Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 2

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When Alex arrived just in time for first period he remembered something
Alex: Wait, what is the party for?
Ben: Gogo, please tell me you're joking
Alex: No? Is there something celebratory happening that I forgot.
Ben: Well yeah but now I don't want to tell you
Alex: Bruh
Teacher: Who's talking?
The two childhood best friends fall silent for the rest of the class

Alex: I wasn't paying attention-
Teddy: When have you ever?
Alex: Shut up, what's the party for?
Ben: No one tell him-
Rowan: Oh! I catch your vibe yeah the party is, random!
Ben let out a sigh of relief and anticipation.
Gerard: Oh! I get it now
Alex: Bruh, this is getting suspicious
Gray: It'll be fine
Alex: ... If you say so.

Hotman has added <Greendude <Iceman <InforMant <Reddude <Yellowdude
Iceman: 'Ben, change my contact name'
Hotman: 'Yes sir'
Greendude: 'So the party is a surprise party now?'
Hotman: 'Yup'
Reddude: 'This is gonna be so cool!'
<Iceman, has been renamed to> WM: 'Have you reserved the pool hall for the party?'
Hotman: 'Ya! Well, sort of. It's a small place so we might have to share a table or two'
InforMant: 'Yeah, we're going later than usual too so there shouldn't be too many people'
Greendude: 'I could bring the guitar'
Reddude: 'That'd be epic!'
Yellowdude: 'So like, does Alex like anything in particular because I have no idea how to gift shop without that info'
Hotman: 'Just give him money lol'
Hotman: 'But seriously, he wants new socks to play soccer in'
InforMant: 'I can get that'
Hotman: 'Gogurt actually really likes the ocean, so do with that info what you will'
Yellowdude: 'Hajksjmjmw'
InforMant: '😭'
Reddude: 'I can't-'
WM: 'Summer is still far away'
Hotman: 'He has a love/hate relationship with horror movies'
Greendude: 'Don't we all'
Yellowdude: 'I fucking love horror movies! I'll get him this bomb ass horror flick that came out recently'
Reddude: 'Teddy chill omg'
Greendude: 'What's his favorite song, or band?'
Hotman: 'Something emo probably, why?'
Greendude: 'I might sing might not, who knows?'
Reddude: 'Spare talent sir'
Greendude: 'No ❤️'
Reddude: '😭'
WM: 'Does he have piercings?'
Hotman: 'Not until he's 18'
Yellowdude: 'Kind of sus but ight'
WM: 'That's too bad, does he like accessories?'
Hotman: 'Kind of? But he fights too much to keep wearing them'
WM: 'I have a mood ring and some sort of goth bracelet'
InforMant: 'I didn't know you had jewelry'
WM: 'I find them tedious to put them on and off for certain actions'
Yellowdude: 'Where'd you get them from?'
WM: '...'
Yellowdude: 'What's that supports to mean?'
Reddude: 'Gray???'
InforMant: 'He went offline- 😭'
Yellowdude: 'Did he rob a dude?!?!?'
Hotman: 'Y'all I just took a piss wtf happened-'
Greendude: 'TMI'
Reddude: 'How does he feel about pins'
Hotman: 'He has a whole collection of them'
Reddude: 'Ight bet'
Hotman: 'Great! Now everyone knows what to give Gogo'
Yellowdude: 'Yah'
InforMant: 'What are you getting?'
Hotman: 'I'm giving him the shells I collected over the years we spent together'
Greendude: 'You sure you aren't dating him?'
Hotman: 'Don't make this weird broccoli, you're literally going to serenade him as a gift'
Greendude: 'If everyone is there it isn't serenading'
Hotman: 'You sure?'
Greendude: '...'
Hotman: '🍵'
Reddude: 'LMAO'
Yellowdude: 'Get rekted'
Meanwhile Alex who was in ignorance of the platonic love fest that was to come on Friday, had just finished taking a shower.
Alex: The group chat seems quiet today, no one has talked at all
Alex: Hm?
