Donald's Dilemma

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Donald doesn't remember much of his past clearly, the details were murky by now but the effects it holds on him is still there. He remembers it was dark and cold. People often looked at him, and he remembers pain. Agonizing pain as a one and three zeros were engraved into his skin
Them: This is how much you're worth, a measly one thousand won.
Them: You may not know how much that is but it's not much to us
Them: Here look, I'll teach you how to read and write and if you do well I might let you go deal?
Donald: ...
Them: Right, I should teach you to speak as well, no matter it should be fine

That bitch didn't let him go, not willingly. After finding out Donald had a knack for absorbing information when he was examined like a prize animal again for those people they began to offer numbers higher than he could currently count.
Them: Well would you look at that, your price increased. We should fix that number then
More pain, absolute agony as five more zeros were added
Them: What a pretty little trophy you turned out to be
Donald crying: It hurts
Them: Well no shit it hurts, why would I waste painkillers on you? You should be grateful that it was me that did this and not that guy over there
Donald doesn't remember the person, but the fear he felt for the person who marred his skin was far greater than anything Donald could have ever known.

So when he saw Them years after he escaped that zoo he was distraught. Of course he beat Their ass no problem but he couldn't bring himself to carve the same numbers into Them. He didn't understand, why did he feel this way when he knew that They could've given him better food, clothing, at least a fucking blanket.
And still, Donald couldn't do a thing over the line as revenge. He felt so, pathetic realizing that. So he decided to take a risk.

Donald: What's a family bond like?
Jake: ... That's a loaded question
Donald: ...
Jake sighs: Family bond huh? Well, you can say it's someone who supports you from the sidelines, someone who cares for your well-being, whether mental or physical, and I guess they're always just there
Donald: ... Right, they did the bare minimum of that
Jake: It could also be time
Donald: Time?
Jake: Yeah, being together and not saying a word for years makes for some sort of connection
Donald: That, sounds more accurate
Jake: Did they hurt you?
Donald: ... Yeah, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to hurt him back and that frustrates me
Jake: Sometimes family isn't the best, you should talk to a therapist
Donald: I know, but I can't afford the vulnerability that will bring me
Jake: Just saying... Well whatever you do, just know I totally believe in you. You got this man, because you're motherfucking Donald Na
Donald smiles: I suppose I am, thank you Jake Ji
Jake: No worries boss man
Donald: You can smile
Jake: ...
Jake's face contorts into a smile
Jake: Have a nice day sir

Donald: What's this? It's bread shaped but, not bread
Jake somewhat shocked: It's a, it's a stuff animal
Donald: Yes, but what do I do with it?
Jake: You can name it
Donald: I am not naming this
Jake: You can hug it
Donald: 'Hug' it?
Jake: You know, the thing with your arms like watch this
Jake: Dean
Dean: What
Jake: Surprise hug!
Jake hugs the other, obviously
Dean: Okay
Donald: Interesting
Later that night
Donald: Hm
He carefully reaches out to hold the bread doll, so gentle, as if too much force will break it into a million threads. Then lifts the doll up to his face
Donald: It smells like oranges...
His arms wrap around the doll and he leans onto his bed
Kingsley watching all this, as you do, was clutching his chest with one hand, the other was over his mouth in shock of the overwhelmingly wholesome scene.

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