Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 5 [Smut]

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Alex: Well shit
Alex: That's not going to bite me back later right?
Alex shrugs: Eh, should be fine
Once he reaches his apartment he takes out his phone and checks the messages.
'Ducky': Here you go ❤️
Alex sucked in his breath, good thing he didn't open the message during the party cause that would be hard to explain why he got a picture of a very naked Jimmy Bae.
'You': Sorry, just came back from the party, those titties be popping
'Ducky': Figures, and is that all you have to say?
'You': If you wanna know what I think of it let me call you
'Ducky': Maybe I will if you send me something back 😉
'You': Bleh
'Ducky': I'm joking, you can always call me
'Ducky': Be right back, I'm getting my earbuds
Alex used this interlude to search his photos
Alex: Oh here it is, annnd uncrop
Alex: This should do
'Ducky': I
Alex smirks
'Ducky': ahdkadjkah
'Ducky': You're fucking hot what the hell??
'You': That was from the summer
'Ducky': Yeah but like, that tooth necklace??? Goes ridiculously well with your lil scar
'You': It broke but now I have a new necklace to replace for it ❤️
'Ducky': 😳 You know what I'm headed to your place
'You': Go for it
'Ducky' is calling
Alex was shocked for a moment: Oh
He still answers
Jimmy: Hiya~
Alex: You mentioned wanting to know what I thought of your... photo?
Jimmy: I mean yeah but-
Alex unzips his pants
Alex: You have your earbuds on right?
Jimmy: Ye, yeah
Alex begins to stroke himself and let out a soft moan
Jimmy: ... Can we video call?
Alex: Don't ruin the mood
Jimmy shivered, but not from the cold.
Alex continued his naughty action making Jimmy go crazy from the noises he produced.
Jimmy: I'm going on mute because I'm on a motorcycle, so keep going babe
Alex: Mhm, sure
Alex: Oh and buy condoms will you? I'm not sure if mine will fit yours
Jimmy: So you did look at that part after all~
Alex: How could I not? It's, impressive I'll give you that
Jimmy: Alright, see you soon doll
Since he was already feeling hot all over, Alex strips down. Once his entire body was exposed to the cool air of his apartment he sat back on his bed and continued jerking off, using Jimmy's wonderful picture as material he let out more soft moans.

