him, Chen Mingren's injuries were all transferred to him.

He could only hold the wooden stick nervously and wait for Chen Mingren to make a gesture before jumping out.

Bai Niannian looked at them nervously, and could hear the chaotic footsteps of the group of people. Chen Mingren finally knocked off the opponent's sickle at this time and hugged the other party, "Nian brother, hurry up!"

Needless to say, Bai Niannian, who had been following them all the time, immediately jumped out, knocking a stick on the opponent's neck quickly and accurately.

"Brother Nian, go and close the door!".Chen Mingren covered his stomach and squatted down and ordered Nian'er. He didn't relax until Nian'er closed the door. When he hugged the opponent to prevent him from moving, he was hit in his stomach twice.

Bai Niannian helped him up and asked worriedly: "How are you now?"

"It's okay. I haven't been beaten for a long time. Just take it easy." Chen Mingren was at the bedside. This group of people had life on their hands. Like the veterans he had ever seen, their aura was much weaker than them. With a little more time, he can beat the opponent.

But his companion is coming soon. He has a sickle on his body. Who knows if other people will have knives on his body. Normally, he can hit four or five without a problem.

But these few people had obviously practiced, and there were lives in his hands. He didn't dare to drag him. The first time he stunned those two people smoothly, it was also because of their arrogance.

.The people outside pushed the door, but didn't open it. Bai Niannian leaned against the door and looked at them. The other party used a wire to open the door in the old way.

Both sides are concerned about other people. Bai Niannian is worried about waking up the three little guys, and worried that they will walk out of the room and be caught by them, but the other party is worried that waking up other people will increase their number, which is not good for them. .

Bai Niannian slowly put his hand on the wire, grabbed it abruptly, and then pulled both wires in by him.

There was a moment of silence outside, and then two more iron wires tremblingly poked in.

"What should I do now?" Bai Niannian threw the two wires aside and looked at Chen Mingren who was sitting on the bed thinking.

"Tie these three people together first, they won't be able to get in temporarily.Chen Mingren turned out a rope from the cabinet, tied the three people together like a zongzi, and threw them in the corner, worrying that they would talk to each other when they woke up and try to untie the rope. He took a quick rag and tore it into several pieces. Gagged their mouths.

"The door won't stop them for long." Bai Niannian went to move the door back horizontally. The people outside also thought about this problem. It is impossible to open the door with a wire!

They moved a little away, and the people inside could also move back. There was no movement outside. Hearing the slight footsteps, a few people left their door.

It seems that they are planning to go to another room and catch other people to threaten the people in the room. As long as one person is caught, they are not afraid that they will not come out.

.Bai Niannian put his hand on the door cross and looked at Chen Mingren inquiringly. He nodded and opened the door quickly. As expected, there were two tall men standing outside, looking at them with unkind faces. two.

"Is these two little white faces secretly calculating the second and third and the fourth? Damn, when they wake up, they must laugh at them severely. Even the little white face and the brother can't deal with it."

"Don't be impulsive, call the boss and them first."

"Fear of a fart! The thighs are not as big as my arms, so quickly solve that brother, I will go to the other man, I don't believe that the two of us can't beat these two weak chickens."

"Fifth, don't be careless."

"I got it." The male voice called the fifth child said, knowing it, but he didn't actually take them to heart.

.He walked towards them with a grinning face, "Boy, let's catch it with your hands! We are just asking for money and won't hurt you."

"Who can beg for mercy?!" Chen Mingren didn't want to be outdone, and said in a very low voice to the people behind him: "Brother Nian stays behind me, just look at the opportunity to come forward and help."

"Sixth, you see this kid still wants to beat two, hahaha! Hahaha!" The boss and the others have already gone to the room over there, keeping their pace. At this time, the people in the room have been controlled by them, even if It's okay to make a sound to wake them up.

Of course they had seen the topography of this house before they came, and it was quite far away from other houses, plus the sound of wind and snow outside, it really broke their throat and no one would come to rescue them.

"I am more than enough to deal with the two of you.".After speaking, Chen Mingren shot at them preemptively, and Bai Niannian stayed behind holding a wooden stick.

With eyes fixed on their fight, his man is really powerful, even if it is a dozen two.


He didn't know what he kicked with his feet. He looked down and found that it was a small jar. Thinking of something, he quickly lifted the lid of the jar and grabbed a handful of soybeans.

His quasi-head is good, hitting his face straight, his eyes interfering with the opponent's movements, Chen Mingren took advantage of his closing eyes and gave him a stick.

"Fifth, you hold him, I will solve the little brother over there."

With that said, the sixth child wanted to go to Nian'er, and planned to solve his trouble-making brother first.

"Your opponent is me." Chen Mingren stopped him and said.

.Bai Nian-nian's disturbing movements became faster and faster. He smashed a jar of soy beans in a short time. He put the jar aside, Bai Nian-nian stepped back, touched a row of jars in the corner, lifted the lid, and hugged it. Arms.

I stretched out my hand and grabbed it. It felt like mung beans. Most of the jars in the corner were mung beans, and some of them were yellow beans and red beans.

Bai Niannian hid behind Chen Mingren, smashing the beans one by one, making them unable to open their eyes.

"No, this kid is really annoying, call the boss and them to help." The old fifth was beaten with a few sticks on his body, bare-handed, and the bigger the bigger the more surprised.

This little white face looked thin and weak, and he was not big, but he was very good at hitting him, but the two of them couldn't help him.

.At this time, Chen Mingren smiled, and at the same time the movements in his hands became more and more fierce, "Nian brother, don't throw away, Shen Wei should be here soon."

"Impossible!" The old five and six thought that the boss hadn't come by this time, and had no idea. There were three people in the boss and his party, and there was no reason why they could not beat the others.

They all listened well before coming, three kids, three brothers, and two men. Except for one of them, Shen Wei, who might be more difficult to deal with, they should be able to subdue others soon.

What is going wrong now? The two people who entangled with Chen Mingren had already retreated.

[BL] Through the Small Days of FarmingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang