Get It Kenny

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Jake: You know, although my brother is an ex-delinquent I think he deserves a chance to go to college, you know?
Dean: You're right, but there are several problems
Jake twaddles his fingers: Well money shouldn't be an issue
Dean sighs: His grades Jake, and the test scores
Jake: ... Well it's better to go to a bad college than no college at all
Dean: Are you sure?
Jake: No, but I want to do something for him. If he ends up getting rejected, nothing will change and if he gets accepted...
Dean: Does he even want a major outside of physical education?
Jake: It's just a what if
Dean: You need his permission you know
Jake: That's why we're keeping this a secret
Dean: We? Nope, count me out
Jake: That's too bad
There was something cold in the air for a spilt second before Jake said cheerfully
Jake: I thought friends encouraged each other to do stupid stuff!
Maybe it was just Dean's imagination
Dean sighs again: You already sent it out didn't you
Jake: Hehehe
Kenny gets home from who knows where and arrives to a Jake sitting on the couch.
Kenny: Hello!
But something is wrong, Jake's hands were shaking while holding onto some sheet of paper, a badly cut open envelope lay on the coffee table Jake was leaning over
Kenny: Hey, if you keep bending like that you'll snap your back
Jake mumbles: .,. can't do that
Kenny: Hm?
Jake looks up, his eyes were wide and his smiling face wasn't there. Something happened, but what?
Jake: Have you ever, thought about going to college?
Kenny lied through his teeth: Well not really
Jake seemed to calm down his nerves, but he didn't seem happy just yet.
Jake: So you have?
Kenny: Have what?
Jake: You've thought about it
Kenny: Only for a moment, but it didn't seem worth it seeing as my grades are bad and my leg is like this
Jake sets down the paper, face down. Kenny notes this in his head.
Jake: Well apparently this college doesn't care
Kenny lost his calm composure: What?
Jake smiles at last, but it's obvious he was faking it
Jake: There's a college that wants you
Kenny stunned: I, but I, are you serious?
Jake nods: Yeah
Kenny holds his head: Okay wow
Jake: Now what?
Kenny looks up: Well I-
Kenny: Hey wait
Kenny: I never applied to colleges
Jake: My bad
Kenny: What about essays? College exams? Referrals? I don't remember making a portfolios how-
Jake: Yeah, that was a bit tricky but exam season is coming around, and this college isn't, isn't too far. Kind of shabby, but it's still a, still a college am I right?
Jake may have been beaming but Kenny knew better
Kenny attempted to joke: You know, I think I'm the one who's supposed to be in more shock-
Jake: Are you going to leave me?
There it was.
Kenny: No, of course I won't leave you
Jake: The college is too far to take by bus or subway at nice hours
Kenny: Well that depends if I accept this
Jake: You will
Kenny: Why do you think that?
Jake: You'll think about it when you're going to bed, question how on earth you got into college without essentials and wonder if it's worth it. Then you'll blame yourself like I know you do so, so often, then you'll stop your thinking and go, 'hey, let's look at the bright side', because you always look for the good in things, even if they're not there.
Kenny: I think-
Jake: You'll think about what you could do in college, what opportunities and experiences you can have even if you're in a wheelchair. You'll think about the courses and learning materials and how the degree could help make your resume look nicer and you'll use that as a cover for what you want and I don't blame you.
Kenny: ... That's, a lot
Jake: Hardly, I reckon you'll take about two to three bathroom breaks  and a shower in between
Kenny: Okay, but why are you so specific and accurate
Jake: I remember and make inferences
Kenny: Oh wow
Jake: It's not that hard seeing as we live together
Kenny: We're family Jake
Jake: I know
Jake leans onto the cold coffee table: I know
Kenny: Well what if I didn't go to college-
Jake: We'll both be miserable then
Kenny: Misery does love company
Jake: Does misery like itself?
Kenny: ... Where did you get the money
Jake snickers: Sugar daddy
Kenny: I'm beginning to think that's not a joke anymore
Jake: Don't worry, he's not my type in the slightest.
Jake: He's just,
Jake smiles: Useful
Kenny did not know who the person in front of him was.
Kenny: Are you okay?
Jake: Yeah, I'm always fine you know?
Kenny: You're crying
Jake: I'm aware
Kenny: Come here
Jake: Why?
Kenny: Well someone has to give you a hug
Jake: ... Give me a moment
After one, maybe two minutes of silence as Jake gathered the energy to get up, he hugged his one and only brother. It was a regular hug he could get anytime but soon he wouldn't have that option anymore when Kenny goes to college.
Kenny: Jake?
Jake stops sobbing into Kenny's shoulder: Yeah?
Kenny: Have you ever thought of going to college?
Jake seemed hesitant in his answer.
Jake: I have
Kenny: And?
Jake: Maybe once this whole ordeal is over, I would want to go
Kenny: What ordeal?
Jake: I can't say right now
Kenny: ... That's alright, tell me when *you're* ready, and not if you think *I'm* ready
Jake: Haha, yeah...
Jake's throat feels like it's burning to scream and cry out but for now he remains quiet.
Jake: You'll come back and visit right?
Kenny: Assuming I go, of course
Jake stops himself from calling his brother a liar, he already had more than enough hypothesis' that needed time to stew.
Jake: That's good
Kenny: ... Do you wanna call your friends over?
Jake: Why? So they can distract the feelings I'm having that one day you aren't coming back?
Kenny: So we can all enjoy time together Jesus Christ Jake are you okay?
Jake: Of course I am, I'm always okay
Kenny: How about we hire a therapist instead?
Jake: We can't afford a good, non-judgmental therapist
Kenny raises an eyebrow: But you can afford my college tuition behind my back?
Jake: Correction, we cannot find a good enough therapist
Kenny: Who's 'we'?
Jake cheerfully: Me and the besties ✨
Kenny: That explains nothing
Jake: Exactly, now about *your* college plans
Kenny: Jake, I'm not going
Jake: Oh but you will, maybe not this year within the next two years I'm sure you'll be itching for contact with your peers in a familiar setting
Kenny: I don't think I can trust you to be alone at home so often, especially with that sugar-crazed vampire you hang out with
Jake: That wannabe vampire is the only other braincell I have
Kenny: What about Dean?
Jake: He is my braincell 💕
Kenny: Interesting
Jake: What is?
Kenny: How many boys are you interested in?
Jake: Enough
Kenny sternly: Jake
Jake: Shhh, it's fiiiine
Kenny: Well I just think-
Jake: That having three boyfriends is a lot?
Kenny: Do they know about each other?
Jake: Yeah, we're in a poly relationship
Kenny: ... Well you're better off than me then
Jake: What does that mean?
Kenny only smiles
Jake: Kenny?

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