'Ducky': You're finally online bitch
Alex: Ducky? I don't know any Ducky.
Alex ignored the message and went back to his usual activities then realization slammed into him like a truck.
Alex: Oh shit

—Four hours ago—
'Ducky': Have you finished school yet?
—Three hours ago—
'Ducky': So boredddd
—Two and half hours ago—
'Ducky': You ignoring me or smthing?
—Ten minutes ago—
'Ducky': You're finally online bitch
—A minute ago—
'Ducky': I can't believe you're actually ignoring me wow
'You': Missed me much?
'Ducky': Very
Alex blushed and thanked god no one was at his house at the moment because he would rather die than tell anyone about this.
'You': Well sorry I'm a good kid
'Ducky': When does your school end?
'You': You don't need to know that.
'Ducky': About what time do I text you then?
'You': Don't ❤️
'Ducky': Cute but I'm being serious
Alex suddenly found he couldn't stay still anymore so he paced around the room for a bit before texting the bastard
'You': Fine, you text me after 5
'Ducky': Took you long enough
'You': Happy now?
'Ducky': You still need to invite me over to your place ❤️
'You': Bruh, I'm literally fine with you out of my life
'Ducky': Let me in please ❤️
'You': Stop with the hearts
'Ducky': Mmmm, but I'm curious as to what your place looks like
'You': Then let me in your house
'Ducky': Sure, it's at XXX this street and hold on let me get maps
'You': Huh
'Ducky': It's here.
<Map with place highlighted>
Alex didn't know how to feel anymore with all these conflicting emotions he keeps pushing away.
Alex: Am I seriously going to do this?
Alex: Yeah, I am, aren't I?
Alex scoffs: When have I ever been the one to make smart decisions?
Alex internally: He is in my apartment, he is in my fucking apartment
Alex: Don't make yourself comfortable
Jimmy: So this is why you wanted to know why I was here so bad
Alex: Yeah yeah you want anything
Jimmy: Well if you could get on the bed-
Alex: Imma have to stop you right there
Jimmy laughs, his short barks of laughter reminds Alex of how much this fool irritates him.
Jimmy: So what do you plan on doing to me tonight~
Alex: Don't make everything so...
Alex shakes his hand in a circular motion at Jimmy: Horny
Jimmy: I'll try ❤️
Alex rubs his temples, already regretting his very bad decision.
Jimmy: So what are two 'horny' teens to do at,
Jimmy glances at the clock over the short TV set: Eight, sixteen if not fu-?
Alex: You had dinner yet?
Jimmy: Ooh a date huh
Alex: ... Never mind, I doubt there's anything to your taste anyways
Jimmy: Try me
Alex winking: Maybe later ❤️
Jimmy gasps mockingly: And I was beginning to think you didn't want me
Alex: You're free to leave
Jimmy: Hmph.
Jimmy checks the fridge against Alex's protests and checks the inventory
Jimmy: You saving the salmon for something?
Alex: Well no but-
Jimmy: You have rice?
Alex: Of course
Jimmy: Then I know what I want get me a frying pan, and some oil
Alex looked at the taller with unmasked bewilderment: You can cook?
Jimmy: Of course, I-
He faltered for a moment before shaking his head: Never mind, just get the stuff.
That moment of silence and the look of agony on Jimmy's face made Alex oblige quietly.
Alex's apartment only had one table and it was the low coffee table in between the couch and TV.
Jimmy: Voila! Salmon and rice, simple but filling.
Alex: Are you sure you're not giving me food poisoning?
Jimmy chuckles: Someone has trust issues
Alex: Yeah well you literally almost got Ben killed so-
Jimmy: Hey hey, that was Donald, and look
Jimmy takes a forkful of salmon and eats it
Jimmy: I'm fine see? Although it could use some lemon
Alex: I ran out of lemons
Jimmy: Bruh
Jimmy: How the hell do you not have any lemons?
