Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 8

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Alex laughs: Okay okay! You should go now
Jimmy: Yeah yeah I know the drill by now... See you next time?
Alex: Hah, if you can convince me first-
Alex stiffens up suddenly, his eyes no longer focused on Jimmy.
Jimmy: What's wrong?
Then Jimmy's turned to see what Alex was staring at. A chill shot throughout his body as Jimmy's eyes met Ben's. Oh shit.

Shit indeed, but a smart delinquent knows to run in shitty situations like this. Jimmy dashes towards the stairs, a door slams shut, presumably Alex's but there was no time to think just running. The footsteps behind him echoed throughout the stairwell and gave Jimmy a headache. It was a miracle that neither of the boys slipped. Once he reached the ground floor Jimmy practically flew out the building, onto the sidewalk and raced to an alleyway. The gangsters there had other ideas.
Jimmy: Move, angry redhead chasing me!
Gangster #1: Understandable
They made way and Jimmy was able to run to his motorcycle parked a block away.

Ben was delayed only because he was shocked, now he was searching everywhere for that bastard.
Ben: Hey, have you seen some tall ass bitch with orange hair?
Gangster #2: Ben? Yeah he went that way
Ben: Thanks!
And just then Jimmy sped by behind Ben on his motorcycle. Needless to say Ben needed to take a chill pill
Gerard holding a red bean ice cream: ... Dude, what the hell did I miss?
Jimmy could hardly breathe properly until he got home, which was in record time because he was speeding by way too much. It was a miracle he wasn't pulled over seventy times, however his relief was cut short when he saw a familiar face at his doorstep curled up in a ball and most certainly crying.
Jimmy awkwardly: Do you wanna come inside?
Alex: Yes
Jimmy makes sure his motorcycle is secure before tapping himself down until he could find his keys. While waiting Alex wipes aways his tears and wishes for tissue. At last Jimmy opens the door and they go inside, not before snatching a tissue box because man, Alex felt nasty. Jimmy lead them to a specific room, and Alex opted to sit on the floor instead of the 5 various kind of chairs sprawled around Jimmy's room.
Jimmy: So...
Alex wipes his nose: Don't. I, just... don't.
Jimmy: No talking got it, yes. Silence, I know how to shut up, yup.
Alex: Privacy.
Jimmy turns around before remembering he had a chair and sat on it facing a wall as Alex un-nasty-fied himself. That wasn't a word.
Alex sniffles: Okay you can look at me now
Jimmy spins his spinny chair around but pushed too hard and made a circle before looking back at Alex.
Jimmy: So...
The open window let in the moonlight making Alex look pathetic in a wet cat way.
Jimmy: ... Wanna, talk about... that
Alex thinks: ...
Alex: No
Jimmy: Then, what do you want to do?
Alex: I just wanna, sleep
Jimmy: Yeah that's cool, uh. Let me make sure my sheets are-
Jimmy: Yeah no
Jimmy hastily takes off the sheets but Alex could see the cartoonish cars on them.
Alex: Nerd
Jimmy embarrassed: Shut up!
Alex: ...
Jimmy: Wait I didn't mean-
Alex: No
Jimmy: Bitch 😒
Jimmy continued changing his crusty ass sheets while Alex looks around the cramped room. It was cozy in a way only a man who plays video games way too much would enjoy.
Alex: Not to be rude but your room is pretty plain
Jimmy: Sorry that I live with my parents half the week?
Alex: Oh ouch I'm hurt 🙄 😒
Jimmy: There, now it is proper for us to sleep on
Alex: Great
Instead of being normal and getting up Alex went into frog position and leap frogged his way up to the bed.
Jimmy: What is wrong with you
Alex: Cuddles
Jimmy: Huh
Alex: Now
Jimmy: Okay.
Jimmy got into the bed and pulled the blankets over them before settling his arm over Alex.
Jimmy: Now what
Alex: Close your eyes and pass out
Jimmy: Damn
Alex: I am in emotional distress
Jimmy: I mean, fair enough

How long has it been now? A minute? Five? An hour? Jimmy laid there awake watching Alex's sleeping back breathe rhythmically. One, two, one, two. Jimmy's eyelids close another centimeter, not wanting to lose sight of Alex yet. It was silent, the deadest pat of the night was upon them. Jimmy's weary eyes finally gave up and closed at last.
Jimmy wakes up first, and sits up quickly realizing someone is very much in his bed.
Alex: ... Give back the blanket
Jimmy was stunned for one second too long so Alex forcefully took the blanket back. Jimmy shakes his head before getting out of his bed.
Jimmy: Stay here
Alex: Yeah yeah
Alex yawns before rolling to the other side of the bed to cocoon himself. Jimmy carefully tip toed out of his untasteful room and closed the door behind him before starting his search for any leftover family members. At last he is satisfied and returns to the room and nearly screamed when he saw a round thing sitting up.
Jimmy: Oh my god, I thought you were a monster
Alex: I bet you say that a lot when you look in the mirror
Jimmy: Oh so now you're awake
Alex: Depends...
Jimmy: ...
Jimmy: Do you want... breakfast?
Alex bursts out of the cocoon: Absolutely
Jimmy unconsciously smiles, although it came out as a smirk
Alex: I swear to god if this was a head joke
Jimmy: What, no no, I would never- unless-
Alex: Unless my ass
Alex: Now where's your kitchen
Jimmy led Alex to his kitchen.
Jimmy: We got, cereal, fruit; maybe, and uhhh, nothing else I guess.
Alex: Booo
Jimmy: How dare you insult my breakfast options in *my* house?
Alex: Sorry 😒
Jimmy: Speaking of which how did you find my house?
Alex: You're asking this now????
Alex: You literally sent your address to me
Jimmy: I did???
Alex: Yeah
Jimmy: Dang
Alex: Bruh
Alex: That's like, dangerous
Jimmy shrugs: Probably
Jimmy: Anyways, I have my side job to get to so if you don't mind judging me faster that would be great.
Alex: Are you doing my apartment again?
Jimmy: If we meet again I would consider it fate~
Alex looks at him with disgust before slowly taking a banana for the road.
Alex: Well, as much... "fun" this is I rather not be alone in your house
Jimmy: That's understandable, but are you going to be okay?
Jimmy noticed that Alex stiffened at that before relaxing again.
Alex: Yeah I'll be fine. It's about time I have a talk with Ben anyways.
Jimmy: I want to help but...
Alex: Yeah that's not going to end well
Jimmy: Yeah
Alex: For you
Jimmy: You are such a-
Alex: Ah ah ah, if you want to be put in a better light to be my fuck buddy then you better behave~
Jimmy: ... Damn
Alex smirks before straightening his clothes out and started texting on his phone, which was probably on low battery by now.
Alex mockingly salutes: Later Jimmy
He walks out the door, banana in one hand, and phone in the other before directing himself to the nearest bus to get back home.
Jimmy: Welp, time to get ready for mindless busy work

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