Of course since this is a fanfic we need more drama before that happens so
Knock knock
Alex stops abruptly: You're not here right?
It takes a moment but Jimmy answers: Yeah no I'm buying condoms right now
Alex: Good to know
Alex wraps himself in his blanket in order to answer the door quickly
Alex: h- ahem Hi Leslie
Leslie: Hey so, woah
Alex sheepishly: Yeah
Leslie: Guess we'll plug our ears tonight
Alex's face burned a bright red
Leslie: Anyways, I'm here to tell you that power is going to go out around midnight
Alex: Oh, okay thanks
Leslie: The end of the month is coming soon too so be prepared for that
Alex: I've got it covered
Leslie: Great, have a fun night I guess
Alex thought he couldn't get more embarrassed: Haha, yeah sure
With that his neighbor leaves, to his other next door neighbor.
Alex closes the door: So the elevator might not work by the time you get here
Alex was answered with silence
Alex: Eh, I should probably get the lube ready
Alex headed back to his bed and unwrapped himself from the sheets before squatting down to find his stash of horny things, as it says on the box
Alex: Here it is
He stands up and starts applying some lube onto his fingers. He takes a deep breath before inserting a finger into his hole
Alex: Oh fuuuck
Alex: Been forever since I last did this...
After a minute or so he added another finger, his moans started to get louder. At last Jimmy walked through the door, panting from being out of breath. Alex ends the call as Jimmy takes out his earbuds
Jimmy: Do you know how hard it is to ride a motorcycle with an erection?
Alex snickers: Hard
Jimmy: Fucking hell
Jimmy locks the door and takes off his jacket
Jimmy takes off his shirt: How can you be so... hot yet immature?
Alex slides his fingers out of his ass: Hormones
Jimmy: Can't argue with that
Jimmy takes off the rest of his clothes at last
Jimmy: Do we really need a condom?
Alex: Put the beanie on the weenie
Jimmy opening a condom packet: You're ridiculous
Alex: I'm horny, so hurry it up will you?
Jimmy: How bossy
Jimmy gets on the bed: I should fix that attitude of yours
Alex shivers and leans back on the bed, slowly opening his legs up for Jimmy. Alex could tell that Jimmy was in a list-filled stupor by the look of his eyes, although he didn't think much of it as Jimmy already started to push in.
Alex: Ah! Peaches, peaches
Jimmy: Sorry
Alex pulled Jimmy into a kiss, their tongues battled or whatever, you probably read enough fanfiction by now to know what I mean. Once Jimmy fully slides in he asks after a moment
Jimmy: Can I move?
Alex: Sh, sure
Jimmy was painstakingly gentle, somewhere on the brink of restraint and losing all control, and the noises Alex made with each thrust didn't help.
Alex: PeAches!
Jimmy swore under his breath as he tried to restrain himself again.
Alex: Wow, you actually listen
Jimmy: What
Alex: I was testing you
Jimmy: Are you kidding me
Alex smugly: You can go bananas now~
And Jimmy lost it, his gentle thrusts were now reduced to savage, quick thrusts that left Alex gasping more loudly than he anticipated. Then Jimmy found Alex's prostate
Jimmy: There it is
Alex: Don't you dare
Of course he dared, good thing his neighbors were blasting music in their headphones because Alex couldn't contain his delight anymore. Jimmy loved every sound that came out of Alex's mouth, so much better than... Let's not compare the two right now.

The night was filled with lewd noises and squeaking of the mattress as two horny teens go at it around the middle of the night. At last they both orgasmed and were resting side by side now on the bed.
Alex: I've got to give to yeah, hah, you're pretty good
Jimmy: Thanks
Jimmy: You're one hell of tease, you know that?
Alex laughs softly sending a warm vibration through Jimmy's chest down to his stomach.
Alex: Sorry about that
Jimmy: No, it was hot
Alex: You sure?
Jimmy: Hell yeah
Jimmy props himself on his elbow
Jimmy: But I have a question
Alex: Shoot
Jimmy: What brought on this horny mood huh?
Alex: Well I'm hotblooded and didn't feel like masturbating
Jimmy smugly: And I'm the lucky guy hm?
Alex: Oh and I also kissed like, three guys
Jimmy stunned: What
Alex: That was fun
Jimmy: Who did you kiss??
Alex: Just some friends
Jimmy: Really now
Alex smugly: Why, jealous?
Jimmy: Very
Jimmy places a hand on Alex's face as he placed his own closer to Alex's
Jimmy: I think I'll need to claim what's mine
Alex huffs: Who do you think are you calling yours?
Jimmy: Someone desirable
Alex: Who??
Jimmy: You, dumbass
Alex: Ew
Jimmy: We literally just fucked
Alex: Yeah and?
Jimmy: I can't believe I like you
Alex snickers: Same
Jimmy: Why can't we be boyfriends?
Alex glares at Jimmy as if he's stupid, which he is
Alex: You're asking that even when we agreed to remain friends with benefits?
Jimmy: Just saying
Alex: You're so weird man
Jimmy: What can I say I get attached easily
Alex: Just go sleep already
Jimmy: Maybe I will
With the two pressed against each other, their breathing starts to slow down until
Jimmy: I didn't give you a hickey yet did I?
Alex: I would beat your ass if you did that
Jimmy: Like hell you can
Alex: I'm not joking I am not okay with hickeys that's a no no for me
Jimmy: That's understandable, I like giving them so if I ever cross that line, you know what to say
Alex: Yup
They finally shut up and slept peacefully in each other's arms that night.

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