Horndogs [Jake x Eunchan]

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Jake: I'm bisexual
Kenny: But you're single right?
Jake: Yeah?
Kenny: Then does that mean you're on,
Kenny: Stand-bi?
Jake: 😐
Jake: I am calling my friends
Kenny waves him off: Good look being bi yourself
Jake: 😭
Jake: Can one of you be my boyfriend?
Dean: What the fuck
Eunchan: Fuck yeah!
Jake: Nice, I'll pick you up at 6:30 and take you to my place
Eunchan: Oh boy!
Timothy: Did something happen?
Jake: Kenny is making over used jokes on my sexuality
Dean: Figures
Jake: So we only need to make Kenny think we're fucking
Eunchan: Why can't we just fuck?
Jake: I don't have condoms
Eunchan: Aw
Eunchan: Who says we need condoms?
Jake: Sexually Transmitted Infections, also known as STI's
Eunchan huffs: But we know each other
Jake: I don't know if you have an std
Eunchan: Well I probably don't
Jake: 'Probably', isn't good enough
Eunchan grumbled under his breath a soft: Boo
Jake opens the door and lets Eunchan inside
Jake: I have boyfriend
Kenny: Isn't that just Eunchan
Eunchan: I'm his boyfriend now!! ❤️
Kenny: Okay, just be safe I guess
Kenny scoffs at his brother's pathetic attempt to hide from the puns. Nothing can stop the puns.
Kenny was about to bring them sliced apples when he heard some questionable noises coming from Jake's room. So like a decent person he knocked as loud as he could on the door.
Kenny: I brought some apples if you want some
There was muffled noises of surprise and it took a bit too long for them to open the door, and even then the state of the room was, less than innocent. For starters Jake was topless and the missing shirt was to be found on a furiously red but seemingly content Eunchan, sitting in such a position where you couldn't tell is he was wearing shorts or not, and any other missing clothes was hidden hastily under the bed in an obvious manner. The only attempt at decency was the board game they had pulled out, monopoly probably.
Jake: Hey, not a good time
Kenny shrugs: Well suit yourselves
Eunchan: I want apples!
Jake: Okay fine
Kenny: Here you go, oh and Jake?
Jake: Yeah?
Kenny: Your fly is down, nice try player
Jake nearly burst out in laughter as he slammed the door shut
Jake wheezing: I can't believe that worked
Eunchan: Can I keep this?
Jake: No ❤️
Eunchan: Darn
Jake holding an apple slice: Say ah-
Eunchan: I'll open wide for you any time~
Jake: What
Eunchan: What?
Jake shakes his head: Let's just continue playing
Eunchan after biting the apple: Oki
Jake: I bet we got him completely fooled that we're actually boyfriends
Eunchan: Wait we're fake dating?
Jake: Yeah, I thought I was specific
Eunchan: I blanked out after you asked us to be your boyfriend
Jake: Ah
They sat there, on the bed staring into each other's eyes, not a word spoken for a few minutes, or was it an hour? Jake was the one to look away first, not being able to handle the embarrassment.
Jake: Well, I'm sorry for leading you on
Eunchan: You can make up for it by fucking me
Jake: That is not happening
Eunchan: Darn
Jake carefully chose his words: Are you serious when you ask us those suggestive things?
Eunchan shamelessly: Oh absolutely, I fantasize about you and Dean fucking me all the time
Jake: Um, wow
Eunchan: I'm like, constantly horny and totally down with anything
Eunchan: Anything at all
Eunchan: Anytime
Jake: Okay okay, I get the picture
Eunchan: So we doing this or no?
Jake: No!
Eunchan whines: Why not?
Jake: My brother is in the house and we have no condoms!
Eunchan: But you would like to fuck me?
Jake: I don't know, I'm barely on terms with my sexual orientation much less actually dating someone right now
Eunchan: I mean, we can be friends with benefits then-
Jake: No, I just need
Jake sighs: I just need time man
Eunchan sadly tilts his head: Okay...
Jake: Thank you, now do you prefer being big spoon or l-
Eunchan: Little spoon
Jake: I
Eunchan: Little spoon!
Jake: Okay okay!
Eunchan: Heheh
When Jake came to in the morning he was suddenly aware of three things. He had an erection as per his usual bodily habits, Eunchan being right there on his numb arm, and the third most striking one was Eunchan not even trying to hide that he was enjoying this
Jake scolds: What are you doing?
Eunchan shivers at the sound of Jake's morning voice: I'm having some fun~
Eunchan presses his ass further onto Jake's unwanted boner.
Jake: Dammit
Eunchan pleads: Can't I just have the tip?
Jake could feel himself harden at the suggestion: No, now get up
Eunchan whines: I want it so bad!
Jake sternly: Eunchan...
Eunchan pouts: Fine
Kenny: So...
Eunchan was dressed, but still kept Jake's shirt on, while Jake just threw on a random shirt from his clean clothes pile
They look up from eating pancakes: Yes?
Kenny: How long has this been going on?
Eunchan: Less than a day
Kenny: Mhm, and how serious are you?
Eunchan: If I could I would marry him and have his babies no cap
Jake nearly choked on his fork.
Kenny: Wow okay straight to the point then
Kenny: You wrapped it before you tapped it right?
Jake coughs: We did not do that
Kenny skeptically: Right...
Eunchan whines: It's true, he wouldn't even show me it
Jake: Oh my god
Kenny: That doesn't explain the funny noises
Jake: He's just like that
Eunchan: I'm constantly horny 24/7
Kenny: Alrighty then, so any particular reason why you pretended to you know and not just have your fun?
Jake: Well that would be disrespectful to you and also I don't have condoms
Kenny: What happened to the ones I gave you?
Eunchan: W H A T
Jake sheepishly: They didn't fit...
Kenny put together the growing teen and not fitting: Ah...
Eunchan grumbles: Still can't see why you won't fuck me
Kenny: Oh my
Jake groans: Why?
Eunchan: I mean, I really wouldn't mind if you just bent me over-
Jake: You are not saying this in front of my brother
Eunchan: -the table and-
Jake: Eunchan please
Eunchan: -had your way with me
Jake groans yet again sinking onto the table in shame.
Kenny whistles: You sure know how to pick your boyfriends
Jake: Next relationship I'm hoping for a girl
Eunchan huffs: You're not getting out of this one that easily
Jake: I will if you keep humiliating me like this
Eunchan: Oh are you going to punish me then~
Jake: Goodbye Eunchan
Eunchan: Am I getting a ride home?
Jake: Yeah
Eunchan smirks: So then we can ride-
Jake: Time to go
Eunchan: Boo

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