Alex sheepishly: I'm going to get some soon
Jimmy: You better, also, what do you need that many veggies for? It's all green in there like are you one of those fish eating vegans or something?
Alex: No! I just like making smoothies.
Jimmy: Veggie smoothies?!? Dude, your taste is garbage
Alex: That must be the reason why I invited you over
Jimmy: Hah, how flattering. Although you could've just come to my place, I literally gave you the address.
Alex: ... I'm nervous
Jimmy: That's... Understandable.
Jimmy: You got any soy sauce at least
Alex: Of course, what household doesn't?
Jimmy: What household doesn't have lemons?
Alex: Bro leave me alone
Jimmy: Just get the damn soy sauce
They were both laughing as Alex went to grab the soy sauce
Jimmy: Hah, and to think you wouldn't contact me
Alex comes back: What? You were waiting for me?
Jimmy: Anxiously, it's not often I give my number to just anyone
Alex scoffs: Right, and I don't go to the pool hall often
Jimmy: I'm serious! I was a bit worried you would just hand off my number to someone else
Alex: Why would I do that??
Jimmy: Oh you know, me being an asshole and getting you and your friends into this mess with the Union
Alex: Nah, that would be an inconvenience to you at best, and not enough to satisfy my grudge.
Jimmy holding up a forkful of salmon: Guess I deserved worse than that huh, now eat, it tastes better when warm
Alex: Put that fork down I can eat myself
Jimmy pouts: No fun.
They enjoyed their meal, much to Alex's surprise. He just hoped he wasn't going to get food poisoning tonight.
Alex suddenly stands: Ah that reminds me, the reason I invited you here
Jimmy: Yes? ❤️
Alex rolls his eyes before going to his stash of cds, next to his board of pins and taking out one of his favorites.
Alex: So, how good are you with horror movies?
Jimmy: Garbage, but I won't scream
Alex: Perfect, this is going to be fun.
Alex holding onto Jimmy: Holy shit! Why did I think this was a good idea?
Jimmy hugging Alex tighter: Don't ask me, I'm scared too
Alex: Oh fuck fuck fuck noooo
Jimmy: Not the dough machine, not the dough ma-
Alex: Urgh, so gross
Jimmy sobbing: Please learn your lesson already
After the movie was over the two were still holding each other tightly, tense from the horrors they seen.
Jimmy spoke first: So that was, an experience
Alex: Haha, it's a... Good movie
Jimmy: Sure is, hah.
Alex debated whether not to do this but went with it. He leaned his head onto Jimmy's chest, they sat in silence like that. Waiting for their pounding hearts to stop.
Alex: ...You smell nice
Jimmy: Yeah, I stole it from my sister
Alex: You have a sister?
Jimmy: No
Alex: But you just said-
Jimmy: I didn't say anything.
Alex: I could've sworn-
Jimmy: Anything else you like?~
Alex: Stop
Jimmy: Are we about to kiss?
Alex: No, fuck you
Jimmy: Aw come on, just a lil kiss
Alex: Hmm, maybe-
*Loud drum roll*
Alex jumps away: OH *fuCk*
Jimmy: That's your ring tone???
Alex rushing off to grab his phone: I'm answering so be silent
Jimmy: Hmph
Alex: Heyyy Ben
Jimmy glanced over at the name
Alex: Oh shoot really? Yeah sorry my phone was on silent because I was watching a horror movie
Alex: I'm fine Ben
Jimmy could almost hear Alex rolling his eyes
Alex: No, you don't need to come over, it wasn't that scary
Jimmy mumbled to himself: Wasn't that scary my ass
Alex: Ben, Ben, I said I'm good, I swear I'll be just fine sleeping tonight. I'm not that big of a scaredy cat you know
Alex: Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school.
Jimmy stretched himself out while watching the clock
Alex: Yeah, yeah. Love you too, bye.
Jimmy felt a twinge of anger, but calmed himself, he needed to be a nice enough guy to remain in Gogo's good books
Alex: You good?
Jimmy: 'Love you too?'
