Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 3

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Alex standing: I said I was sorry!
Jimmy walking towards the couch: Yeah, because you just 'happened' to forget to warn me that you kick in your sleep
Alex: I only do that when I'm dreaming, I'm usually still I swear
Jimmy: Oh yeah? Then what was the dream about?
Alex: I'm not gonna tell you about my dreams
Jimmy: Bruh, I got kneed in the stomach like five times
Alex: And I'm sorry
Jimmy: You're lucky you have a cute face
Alex blushes: Well if, if I'm so cute...
Alex turns more pink: Why don't you kiss me?
Jimmy smugly: And where would I kiss you?
Alex burning red by now: On my lips
Jimmy somewhat shocked: Really?
Jimmy smiles: Well, I'm not going to refuse that offer~
Alex awkwardly gets closer to Jimmy, his heart was already pounding by the time Jimmy caressed his chin, lifting his face up just enough to place his lips on his own. The electric feeling of the kiss clouded Alex's mind. All he knew was that one moment they were intertwined in each other's arms and the next he's being pressed into the couch as the kiss started getting more heated. His hands clawed at Jimmy's shirt, trying to take off the ridiculous choice of clothing but to no avail. Jimmy seemed to have noticed as he broke the intoxicating kiss to remove his shirt. Then they were back to making out, Alex's hands exploring Jimmy's body while the head of Yoosun's hands were pulling down Alex's waistline.

But before he got far there was a knock on the door. They broke away startled from the interruption.
Jimmy: That can wait a bit more can't it?
Alex nods: Y- yeah.
They ignore the third party just outside to kiss for a moment more only to be disturbed again by a louder knock and someone calling out for Alex
Jimmy annoyed: Are you kidding me?
Alex distressed: Shit, that's Ben
Jimmy lowers his voice: What the hell is he doing here? We literally woke up at five
Ben muffled through the door: Alex? You up yet?
Alex: Fuck just, stay hidden.
Jimmy: Yeah no shit
Alex gets up from the couch while desperately trying to fix his hair and just before he opened the door he pulled up his pants.
Alex leaning on his doorframe: Heyy Ben, what brings you here at what, five forty?
Ben raises an eyebrow, probably at his friend's disheveled appearance: It's six fifteen
Alex: Really? Wow time sure flies
Ben puts his hands on Gogo's shoulders: Are you okay? You haven't picked up my calls or read our texts
Alex: Huh? Oh yeah I forgot to turn my phone off silent, but I'm fine I swear
Ben: You sure? You're all sweaty and red
Alex tries to hide his embarrassment: I said I was fine
Ben: You don't look fine, do you want me to make pancakes?
Alex: Nah, I ain't got the shit to make that
Ben pouts: You never do
Alex: I sometimes do!
Ben: When?
Alex: Uhhhhh
Ben: See?
Alex: Shut up, look, I'll be fine by school okay?
Ben: You sure?
Alex: Yeah man
Ben: Okay cool, but I'm still gonna walk you there
Alex astounded: What
Ben: Yeah, I would have come over last night but my mama...
Cues scene of Ben's mom tackling before he could leave the house yelling in Spanish about how it was the middle of the night
Alex: I get it, and guess what, I'm not traumatized at all
Ben: That's cap
Alex: No it ain't
Ben walks into the apartment comfortably because that's how it always been. The two were always comfortable in each other's living spaces but now was a fucking bad time
Alex: Don't go to the couch!
Ben: Do I wanna know why?
Alex spewing bullshit: I was jacking off there earlier
Ben: Oh, OH, so that's why you look all
Alex embarrassed: Yeah
Ben: Ight cool, I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick.
Alex: Yeah yeah
The door to the bathroom clicks close, and a fully dressed Jimmy pops up from the couch
Jimmy whispering: Jacking off? Really?
Alex whispers back: Just go
As Jimmy stepped out of the doorway he seemed to recall something.
Jimmy: Oh right, here
He took out of his pocket something flimsy and handed it to Alex
Alex: Gee thanks
Jimmy: See you next time~
Alex: Bye
As Alex closes the door he nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard
Ben: What's that Gogo?
Alex: Oh just something I ordered online.
Ben: At this time?
Alex: Yeah, my neighbor, you know Leslie right? Leslie and Annabeth from next door?
Ben: Oh yeah, the one who has the occult thing
Alex: That was Anna
Ben: Oh! Then the pink hair girl?
Alex: Yeah her, she saw that I forgot to collect my package last night on her way back from her morning run so she brought it up
Ben: And she knew you were awake?
Alex: Dude, you're so loud that I wouldn't be surprised she pieced two and two together
Ben pouts: I'm not that loud
Alex dismissively: Yeah yeah
Alex checks the time: I'm gonna get changed so like, don't trash my place
Ben: With how messy your apartment is I don't need to
Alex: Your room is worse than my entire apartment!
Ben: Yeah well your apartment is bigger than my bedroom so
Alex: Keep telling yourself that
As Alex changed in the bathroom he checked out what Jimmy gave him. It was a black cat in a position where it formed one side of a heart, and poor Alex's heart could only pound at the guess of where the other half was.
Alex quietly: It's too soon for cheesy stuff like this, it's not fair
Alex glanced in the mirror and saw a complete mess with a tidy uniform on.
Alex: Yeah this won't do.
Rowan: Dude, what happened?
Alex mumbling: I got cockblocked
Rowan: What?
Alex: Nothing, I was just watching a horror movie
Teddy: Which one?
Alex: The cannibalistic bakery one
Teddy: Ooh, that's a gory one
Gerard shivers
Ben: And you're sure you slept fine?
Alex: I may have had a nightmare
Ben: I knew it!
Alex: It wasn't so bad, I still slept just fine
Ben: Riiight
Alex: I'm not a scaredy cat like you man
Ben: Sure sure
Alex: Come on! If I wasn't fine I would've called you
Ben: Yeah?
Alex: Of course, if there's anyone I trust it's you man
Ben tearing up: Bro...
Alex: Ugh, you're being all emotional again get away from me
Ben: Give me a hug!
Alex: Argh no!
When Alex came home at last he flopped onto his bed exhausted from his last minute workout and not learning a thing in school. Being too lazy to take a shower at the moment and being somewhat he decided to text Jimmy.
'You': Hey can I call you?
'Ducky': Sure

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