Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 4

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Ben: Alex Alex Alex
Alex: W h a t
Ben: You still coming to the party
Alex: The party for what
Ben: The party for-
Rowan: Ben no!
Ben: Oh right
Alex: So close!
Gerard: So you're still going right?
Alex was confused: I said I was already? Why does it matter so much that I come?
Gerard: The party is pointless without you
Alex: Aw, you care so much about me
Gerard suddenly couldn't look at Alex
Ben: Of course we care! If one of us isn't here it doesn't feel the same
Eugene: Teddy isn't here
Ben: I knew that
Alex: Sure you did
Ben: This is going to be so fun!
Eugene: Gray, have you ever been to a birthday party before?
Gray: ...
Eugene realizing what he said: I didn't mean to sound rude I just wanted to know if this was going to be your first birthday party or-
Ben: It's Gray's first birthday party!?!
Gray: I have been to a birthday party before
Ben: Oh
Ben: Anyways, let's decorate this place for Gogo
Teddy: I'm actually kind of hyped for this now, but it can't be that different from our usual hangouts, can it?
Rowan: Ohoho! Just wait until we party on!
Alex: Oh hey broccoli!
Gerard who was taking the guitar to the pool place, desperately hoped that it wasn't who he thought it was
Alex: Yoo! Anyone home up there
Gerard feigned surprise: Oh hi, I didn't notice you down there
He deserved the punch that came after
Alex: Anyways, where are you taking that guitar?
Gerard: I was uh, taking it to the pool hall to practice some more you know? It's been a while since I last played...
Alex: Oh cool, I can't wait to hear you play one day!
Gerard laughed nervously: Sure, I'll play for you
Alex: Really? That's sick!
Gerard: It's not a big deal to me
Alex: Well to me it is, my professional band friend is going to sing for me
Gerard: Oh hey look we're already here hahah.
Gerard rushes up the stairs even though Alex couldn't see the pink that must've covered his hidden face by now.
Alex wasn't that far behind so when Gerard opened the door he could clearly see Gerard's soul escape his body when everyone (specifically Ben and Rowan) yelled "Surprise!"
Ben: Dammit, now we have to set up the confetti again
Gerard: You guys suck
Alex bursts out laughing
Ben: Oh shit hi Alex
Eugene: What do we do now
Alex: Aw man, I didn't realize this was a team effort, I would've brought my firecrackers
Ben: When did you get firecrackers?
Gray: Why would we need firecrackers
Alex: Don't know, just seems right
Alex: Anyways are you guys going to tell me what this is all for or no?
Everyone: ...
Ben: Okay on three
Ben: One
Ben: Two
Ben: Three!
Alex rubbing his aching ears: It's my birthday?
Alex confused: It's my birthday??
Alex gasps in realization: It's my birthday!
Teddy: Took you long enough
Alex: I fucking forgot my own birthday
Ben was keeling over from laughing so hard
Ben: We, hahah, we literally, oh my god, we celebrate your birthday every year man
Alex: I can't believe it's almost the end of March already...
Ben: Chill man, and eat this!
Ben slammed a cupcake into Alex's face
Alex: Ack! Not the red velvet!
Rowan: What's wrong with red velvet
Alex: I love red velvet
Gerard: If anyone makes a kpop reference I am personally going to beat you
Teddy: You say that as if anyone here listens to that
Eugene stares at Rowan, daring him with that smile of his
Rowan starts to sweat: Ahahah, yeah I bet no one even knows their songs ahahah
Alex wiping the red icing from his face: Enough about the girl group I wanna know how many cupcakes you brought
Ben: I brought enough
Alex: Ben I swear to god
Ben: I didn't eat them I swear
Ben: Well not all of them
Alex: Dammit Ben
Ben: I saved the red velvet ones!
Alex: Only because you don't like them
Gray: There's also lemon flavored ones
Alex: I'll let this slide just because it's my birthday
Gerard: You literally just remembered that it's your birthday like, two minutes ago
Alex: Still my birthday though
Ben: No arguing with the birthday boy
Gerard: You we're just arguing with Alex-
Ben: No arguing!
Gerard: Jeez okay chill
They had music playing from Eugene's speaker, they were enjoying cupcakes, there was a pool game going and a lot of erratic and bad dancing. Gerard actually performed and the gang went batshit
Eugene: You sure you don't want to dance with us?
