Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 1

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Jimmy does polishing for some buildings floors because he finds it relaxing and blasts music on his headphones
Once he gets comfortable, since the floor is usually closed because you know, he's working and all, the only person that usually visits him is Jack. So sometimes he closes his eyes and dances, and ropes Jack into it sometimes.
However someone rudely pushed past the caution sign on this fateful day, and Jimmy just so happened to be lost in his own world.
Alex: 'is that jimmy??? why is he here?'
Jimmy not noticing who it was entangles Alex into a short dance much to the shorter's dismay and utter confusion. When Jimmy leaned back Alex would yelp audibly
Jimmy opens his eyes and comments smartly: You're not Jack
Alex: Disappointed?
Jimmy stands up: Hah, if I didn't know any better, it almost sounds like you were flirting with me
Alex: If my bar was that low I would trip over it
Jimmy mockingly: Ooo ouch I'm hurt
Alex: Whatever, why are you here?
Jimmy: What does it matter to you? Are you already excited to see me again?
Alex: You know, if you keep making comments like these I think you might be the one who's flirting
Jimmy: Do you like it?
Alex inevitably blushing slightly: Hah, why would I like being flirted with by you?
Jimmy: ... So you're okay with guys flirting you if it's not me?
Alex: None of your business, now tell me what you're doing here!
Jimmy: You wouldn't believe me
Alex: Let's see what kind of bullshit you spew before I sock you in the mouth
Jimmy: It's not very smart to say where you'll hit me out loud but if you really wanna hear my voice that much then-
Alex: Oh my god will you get to the point?
Jimmy: Maybe.
Alex: Urgh! Why did I even try-
Jimmy: I like polishing.
Alex: Huh
Jimmy: I'm not repeating myself
Alex: You lick polishing???
Jimmy: Oh my god, fine, for you I'll repeat what I just said, I said, "I, like, polishing".
Alex: Are you actually flirting with me
Jimmy: Eh, depends on you.
Alex: What's that supposed to mean
Jimmy: Whatever you want it to mean
Alex: So you polish floors?? I thought the Union pays you well
Jimmy: It does, but this is more of an enjoyment thing
Alex: You enjoy polishing??
Jimmy: Yeah, it's like... Whatever you enjoy in your free time but you get paid to do it
Alex: For once I have to say you're right.
Jimmy: Mhm
Alex: I don't believe you at all
Jimmy: If I asked you about why you are here would you answer?
Alex: No
Jimmy: Guessed as much but why didn't you take the elevator?
Alex: ... taking a leg day
Jimmy: Hm?
Alex: I'm not repeating that
Jimmy: Touché, as much as I enjoy this banter I'm going to have to ask you to get to your destination because you probably ruined all my work with your dirty shoes
Alex: Right, because you work as a, custodian?
Jimmy: You can call me that, or you can call me tonight
Alex: What
Jimmy: I like your attitude, here's my number and we can chat anytime you like ❤️
Alex: H u h
Jimmy: Now shoo

Alex at home in his apartment: What just happened.
Alex in shock laying spread out on his bed: There's no way I just got someone's number
Alex looks at his hand: It's real, I actually got a guy's number...
Alex: Why did I get his number? I don't deserve someone's attention for arguing with them
Alex scowling: Wait a minute, this is Jimmy Bae's number...
Alex holds his face: God, how pathetic must I be to get a guy a like to give me his number...
Alex: ... Okay, at least I restrained myself from punching him, not sure how I'll explain to the security why I punched a janitor.
Alex slides his hands off his face: Should I text him?
Alex: What! Of course not I hate this guy, I should have ripped up his number in front of him argh! He must think I'm interested in him how could I be so stupid he's obviously just leading me on... Right?
Alex's phone buzzes with a notif and his heart flutters for a moment until he checked
Alex: It's just Ben in the group chat... Hah, Jimmy doesn't have my number, why would I think it would be him.. There's no way I like him, that would be gross.
While Alex was having his dilemma his phone buzzed as more of the gang started texting
Alex: Ugh! Can't I have a crisis in peace?
BritishClock: 'Yo Alex! I can see you lurking you coming or not?'
SingingTree: 'Wow, Alex isn't speaking for once'
Pitbull: 'Yeah I'm going to the party, now if anyone wants to say something say it now before I go sleep'
BritishClock: 'I have something to say'
Pitbull: 'What'
BritishClock: 'Love you bestie ❤️ '
Aussie: 'I regret teaching you about this kind of slang'
Alex turns on do not disturb on his phone and sighed. Although Ben told him he loved him this wasn't the first time he said that, not by a long shot. They've been saying it for years but it hardly meant a thing to him now. At first, it made his heart all fluttery and his face all red but now after 4 or 5 years of this it felt more, brotherly than heart pounding romantic.
And yet, he still hadn't ripped up the number yet.
Alex: I am not doing this
Alex not even 5 minutes later: I'm doing this
Alex: Nope! Can't do this. Nu uh, no way
Alex: Yeah, this is for the best. I'm not desperate or anything, besides this is Jimmy Bae. He's just getting into my head because... Because... Uuuuuuuhhh.
Alex: Feels like I'm forgetting something.
BritishClock: 'He didn't say it back 😔'
Alex: Not that
Alex: You know, why can't I text him huh? What's stopping me? Yeah, if he wants to play the flirting game I'll be in the one in control, it's not like he knows how to flirt with a guy or anything, right?? Right??? Besides, there's no way I'll ever like like him. Yeah, yeah! I can totally do this.
Alex: No I can't.
Alex: Argh! What do I doooo
Alex: Fuck fuck fuckity fuck
Alex: Hehe, fuckity
Alex: ... I'm gonna sleep on it, I'll figure it out tomorrow. Not procrastinating or anything I'm just tired and stressed. It's not like he's waiting for me to text or anything.
Alex scoffs: CaLl Me ToNiGhT, What the hell is that supposed to mean? Yeah, I'm not gonna think anymore.
Alex: ... Did I brush my teeth?
When Alex wakes up again, more clear minded and does his usual morning routine without a care in the world, and only when he was eating cereal he remembered that he had a number.
Alex: What if the number is fake and I end up calling some innocent person or worse, a fast food place that's just doing their jobs!
Alex: Ahhh what do I do?
Aussie: 'Hey guys, what's the band that made Radioactive?'
SingingTree: 'I think it was Imagine Dragons'
Aussie: 'Imagine Dragon deez balls across yo face'
SingingTree: 'DAMMIT ROWAN'
Alex: Wait, maybe I can use this to my advantage

