Homies being homos (Jimmy x Jack)

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This is old, so the wording might seem off.
Ben and Alex: Being bros
Jimmy: That could be us but I have internalized homophobia
Jack: Are you good?
Jimmy: Me? No, yeah no I'm fine.
Jack: ...
Jack: Do you wanna go stargazing with me at the park? Or wherever.
Jimmy looking back: Sure, why not? I know a place.
Bitches be like, I know a place and take you to a seaside cliff in their red convertible with the broken roof stuck so the car doesn't have a roof-
They're chilling on the hood of the car like they're in a teen movie
Jimmy: Isn't this supposed to be for a guy and a girl?
Jack: No, stargazing is for everyone, no one owns the sky.
Jimmy: Fair.
Then Jack attempts to hold Jimmy's hand
Jimmy: What are you doing?
Jack, slightly panicking: I'm cold, but I don't think you would want to hug me.
Jimmy sitting up: Then why didn't you say anything?
Jimmy hands over his long coat to Jack
Jack, now warm and not just from the jacket: Thanks.
Jimmy laying back down: No problem, but I didn't think you'd be cold in this weather.
It's a mild temperature out there-
They gaze up at the stars in silence, and Jack looks over only to see Jimmy's eyes meet his
Jack: What.
Jimmy: You look good in my jacket.
Jack flustered: Oh, well uh, you look nice as well
Then he notices that Jimmy is wearing a short sleeve t-shirt that nicely shows off Jimmy's muscles, gay 💯
They go quiet again, this time their hands are close to each other but never touching the whole time, and whenever Jack glances over Jimmy is always staring back.
Jack: I thought we came out here to see the stars.
Jimmy: We did...
Jack noticing how Jimmy seemed nervous to continue on: Should we head back then? We've been out here for a while.
Jimmy: Oh, yeah, we should..
They both get up but Jimmy goes to the back to get something.
Jack: Whatcha doing?
Jimmy bringing out a beanie: It's going to be a windy drive, and since you're cold you should wear this.
Jimmy places the beanie on Jack's head for him and when they make eye contact Jimmy freezes.
Jimmy: You know, it's not fair you look better in my clothes than I do.
Jack getting flustered again: I'm sure I don't look that nice.
Jimmy gets in the driver's seat and they go back to the city
Jimmy: Do you believe me when I compliment or praise you?
Jack: ... I do.
Jimmy: Do you believe it when others do the same?
Jack: This is a pretty heavy topic.
Jimmy: Are you going to answer?
Jack: No...
Jimmy: That's fine.
Jack leans back into the car seat and falls asleep, when he wakes up they're at a gas station.
Jimmy who just finished putting gas in the car: Oh hey you're awake.
Jack blearily rubbing his eyes: Yeah no duh.
Jimmy: So are you going to tell me your address or am I taking you to my place tonight?
Jack getting flustered but straight-splain it away: I'll drive.
Jack takes off the beanie because he felt too warm.
Jimmy: ... You look good with your hair like that.
Jack immediately looks in the rear-view mirror getting embarrassed: What's with all the compliments tonight?
Jimmy: Do you not like it?
Jack: Well no but-
Gas station employee: What the fuck are you two doing?
They glare at the extra but they quietly get in their respective seats and Jack drives them off. When they arrive at his place he smoothly parks and gets out of the car.
Jack takes off the jacket: Thanks for hanging out with me tonight.
Jimmy taking the jacket: No problem, I like hanging out with you Jack.
Jack hesitating but ends up giving a forehead kiss to Jimmy before running inside his house. Jimmy is left blushing furiously but gets out as calmly as he can and goes around the back of the car and prys something blinking off
Jimmy: Shit, that fucker put a tracker on us.
He carefully moves it to the front seat and gets in the driver's seat and called the only person he knew that could help with this, Donald
Donald picks up at the third ring: What the actual fuck do you want?
Jimmy: Someone put a tracker on my car.
Donald: ... Are you kidding me?
Jimmy: No, I think it's from the person that works the night shift at xxx station.
Donald: Holy shit Jimmy, what the hell did you do this time?
Jimmy can hear tapping of a computer: Nothing, I literally just put gas, you can ask Jack tomorrow.
Donald: Jack? Oh don't tell me..