Gray: I'm intimidated
As if proving his point Ben and Alex were both screaming along to the lyrics while jumping around the room
Gray: Are we going to get a noise complaint?
Eugene: Probably
Teddy: Eh, who cares
After screaming their hearts out and enjoying some of that trash Hawaiian Punch as much as they could. Whose bright idea was it to bring the blue raspberry one? Anyways, it was time for Alex to open the presents.
Alex: Yooo, these pins are fire!
Teddy exhausted: How can you still yell?
Rowan was proud: Heh, collected a few in Australia
Alex hyped: There's even a bi pin ohmygod!
Alex: Thanks Rowan!
Rowan: I was beginning to think you didn't know my name
Alex smugly: How could I ever forget Eunjang's Hyper Elbow?
Rowan: Ack, not one of my brightest moments
Teddy: You have bright moments?
Rowan: Shush!
Alex: Next present!
Alex: Oh wow! I heard this movie was only released like, last week
Teddy: Yeah, and you better invite me to watch it with you cause I haven't seen it yet
Alex teasingly: What? Just the two of us?
Teddy: Psh, of course not, I'm sure someone wants to join in... Right
Rowan: Why are you looking at me?
Eugene: I'm the last person you should be looking at
Gerard: I already said I hate horror movies
Gray: I don't mind
Teddy mumbles to himself: Course you don't mind
Ben: Will we have a sleepover after that?
Teddy: No? Why would we?
Ben: Not going then
Alex: Good because I don't want another noise complaint
Teddy: Noise complaint for what?
Alex confidently: Ben screaming his head off of course
Alex: What else would it be for?
Teddy: Sorry, my brain went down the gutter yeah okay are we going to do the movie tonight or-
Alex: Nah, some other time like during break
Teddy: Boo, you're so boring
Alex: I just want Gray to join us
Ben: Because you like him
Alex blushes: I told you I got over that, this is why I never tell you when I'm going through something
Ben: That's, actually not healthy
Alex: I know you mean well but like, you always get weird about my love life when it's about a guy
Teddy whispering: How the hell did this go from light hearted to serious?
Rowan whispering back: I have no idea
Eugene as quietly as possible: shhh
Ben: Well sorry for not wanting you to get hurt
Alex: Ben, girls can hurt me too
Ben: ... Sorry man, but I don't really know what kind of guys you're into, how do I know you won't get into a frog in slowly boiling water situation?
Alex: My taste may be bad but I know what is bad for me
Alex: You may worry a lot about me but you should worry more about your grades
Ben: Ack!
Alex chuckles: Now let's see what I got, ooh I love these socks!
Eugene: I got them...
Alex smiles: Thanks man, maybe next school year I can tryout for the soccer team eh?
Ben: Hah, not if I beat you to it first
Alex pouting: I said tryout
Ben: Hehe, look what I got you!
Alex: Shells?
Ben: Yeah! They're from the beaches we've been to the past summer
Alex: Oh wow, these are like, really nice
Ben had that infectious grin that makes everyone else smile
Ben: And check out the undersides
Alex flipped a few shells over
Alex: The dates of when you got them?
Ben: Yup
Alex: Your writing is garbage but I'll read the rest later when I feel like bawling my eyes out
Ben: Heheh
Gerard: What, did he write something cheesy for you?
Alex: Yes
Gerard: Kind of fruity but get it I guess
Alex: Well what did you get me then?
Gerard: Hey I already played the guitar and that's all you're getting
Alex: But that was a group thing!
Gerard: What you wanna do about it then?
Alex: You wanna go?
Gerard: Do you wanna go?
Ben: I said no arguing!
Alex: Then let's take this to the bathroom, just me and you tree man
Gerard: Bet
Ben sadly: I've been ignored
Gray: I haven't given my gift yet
Teddy: You still haven't said where you got them from
Gray: Does that matter?
Teddy: Yeah, I want cool shit like this too
Gray looked somewhat embarrassed
Gray: I lost the receipt and I don't remember which store I got this from
Teddy: So, you didn't beat someone up and stole their jewelry?
Gray: No? That isn't necessary
Teddy: What's that supposed to mean?
Gray: ...
Eugene: That probably means that Gray doesn't find taking things from others is efficient
Rowan: You think there's a book on how to pickpocket people?
Gray: Yes
Everyone: ...
