Pspsps (Alex x Jimmy) Part 6

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Alex wakes up, he's not certain what time it is exactly but it's definitely morning seeing as there was a bit of light peeking through the curtains of the window. Seeing as Jimmy was still here, sleeping peacefully in front of him Alex decided now was a good time to, explore. He reaches out carefully and runs his hand through Jimmy's hair. It's rough, like dog fur. When Alex touches Jimmy's face it feels, cakey. When he looked at his fingers he can see some foundation that came off.
Alex: oh
Alex pays it no mind as he continued mapping out Jimmy's body I'm his mind. Broad shoulders, biceps that were well built not intimidatingly like Ben's, but just in the way Alex's likes. Alex grazes his hands over Jimmy's chest, man those tiddies do be nice though. As he was getting lower down Jimmy's chest he was suddenly aware of something poking his legs.
Alex: You awake yet?
Jimmy: Maybe
Alex: Can I continue?
Jimmy: Only if you're ready for round two~
Alex: Nah, I can't do a round two right now
Jimmy: Aw, if you say so
Alex: Go take a shower or something
Jimmy: Am I making you uncomfortable?
Alex: Not really, I might give in to temptation if this keeps up
Jimmy: ... Alright, I'll get up
Alex: Good
Jimmy let's go of Alex at last and as Jimmy gets out of the bed and picks up his clothes Alex is reminded that yes, they did have sex last night, and it was hot.
Once he heard the bathroom door click close he started talking to himself
Alex: I can't believe I chose Jimmy Bae out of all people
Alex: ... At least it wasn't a friend, now that would've been awkward
Suddenly the door opens
Jimmy: You wanna join me?
Alex blushes: No!
Jimmy shrugs: Your loss
Alex waits until he hears the water running this time
Alex: Do I find Jimmy attractive??
Alex: No, no of course not
Alex: Well not romantically
Alex: ... I feel like I'm forgetting something
Alex: Can't be that important
Knock knock
Alex: Are you kidding me
Alex quickly puts on clothes and hurriedly opened the door before Ben could knock again.
Ben on the verge of tears: Are you mad at me?
Alex: What no
Ben cheerfully: Then why have you been ignoring our messages lately?
There was menace behind that smile
Alex: Well I was building up a relationship to get laid why else?
Ben: ... Are they still here?
Alex: Well, yes
Ben: Can I meet them?
Alex: No ❤️
Ben distressed: Why not?
Alex: I uh, haven't discussed that with them yet
Ben: So can we meet them soon?
Alex: If the relationship goes well then yeah maybe
Ben was happy: Okay good!
Ben was suddenly serious: I'm keeping your word on that
Alex: Yeah yeah just leave
Ben: Oh and before I forget, you should probably hide the condom box before opening the door, okay bye now!
Alex was left spluttering out of embarrassment
Alex: I fucking forgot to hide this shit
He closes the door and locks it.
Jimmy: So I take it's not a good time to leave?
Alex: Wow, you're smarter than I thought
Jimmy: Har har
Jimmy: So is this going to be a daily thing now or-
Alex: Once a week at most
Jimmy: Aw
Alex: I don't want to see you more than necessary
Jimmy: ... You have anything I can use to make breakfast?
Alex: No
Jimmy: Shopping it is then
Alex: Okay let me shower first
Jimmy smugly: What happened to not wanting to see me?
Alex: I was being dramatic okay
Jimmy: Ooh drama queen in the house!
Alex: Shut up
Alex: Also, I just realized I never told you how the shower works
Jimmy: Good thing I like cold showers in the morning
Alex: Oh well
As Alex takes his shower Jimmy examines the place.
Jimmy: Um
Alex had left his naughty box outside
Jimmy: This shit's fucking huge what the hell??
Jimmy: Imma pretend I didn't see that
Alex: See what?
Jimmy: Your giant dildo
Jimmy: Wait
Jimmy was shocked: How did you finish so fast?!
Alex: That's what she said
Jimmy: 'She'? Really?
Alex shrugs: Eh, so we ready to go or no
Jimmy: Been ready
Jimmy: Cute outfit by the way
Alex: Mhm
Alex: Oh wait
Alex picked up his phone and texted someone. Not a minute later he called out
Alex: Ben go home already
Ben: Darn
Jimmy was astonished: He's still here?
Alex: This is some next level clown shit
Alex motions for Jimmy to hide as he opened the door
Alex: I am going to kick you down the stairs
Ben: No you won't
Alex laughs: Yeah you're right
Alex: Unless?
Ben: Okay okay I get it
Alex: If you did get it then you wouldn't still be here
Ben: I'm leaving I'm leaving jeez
Ben: Love you
Alex: Yeah yeah love you too
Ben was happy with that and took the elevator down
Jimmy: I'm not sure how to feel about your relationship
Alex: Do I look flustered?
Jimmy: No, but I can help with that~
Alex: Chill, it's not like this is a date or anything
Jimmy: It isn't?
Alex: You're gross man
Jimmy: You literally invited yourself to come with me
Alex: Do you know the area?
Jimmy: Well-
Alex: Exactly

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