Alex: Don't make it weird, he's like a brother to me by now
Jimmy: Do you want him to be 'just like a brother'?
Alex: What, would you be jealous if I said no?
Jimmy looks away with a pout: ...
Alex face palmed: Oh my god, there's nothing between me and Ben.
Alex let of one of his crazy chuckles: It's better not to be attracted to your friends
Jimmy: ... I get that
Alex: Really?
Jimmy: Yeah, sorry. My ego got the best of me
Alex: I'll forgive you if you'll be my cuddle buddy for the night
Jimmy feigned shock: Staying over on the first night? How scandalous~
Alex: I thought you wanted my forgiveness
Jimmy shivered at the tone: I do
Alex: If you try anything so help me-
Jimmy: Hey whoa man, I know about the respect, consent, and other shit so don't you worry.
Alex raised an eyebrow in disbelief: Really?
Jimmy: Yeah, we'll just cuddle that's all
Alex: ... I do have bad taste don't I?
Jimmy smirks: The worst~
Jimmy: So you're telling me you just have a bunch of bathroom necessities, including toothbrushes in one drawer?
Alex: You got a problem with that?
Jimmy: Yes, you didn't even organize this shit
Alex: Just take the damn toothbrush right there
Jimmy: But it's green
Alex: What's wrong with green??
Jimmy: It's ugly
Alex: Bruh, is there anything you like?
Jimmy: You
Alex: Stop
Jimmy: Would you mind if I'm mostly naked?
Alex: Huh
Jimmy: Like, I am not wearing jeans to sleep
Alex tried to resist but his monkey gay brain said check him out. Jimmy was in fact, wearing black jeans with a pale pink shirt with the wretched words, 'Doki Doki' written in a dark purple font with the four girls from the Poetry club or something on it
Alex: What is your outfit even?
Jimmy: Casual, it's not likely that you're gonna parade me around on dates or anything public like that
Alex: ... You're not wrong but like, that shirt? Really?
Jimmy: I was literally listening to one of their soundtracks yesterday when you came by.
Alex: Oh my god you're an otaku???
Jimmy: Don't tell Jake, he's annoying as hell when it comes to this shit
Alex laughs and Jimmy felt his heart melt
Alex: Anyways, yeah it's fine if you're half undressed. Can't take you seriously anymore with that on anyways pfft-
Jimmy already taking off his pants: Sweet
Alex: Do you have no self respect?
Jimmy: You want me to take off my shirt too?
Alex quickly: No
Jimmy: You sure? ❤️
Alex: Just get in the bed.
Jimmy hopping onto the bed: Yes dear
Alex: I swear to god I will make you sleep on the floor
Jimmy: Nooo I'll behave.
Alex: Yeah?
Jimmy: Yeah
Alex: Good
Alex turned off the lights before getting into his bed. Jimmy pulls his body closer to the point they were face to face. Maybe he should've laid down on the other side
Jimmy: Goodnight ❤️
Alex flustered: Yeah yeah, good night
In the darkness of the room the two boys could hear each other's pounding hearts, but this time it didn't come from the movie. Jimmy took a chance and kissed Gogo's forehead
Alex: What was that for?
Jimmy feels his own face heat up: Well uh, you're, uh, cute and well-
Alex: Bruh
Jimmy: Was that okay?
Alex hides his flustered face into Jimmy's chest: ... Yeah.
Jimmy: Oh cool, cool.
Alex: ... Do you...
Jimmy: Hm?
Alex: Never mind
Jimmy: Can I kiss you again?
Alex meekly: ... Y...
Jimmy: What was that?
Alex: Yes...
Jimmy smirked and lifted Alex's face, and a completely pink Alex blessed his eyes.
Jimmy was genuinely shocked: Holy shit you're adorable
Alex: Just do it and be done with it!
Jimmy: My~ Was this what you wanted?
Alex: You are on a thin ass line right now.
Jimmy: Right, sorry
With that Jimmy kisses Alex's forehead again one last time that night.

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