Recharge (Gray x Jake)

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Jake: Hi
Gray: Yes?
Jake rubs the back of his neck: Can I stay over?
Gray: Depends
Jake: Hm?
Gray: What is your reason?
Jake cheekily: Do I need a reason to hang out with a good friend of mine?
Gray: We're not that close
Jake: ...
Gray: If you have-
Jake: That was why I wanted to stay over
Gray tilts his head: Because we're not close?
Jake looks to the left as he made up his story: Haha, yeah cause... what better way to get closer than a sleepover?
Gray: ... You want to talk secrets don't you?
Jake: Yeah
Gray: Clever liar
Jake grins: So can I come in?
Gray: Hmm, no
Jake makes his best exaggerated disappointed face: But whyyyyyy?
Gray chuckles, that soft smile making Jake feel a familiar way.
Gray: Come on, I'll make hot cocoa
Jake was puzzled: But it's almost summer?
Gray: Do you want one or not
Jake: I want one!!
Gray: Good
They went inside the house, Jake left behind to take off his shoes. Gray's place always felt hostile, clean, too clean and the furniture all too modern. There was no resemblance of objects with sentimentality, no left behind marks of a playful child, there wasn't even a single object that looked like it was from the past ten years. It simply wasn't a home. Jake was guided to the kitchen, where it was always too warm in there. Gray was humming, Jake noted that he didn't recognize the tune as he sat down at the table. The table was cold, metallic, and had not a single scratch nor stain.
Jake: You haven't been here long
Gray: Yeah
A fact observed and confirmed. They both had gotten used to the other pointing out something without really questioning it.
Jake: Do you like it here?
Gray took a moment to think and mix.
Gray: If I'm being quite honest no, but I do like the people here.
Jake had a few dialogue options at his disposal, he could either taunt and ask if he was one of those people, or he could ask what he really wanted.
Gray: And yes, you are one of the people I like
Jake's mouth dropped a little, and he didn't miss how Gray smirked as he sat at the only other chair across from him. Gray blew lightly on the freshly made hot cocoa before sliding it to Jake.
Gray: So what's on your mind Jake Ji of Daehyeon?
Jake: Your house is empty and devoid of anything fun or good
Gray took a sip of his own hot cocoa: Hmm, what do you define as 'good'?
Ah, there it was.
Jake: To be honest I'm not quite sure, but what I'm referring to as good in this case are things that show signs of love. Or personality.
Gray pretended to think: Hm, elaborate
Jake had a feeling that this would be turned on him, but chose to entertain it.
Jake: Your house is lacking in many ways, I understand that you haven't lived here since childhood and that you are a neat person but you've been here at least what? Almost a year yet everything here still seems brand new. There's no photos, no tasteful furniture, no colors other than beige and gray which honestly, is horribly put together.
Gray: True
Jake: But what really bothers me is that it feels like you have made no effort to make this place a home for yourself. Like one day you could up and leave this place and no one would be none the wiser.
Gray: Hmm, are you done?
Jake: For now yes
Gray: Good, your hot cocoa is getting cold
Jake: Oh right
Jake lifts the mug to down it.
Gray: Don't choke
Jake almost choked but continued downing the cooled down cocoa.
Gray: Don't choke
Jake had to pause as he was starting to giggle from peer pressure.
Gray: Ah darn it you choked
Jake: I-
Jake choked, mostly from laughing but he still choked.
Jake: Damn it
Gray: Damn you're really going to swear in someone else's house?
Jake: Damn isn't a swear
Gray: Yes it is
Jake: I've literally said worse
Gray: Not under my house
Jake: Ugh, wait. Are you deflecting with humor?
Gray shrugs: I mostly wanted to be funny but I can answer a few things
Jake sipped on what's left of his cocoa, waiting for Gray's response.
Gray: It's true, I have made no effort to make my house more... homely and to be honest I don't know how. I have no interest or need for new furniture. I have no desire for the material possessions you like, or in general.
Jake: My anime merch?
Gray: Yeah
Jake: What do you like then?
Gray: You
Jake: ... That was only funny the first five times, if I didn't know any better I would suspect you were genuinely flirting with me
Gray hides his smile behind a sip of cocoa: And what would you feel if I said I was?
Jake: What like, flirting with me?
Gray: Mmm, yeah
Jake: Hmm, I'm not too sure, flustered maybe? Although I wouldn't be too surprised
Gray: You're done with your cocoa right?
Jake: Huh? Oh, yeah. I am
Gray: Give it here
Jake: Okay
Gray stood up to put the mugs in the sink and started to wash them.
Jake felt awkward: I can help
Gray: You don't have to, besides I'm almost done
Jake: Oh
Gray: Why don't you wait in my room, maybe make yourself look pretty
Jake: Stop
Gray: Okay
Jake: ... I don't remember where your room is
Gray: There's only like, four other rooms in this house just guess
Jake: But what if I mess up
Gray: Then I'll just find you and drag you to my bed... room
Jake: Gray, are you flirting with me for real?
Gray lied: No
Gray dries his hands: Oh look I already finished now come with me
Jake: Okie
They interlocked hands as they entered the hallway and went straight to Gray's room. An air freshener made the room smell like lavender. There were too many books all neatly lined on a shelf, yet the spines showed they were well loved and used. That was more like it. There was a tacky blue rug randomly in the middle of the room and a beanbag. There was a low table with a green covering that was new and a bunch of pillows of various shapes were strewn around it.
Jake: You've had friends over I take it?
Gray: I own none of this, except the carpet
Jake: Rug
Gray: Same thing
Jake: We should hang something on the ceiling, that would really tie the room together well
Gray: ...
Jake: Yes?
Gray: I have an old solar system I made
Jake's eyes came alive with mischief: Where?
Gray sighed, knowing there was no going back now. He reached into his closet, organized by weather usefulness.
Gray: Here, my elementary masterpiece
Jake: It's beautiful
Gray: It's horrendous
Jake: Horrendously beautiful
Gray: Now what?
Jake: We need string
Gray: You think I just keep string?
Jake: I do
Gray watched in horror as Jake pulled out pink string from one of his many pants pockets, and it just kept coming.
Jake: You got scissors?
Gray reached into his normal study table drawer: Yeah
The table showed sign of use, the floor had scratch marks from... frustrations? Let's go with that.
Jake snipped off a good amount: Perfect, do you have a hook?
Gray: Clothes hanger?
Jake: Good enough, now I'm going to stab the sun-
Gray: Do, what must be done
Jake: You're such a dork
Gray: Thank you, I try
Jake stabs the sun: Yeah, I know
Gray: Need another?
Jake: Yup
Gray: Okay a regular one won't work but we could use the ceiling light
Jake: Isn't that a fire hazard?
Gray: Not if the light was already broken, no seriously, I haven't been able to find a replacement nor the covering it had
Jake: Huh, well I guess it should be fine
Gray moved the short table so that Jake could step on it and tie the solar system to the remains of a light.

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