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The gravel crunches under his feet. A low fog hangs over the cemetery, rendering his black umbrella useless. The moisture sticks to his skin, uncomfortably warm. He's not alone, judging from the accompanying sound of footsteps on the dewy grass besides him. He can not run, because he knows he's not fast enough. It's a wretched thing to know you're doomed from the start.

There was nothing for him to do but keep walking.

And he does, on and on. The silence of the graveyard was deafening, for a place of death it certainly was peaceful. Gray didn't like that, his peace never lasts, just when the prickles under his skin settle down comes the reason why they stay so long in the first place. Just like now when he felt arms wrap around him. On instinct his shoulders jerk up making his assailant back off in pain.
"Hehe, ouch. I'm hurt."
"You're not funny." Jake holds his hands up in surrender but that stupid smile on his face says other.
"Alright alright I admit that was unnecessary, but how can I resist a chance to mess with a friend of mind?"
Gray looks to the side considering what Jake said, "But I'm not your friend."
Jake's hand clenches over his heart as he falls to his knees all for the dramatic effect, "Gray, how could you say something so cruel after everything we've been through?"
Gray was a little startled to see tears welling in Jake's eyes but tried to resist the smile creeping on his face to keep his cool, "I thought I made it obvious I don't want to be your friend."
Jake sighs in defeat, perfect, "Then what are we? Because I think we're too close to be just acquaintances."
"If you'd take me seriously I would've been your boyfriend by now."
Jake stares at Gray, shell shocked as always. He looked stupid, yet kissable. The thought crosses Gray's mind more often than he wants to admit.
"Hehe, you really are a funny guy." Once again rejected, no matter.
Gray switches his umbrella to the other hand, "Speaking of funny, what's with you inviting me here?"
Jake hums in thought. If Gray didn't know any better he would think that Jake was ignoring him. It always take Jake a little longer than others to respond sometimes, because he's deciding how much he should let others know what goes on in that fascinating brain of his.
"I like it here?"
Jake nods, "Mhm, it's quiet. And not terribly lonely, because I pretend ghosts are real."
"Really now? I would've thought you were more of a skeleton fan."
"No that's more of a sexual thing."
Gray stops in his tracks leaving Jake to walk ahead for a while, "Why would you tell me that?"
Jake turns to Gray, walking backwards, "You asked."
"Fair." With a small nod of agreement Gray caught up with Jake, who was still walking backwards, "Careful."
"Hehe, you'll have to protect me Gray." There was that stupid charming smile of his again.
How annoyingly kissable, "Fine."
"Eh?" Jake says startled when Gray links their arms together. He takes a moment to recollect himself before chuckling, "I didn't take you for such a romantic Gray."
"I didn't take you for a graveyard person."
"Mm, fair." They share a look and a smile, making one burst into a bigger smile.
"Tell me more about what you like about this place Jake."
"I can be weird as I want here." Ah, that explains a few things.
"... I understand."
"I knew you would."
That damn smile, fuck it. Next time Gray will just go for it. Next time.
Jake looks away, that smile turning into a smaller more solemn version of the glorious smile of love he loves to give everyone,"You know, Kenny used to take me here."
Jake nods, "Yeah, but that's because someone died."
"That's unfortunate."
"Right but like, us being kids we didn't really have a strong connection with the person and didn't really understand death so..."
"You played graves and robbers?"
"Who let you be so funny? Who allowed this? Who gave you this amazing sense of humor?"
Gray only smiles making Jake turn away, but he doesn't miss how Jake's ear turns red.
"So what happened? What's next on the graveyard lore?"
Jake chuckles at that last bit, Gray knew he would, he was predictably adorable like that, "Well technically, you aren't that far off. We played all sorts of tag games like shark tank."
"Mm, so you were left with a fond memory of this place and decided to make more when your own weren't doing so hot."
"Ack my brain is being picked before my own eyes."
"You're welcome."
"Hehe, I love you too." Gray stops, making Jake who was still connected stumble. In an instant Gray's arm was behind Jake's waist, slowing the other's fall. They blink at each other on the ground before bursting out laughing.
"Seriously Jake, one of these days you'll really be in trouble."
Jake knew Gray wasn't really all too concerned about that, so he places his hands on Gray's face, "Then won't you be my knight in shining armor and save me?"

Ah, this was it.
"That's it, I'm going to kiss you Jake."
It takes Gray two seconds to lower his face closer to Jake, one to press his lips against the other. In less than one to pull back and a minute to process what just happened.
"Does this get me out of the friend zone?"
Jake burst out laughing, he knew Gray was nervous from the way he sat up and moved off of Jake, "Seriously? You're really going so far for this joke. You're almost at Eunchan's level at this point."
Jake props himself up, "What?"
"What have you and Eunchan done?" Gray looks at the other skeptically.
Jake looks to the side, "Things."
"What things?"
"Um anyways,"
"Can't tell you~"
"Fuck, so I take it I'm still your 'friend'."
How could he say that so easily and lovingly.
"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind another."
Jake tries to get up but does so too quickly, leaving him scrambling on the gravel, "Gray we can talk about this."
"Why talk when we can make out, as 'friends' do apparently."
"You're so weird."
Jake stands up, dusting himself off, "Thank you."
Jake pouts but hands over his hands, Gray makes a disapproving noise at the scratches, "How bad is it doc?"
"Looks like we'll need alcohol."
"Nooo, it stings." Jake whines.
"Are you happy that your dramatics got you injured?"
"Worth it."
"Is it now? Not something else?"
Jake looks away, "So I need rubbing alcohol huh?"
"Yeah, I have some in my car, under my very spacious backseat."
"You're very bold today Gray."
Gray shrugs, "I just like you that much."
Jake ruffles Gray's hair, a thing he has consent on just last month to do without permission, "I like you too Gray, now come on, let's get out of this graveyard. Or I'll get haunted again."
"Short story." Jake looks away, "So which way to your car?"
Gray shakes his head, already leading the way, "This way, but you are so telling me that story."
"Okay okay," Jake smiles, soft and genuine, "So..."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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