Teddy: Always something new to learn
Gray: That is how life is
Teddy: That's not what I meant but whatever
Meanwhile in the bathroom
Gerard: Now what
Alex: Well now you're going to play me a song
Gerard: That's what I've been doing the majority of the time
Alex: Yeah you've been playing but it was for everyone and not for me you know?
Gerard: That was said weirdly, try again
Alex: Bruh, I want you to play for me and just me this time
Gerard: That sounds worse but I get what you mean
Alex: Well, what are you thinking huh?
Alex: What's so weird about me wanting you to play just for me?
Gerard ignored his homo thoughts
Gerard: Whatever, what song do you want me to play, 'just for you'?
Alex: I haven't thought that far yet
Gerard: Are you kidding me?
Alex: Just give me a moment to think
Gerard: We're going to be here forever then
Alex: Shut up I just lost the name
Gerard: Sure you did
Alex: I did have one!
Alex: Gah! Just play something off the top of your head
Gerard: What, am I your radio now?
Alex leaning onto the sink: Yeah, this is the price of your crimes
Gerard: Bruh, then pick a song already
Alex: I'm out of brain juice, just play a song from YTS or something
Gerard: You like boy bands?
Alex: Not really, but a nice face is a nice face
Gerard: ...
Alex: Say it
Gerard: Simp
Alex: Now play my radio!
Gerard: Fucking hell, don't get mad if I don't do well
Alex laughs and we go back to our scheduled program of-
Ben: I burnt the cupcake
Eugene: No one? brought? candles?
Rowan: Who brought the lighter???
Teddy: I did
Rowan: Great, now the last red velvet cupcake is dead
Ben: Oh no!
Ben: Anyways,
Ben: What do you think they're doing in there?
Everyone: ...
Teddy: Who's gonna tell him?
Eugene & Rowan: Not it!
Gray: I believe Alex is having Gerard sing for him in private
Ben: Really?
Gray: Yes, Gerard brought his guitar to the bathroom and I believe their relationship is stable enough not to have a serious fight
Ben: Huh, guess you know what this means
Eugene cautiously: What does this mean?
Ben: It means Broccoli is actually serenading Gogo after all!
Rowan: I mean
Gray: That's actually not correct as they are most likely in close quarters in order to use the guitar in the bathroom well
Ben: ... I meant that in a joking way but now I'm not so sure
Rowan: Things are getting fruity in the friend group
Eugene: It's always been fruity since you got here
Rowan: Ouch
Teddy: Oh hey look they're back
Alex looked satisfied with the performance while Gerard just seemed tired
Ben: Did you have fun romancing each other?
This caused both boys to get flustered
Alex: What is wrong with you and why does it smell like burnt in here?
Ben: I'm perfectly normal and we're out of cupcakes by the way
Rowan casually disposes of the burnt cupcake behind Alex and Gerard.
Alex: I could've sworn there was one more cupcake left, you know, the one I was saving to take back home
Ben: Well I don't know what happened to it, oh hey look you still have one present left
Alex: Hmm
Alex opens the present
Alex: Oh wowzas, this is so pretty
Alex holds the bracelet in the light in order to see the intricate patterns woven into it along with the several little key charms of various things from a moon one to a snake one, the usual, although Alex couldn't find a cat one despite how many there were
Ben: You like that a lot huh
Alex: Yeah, this is, amazing!
Gray: There's also a mood ring
Alex: Hell yeah! Thanks dude
Gray: No problem
Alex: I'm gonna look like the baddest bitch ever
Gerard: Because you'll look terrible
Alex: Terribly fantastic!
Teddy: Alex being positive for once? Weird
Ben: So are we gonna have a sleepover or-
Alex checks his phone and sees he has a couple of new messages from 'Ducky'
Alex: Nah, I have plans tonight
Ben: With who?
Alex: Your mom
Ben was sad: So no sleepover?
Alex: I mean you could but I won't join you guys
Ben: Then I guess we'll just have to play the game here
Eugene: What game?
Ben: Well now that we have a bunch of people it won't be as weird anymore, however I forgot to bring a bottle
Alex realizing: Oh my god Ben are you serious?
Ben: We have bocky
Alex barely contains his laughter: I can't believe you
Ben: Anyone knows how to do the bocky challenge?
Eugene and Rowan glanced at each other but said nothing, the rest were clueless.