Jimmy: He didn't know about the tracker. He's already home.
Donald: Crap, bring it over to the union's building.
Jimmy: Thanks Donald.
Donald: Is that all?
Jimmy: How's Kingsley doing?
Donald: ... What?
Jimmy: Well I can hear a laptop, and someone else breathing, who else would have a laptop next to the bed?
Donald: Bruh, literally anyone.
Jimmy: Oh, then are you going to tell me who's sleeping over?
Donald: ... No, it's none of your business.
Jimmy: I know, anyways I'm here
Donald: Kay, come up.
Jimmy was met with Kingsley at the top floor
Jimmy: Wow, you're already here?
Kingsley: ... I live nearby.
Jimmy: Anyways, here's the tracker.
Kingsley takes it and inserts it into his laptop: Oh, you really were being tracked.
Jimmy: Yeah, but I swear I didn't do anything wrong this time.
Donald walking in yawning, his hair wild: You know 3 am you is pretty self-aware for someone whose ego is bigger than their iq.
Jimmy: I've been seeing a therapist...
Alright, so they figure that out and then all that is left is to get rid of the person himself.
Donald calling: Hey Jake you down with murder?
Jake: No ❤️ hangs up
Donald scoffing: Rude, let me try Dean
Jimmy: Why Dean?
Donald: Well I don't know, why do you think Kingsley and I stay here late at night?
Jimmy: You're staying overtime because we do our jobs poorly?
Donald: That's true but like-
Jimmy: This probably happens a lot since there's a lot of clothes in that walk-in closet that don't look like yours.
Donald thinks to himself, what kind of hetero washing is this?
Donald realizes the call has been picked up: Hey Dean, you there?
Eunchan: Dean is baked right now so call again later! Bye bye.
Donald: What the actual hell.
Jimmy: Are we actually going to kill this guy?
Donald: Maybe, I would call Wolf but I know he sleeps with do not disturb on.
Jimmy: And why do you know that?
Donald: This isn't the first time someone's been tracked.
Jimmy: Really?
Donald: Yeah, but mostly for dumb reasons. Jake could've taken care them easily but the reasons were so stupid.
Jimmy: What the actual fuck is wrong with people.
Donald: A lot of things, I mean, being homophobic is so outdated.
Jimmy tensed up: That is a lame reason.
Soon there was an alert that someone entered the building.
Donald: Ah, the bitch is here already? How odd.
They look at the camera and lo behold, the gas station employee was there with some sort of pipe.
Donald: He looks boring, but why did he have a tracker on him?
Jimmy: Should I fight him?
Donald: Sure, you are the target anyways
Jimmy beats that fool's ass no problem while Donald got information he wants, destroys a government faction with the union by the next month, and no one's none the wiser.
Random Blurbs
Jake: Kiss me hottie
Eunchan: Kiss me first
Dean: Shut the fuck up, right now
Jake: You think I'm being tracked?
Dean looking at Jake covered in like, 20 different trackers: Do I really need to answer that?
Jack: My type is someone mildly attractive with a caring personality that understands how I am.
Jimmy stubs his toe in the background: Fuck!
Jack: I want that one.
Eunchan: 😮
So date #2 is when Jimmy is dancing by himself to pop music and Jack just walks in and Jimmy is startled but just makes Jack dance with him and then he makes Jack dinner, no questions why he showed up, then Jack is like
Jack: You know, this is pretty nice for a second date
Jimmy pausing from eating: What did you just call our hangout time-
Jack dying from embarrassment: Jakhsndhs
Jimmy holding his head: Holy shit, if you had told me this was a date I would've taken you out
Jack: As in a beating or-
Jimmy interrupting: To the fucking whatcha call it, boardwalk?
Jack: Wh, huh.
Jimmy blushing: It's too late anyways, ah shit.
Jack: You know just having dinner with you is fine-
Jimmy turning to look Jack in the eyes: And you would really think I would beat you? I already knew that you liked men and shit.
Jack shocked: You did?
Jimmy: Yeah, you go all glassy eyed when you see some attractive guy.
Jack: I do?
Jimmy: Yeah, I'm not that dumb to not know you have a crush on me
Jack: 🙂 Ahah-
So now you know the origins of the beginning of Pspsps...

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