The Date (Gray x Jake)

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Jake: It's happening!
Dean: What is?
Jake: I'm having a date with the white mamba
Dean: Listen I know you're crazy and all but I think this is going over the line
Jake: I'm serious! I get to hang out with him this weekend
Dean: How did that even happen?
Jake: I don't know, this fanfic hasn't been thought out that far yet
Dean: What
Jake: Hm?
Dean: Ugh, you really are crazy
Jake: Thanks, that means so much to me
Dean: Whatever man
Jake: OhohohoHO!
Gray: What
Jake: You like 'Failed Crash Course' too?
Gray: Oh, that...
Jake: Yeah! I love Ichi's and Mia's relationship so much!
Gray: That is the main focus of the series so I'm not surprised
Jake: Well what did you think of the series?
Gray: It's... Interesting.
Jake: Come on, you can tell me more than that
Gray: I could, but that is not the purpose of us meeting
Jake: It isn't?
Gray: Do you not recall? We are here to discuss your escapism habits
Jake: Wait what
Gray: It's very clear that you have an obsession with fantasy as a way to escape from reality
Jake: When did this happen??
Gray: When we last met, you asked yet again to hang out on this day in a joking manner, and I came to a conclusion that you have a problem
Jake: Problems huh, and you're going to help fix me up Dr. Yeon?
Gray: It's worse than I thought
Jake: Oh come on that was a joke!
Gray: And I was joking as well, did my body language not prove sufficient?
Jake sheepishly: I couldn't tell because you're so stiff all the time
Gray: I suppose we aren't close enough to know each other's expressions
Jake cheekily: We should change that
Gray: How so?
Jake: I have an idea
Jake: How are you so good at this??
Gray: I found a tips and tricks website online and read through it. Although I have to say this is a new experience for me
Jake: Do you like it so far?
Gray: I suppose so, it's a bit too simple for me to truly enjoy
Jake: Have you ever been bad at something?
Gray: Emotional connection
Jake: No as in a hobby or activity
Gray: Exercising I suppose, it's not going as efficiently as I hoped
Jake: Do you enjoy it though?
Gray: I do it often
Jake: Gray...
Gray: Yes?
Jake: Are you happy?
Gray: Mhm, sometimes
Jake: Why don't we put down the game and talk about FCC for a while
Gray: F c c?
Jake: Yeah, Failed Crash Course
Gray: Oh right, we were here to discuss your problems
Jake: Not anymore, so do you know about the Masked Cat guy yet?
Gray: I have
Jake: What kind of cat do you think he is?
Gray: I think he's hardly a cat at all
Jake: Oh?
Gray: Yes, going back to book-
They went on for a couple of hours on theories, interesting tidbits and checking out social media and Jake got to witness a rare sight.
Jake: You have a nice smile
Gary: Thank you, you're facade is well made
Jake flexes his arms randomly: Ahah, yeah. Took me years to perfect
Gray: Which is why I recommend mental help from a professional
Jake: I do questionable things
Gray: By signing a contract, legally a therapist cannot share your information to anyone else, even your own family.
Jake: That sounds really good actually, but I don't think I want to go there quite yet
Gray: That's alright, but have you considered being an upstanding citizen?
Jake sadly: Every day, and every day it's ruined by Mr. Na
Gray: I see, even when he's not here he is an inconvenience
Jake: You can say that, but it's my fault
Gray: Figures
Jake pouts and flops onto Gray's lap.
Jake: You're just like Dean, but even more cold
Gray seemed unbothered: I would presume I'm more clever than him too
Jake: Aw, do you want me to give you more positive attention?
Gray: Is that not what you've been doing this whole time?
Jake hums: Maybe.
Jake: So have you considered anything you enjoy doing and not just absorbing?
Gray: I enjoy conversing with you
Jake gasps: Success! We're besties now!
Gray smirks making Jake's heart flutter: I thought this was a date?
Jake was flustered: Well I mean, only if you want it to be
Gray considers it for a moment before running his hand through Jake's hair.
Jake: ???
Gray: I'm not so sure, I think we need to go on a few more 'dates' for me to decide
Jake grins: That sounds nice
Gray: I'll let you in on my schedule then
Jake: Yayayay!
Yes, I will be making references to my own fictional little story called 'Failed Crash Course', no you cannot see what it is I never wrote it down-

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