'You': Hey Rowan
'Rowan': What up man
'You': I have someone's number but I can't be sure if it's there's. You wanna do a texting prank on them?
'Rowan': Say no more, start with a spam message
'You': K

'You': Congratulations! You have won the chance to get free auto insurance, don't miss it now just click on this link >Insert a legit link to a car website<
'Unknown': Anything else I should know?

'You': Shit, I think he
Alex pauses before he sends his message, and edits his message to
'You': Shit, I think she's onto me
Alex sighs, he wasn't ready yet to tell just anyone he got a guy's number, especially when this guy started the war between Eungang and the Union.
'Rowan': Okay if it's really her just say an obscure reference only you two would get. Good luck man this is all I got-
'You': Thanks man, oh and if this ends bad don't you dare think of telling anyone else.
'Rowan': Me? Psh, when have I ever told someone's secret?
'You': ...
'Rowan': Without their permission
'You': 🤨
'Rowan': Just text them man

'You': Certainly! If you join now, we also cover health insurance like being injured by metal pipes, the world is a dangerous place you know
'Unknown': So it is you Alex, you took your sweet time
Alex froze in place, what now? His phone dinged again
'Unknown': Nice try with the spam message but you shouldn't use the actual website that's just lame
'You': Don't care.
Alex let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
Alex: Why am I so relieved?
Then Alex realized a bigger problem
Alex: Wait, why am I texting him?!? He has my personal number now oh fuck fuck fuck he's gonna track me down and hack all my accounts and-
The phone dinged again
'Unknown': So where do you wanna meet?
Completely off-guard he remembered that Jimmy isn't smart enough to know how to hack, probably.
'You': Never if possible
'Unknown': I'm hurt, I give you my number and you don't even want to see me?
Then the next text made Alex heart stop for a moment
'Unknown': Then why bother texting me if you're not interested?
'You': I'm bored
'Unknown': That would explain why you didn't block me, or didn't text at all
'You': So you know that you suck
'Unknown': My personality is not the only thing that can suck
'You': Your looks?
'Unknown': If I said what I meant you would use it as blackmail
'You': Still don't get it
'Unknown': Invite me to your house then I can demonstrate what I mean
'You': oh, Oh, OH
'You': You bottom??
'Unknown': I switch, but I'm guessing your not completely straight after all
'You': Even if I wasn't straight
Alex felt a pang in his heart when he used that label
'You': I still wouldn't even think about doing that kind of thing with you
'Unknown': Hate on me all you want but just know I'm here whenever you want it ❤️
'You': You're disgusting
'Unknown': Thanks, see you around babe
Alex gagged out loud.
Alex: What an asshole.
Alex: A weird one.

Jimmy is sitting in his home humming happily, we see the recent conversation with Alex's contact listed as, 'Puppy'

Alex: I wonder... Nope! Not thinking, not thinking, not thinking, uuuuhhhh.
Alex checks out the group chat and sets a reminder to get to the pool hall by six on Friday after Gray's and the rest cram school
Alex: Ah shit! I need to get to school
It was only Wednesday

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