To Stephen

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I have a friend,
They were kind and bright
He came randomly into my life

I remember when he smiles,
The world seems a little brighter
That smile of his I could talk about for hours,
The way that his eyes glistens,
His nose scrunches,
And his shiny golden smiles

I think about him every now and then
His perfect smile is like the sun,
Well maybe not the sun but more like the moon

But what is the moon without stars?
A sky full of stars,
and he was a shooting star

There for a moment,
And then gone.
I miss him

I like his smile,
I miss him
And his genuine smile

When you're alone
And the stars are there
do you realize the beauty?
The beauty that is the night sky
The beauty of him

I like a lot things about him,
His gentle hands that were warm in mine
His flimsy arms that held me close
His gangly body that smelled of cologne
I never liked the smell of cologne

I like him a lot
My dear friend,
A kind soul
Gone too soon

I am not as good as he was
I never will be
I'm sorry

-Someone who misses you

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