Killed a Man

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Wolf: If you're going to kill me at least do it right
Grape shaking: Shut up, shut up!
Wolf: Well then do it! Fucking kill me already!
Grape: Stop yelling at me
Wolf: Well gee Sam, it's almost as if I'm the one trying to kill you
Grape: ... The last time I did this, you gave me a lot of tips
Wolf: ...
Grape: So tell me then Wolf, have you killed anyone?
Wolf: I'm going to kill you once I get out of here
Grape: You're not getting out of here alive
Grape laughs: None of us, are getting out of here alive
Wolf: What about Forrest and that other guy
Grape: Forrest and Robin are perfectly fine, they can go on without me
Wolf: Is that what you think?
Grape: To be honest no, there's only us here right now.
Grape: But go on, keep struggling
Wolf: God this is annoying
Grape: I know, it was so annoying trying to get you here and all I needed to do was to borrow Donald's phone
Wolf: Hah, so I'm guessing this whole operation wasn't your idea?
Grape: And if it was?
Wolf: ... No matter what you do I still won't respect you
Grape: ... I'm done now, with you and everything else
Grape punches in the code
Grape: Three, two, one
Grape applied a wet towel on a tied up Wolf's face.
Grape: It's odd how easy you were to trap
Wolf: Mphthm
Grape: Yeah yeah I'll get the fire going later
Grape: As I was saying
Grape: It's quite strange that you would fall for a simple trap like this
Grape: And you must be wondering how I got Donald's phone as well
Wolf: Mphmft
Grape: Listen, I'm literally stalling for you, least you could do is quietly fail to escape
Wolf: Fmhf hpm
Grape: I can't believe I did all of that
Grape: Although I still don't know where this bomb came from
Wolf: Mpth!
Grape: Yeah, Donald just gave this to me and said, 'You know what to do'
Grape: I don't know what to do, so I'm planning to use it kill both of us if you don't drown first
Wolf: ...
Grape poking the body: Did you expire yet?
Grape takes off the towel
Wolf: Bitch
Grape: And putting this back
Wolf: What if you didn't
Grape: I mean, the bomb is gonna go off in like, I don't even know, ten minutes?
Wolf: You are the worst murderer ever
Grape: Thanks, learned it from you
Wolf: ... Can I go now?
Grape: Maybe
Wolf let out a sickening laugh as he tried yet again to escape from the bonds.
Wolf: Fucking finally
Wolf: You're work is shit-
Wolf: Sam? Sam?!
Wolf poked at the body
Wolf: What the hell happened???
Due to his concern he couldn't hear them at first but now the wailing was becoming more prevalent.
Wolf: Is that the cops??
Wolf: There should be help there right?
Wolf: You can't just die like this
Wolf: That's a stupid way to die
Wolf: Come on why aren't you breathing dumbass?
Wolf drags the body to the nearest doorway
Wolf: What the fuck man
Wolf: Where is the exit??
Yet it seemed hopeless, the hallway just kept going on and on.
Donald: Did you like my gift?
Wolf: What the fuck
Donald: Language, Wolf
Wolf: What the hell did you do?
He could hear Donald smiling, but couldn't find the albino anywhere
Donald: The bomb I told him about? That was him, although it seemed to be a faulty one seeing as everything is still intact
Wolf: Sam isn't breathing?
Donald: Who?
Wolf: The kid I used to beat up in middle school, sent him to the E.R., gave him trauma.
Donald: Ah, Grape right. Well I suppose that would be a side effect
Wolf: Dying!?
Donald: I mean, it's not that hard to die
Wolf: What the hell man
Donald: Well at least he'll be happier away from you
Wolf: No shit
Donald: You think the cops will find out?
Wolf: ... Yeah
Donald: How amusing, well have fun, I'm sure prison would just love you
Wolf: What is that supposed to mean?
Donald: It means, they'll think you killed Grape
Wolf: Huh
Donald: I mean, who wouldn't? A reckless bastard who went too far yet again on his victim
Wolf: But I didn't kill him!
Donald: Are you sure?
Wolf: Wh, yes of course! I think I would remember that I killed someone!
Donald: Then how did you escape?
Wolf could no longer answer.

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