Ben: Alright so me and Alex will demonstrate
Alex: Fair warning, I am not backing down
Ben: Sure you won't
Ben taking out one stick, chocolate flavored: Alright so basically we have a bocky and like so-
Ben takes one end of the pocky stick while Alex gently bit the other side, they each take small bites, getting closer and closer until-
Rowan: Oh my god
It lasted for five seconds until Ben pulled away
Ben slightly flushed: Wow, you weren't kidding huh
Alex somewhat embarrassed: Yup
They both munched on their respective bocky they obtained
Ben: Well, that's the result if one party doesn't pull away before that
Teddy: It seems like an excuse to kiss someone you like
Ben: I mean, I do like Alex but like
Gerard: I knew it, you two are an item
Ben: No??? I like him like, like family you know?
Alex: The feeling's mutual
Gerard: So no romantic feelings?
Alex: Not at all
Ben: Nope
Gerard was moderately surprised: Huh, interesting
Alex: Who's next!
Gray: Can I be excluded from the game?
Ben: Oh uh, sure. If anyone's not comfortable with doing this you can back out anytime
Gray: Indeed, but I refuse to lose at a simple game like this, and no to be mean but I rather not kiss any of you
Ben: That's fine
Teddy: Then can I be taken out of the game as well?
Ben: Yeah sure, whatever floats your boat man
Gray and Teddy take a seat while Alex grabs another bocky stick
Rowan: Okay, now I'm tempted
Alex places one end of the bocky into his mouth like a cigarette and Rowan took his end, and within two bites Rowan backed out
Alex was disappointed: Chicken
Rowan was as red as his hair
Rowan curled onto the floor: Can't argue with you there
Teddy was amused: You broke him
Eugene: I, I guess I can go next
Alex smiles: Sweet, come here
Eugene took the bocky stick and the two boys were slowly creeping towards each other, their hands even touched at one point, scandalous. However Eugene was too nervous and accidentally bit too hard right before the middle section causing the bocky to break.
Alex: So close
Eugene's face was bright pink: Do, do we...
Eugene: Do we get retries?
Ben: Why, you wanna kiss Gogo that bad?
Eugene was completely pink going red at this point
Ben: Well Gerard how 'bout it?
Gerard: Yeah, I can do this
Alex: You need to be near me if you want to join
Gerard: R, right...
Once Gerard was in a comfortable position, him sitting on top of the pool table (what a rebel) and Alex standing in front of him with the bocky ready in his mouth. Slowly the two bit along the bocky stick, Gerard seemed reluctant to make the first move and so was Alex, but Alex was getting impatient
Alex thought to himself: Screw it, this is taking too long
Alex closed the tiny gap between them with his eyes closed, they lasted for ten seconds before Gerard pulls away
Alex blushing lightly: So...
Gerard was blushing a bright red, but no one could tell under that mop of hair
Gerard: Wow
Alex: That's all you have to say?
Gerard: Um, yeah.
Alex: So what now Ben?
Ben: Oi, you only got to kiss everyone I need my affection too
Rowan: Hsahkdhkadhkh
Eugene: Yeah I agree I'm tired too, I think we're going to head home
Teddy: You understood that???
Eugene: No, he's just out of it
Teddy: He barely did shit
Rowan: I am, I am shy
Teddy: Loser
Rowan: Take me home Eugene
Eugene: I just said, you know what, fine. See you guys on Monday!
Alex: Eugene wait
Eugene: Hm?
Alex placed a kiss on the other's cheek causing them to turn a bright red
Alex winking: To make up for what you missed
Ben: Goddam, shawty getting bold!
Gray: I thought we agreed not to use shawty ever again?
Ben nervous: I'm sorry, slip of the tongue
Gray: I need to get home as well
Alex looking at the clock: Well, I guess it is time to go home
Ben: Aw man, well is anyone going to help me cleanup?
Gerard: Yeah I can stay back
Alex smugly: I would love to stay and help but I plan on getting laid tonight
Alex: So see you suckers!
Gerard: What did he just say
Ben: The audacity
Teddy: Why did he feel the need to share that?
Ben: Well we usually do have sleepovers on our birthdays...
Teddy: So that was a warning for you huh
Ben: Probably. Guess I'm not going to get traumatized tonight but I can't say the same for that guy when we meet
Gerard: 'When' and not if?
Ben: When I find them, I will decide their fate
Teddy: No wonder Alex doesn't trust you with info about his love life
Ben: ... Oh, right I need to stop doing that.

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