Ew Wolf 🤢 (Wolf x Jared)

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Dedicated to @artificial0light
Jared steps into his room, dressed only in a bathing robe while drying his hair with a purple towel. He had a feeling he was not alone.
Jared: Hello
Wolf: Can you actually see it's really fucking dark in here?
Jared scoffs: Should I be concerned how you got in?
Wolf: No, I don't think so
Jared: You should've told me you were coming, I haven't shaved yet
Wolf: Shave?
Jared: Yes, I'm not the hairless sphinx you think I am
Wolf: Are you insulting me?
Jared: Depends on if you're only here to break my lock or break my bed.
Wolf: ...
Jared sighs: Give me a few minutes, I'll be hot and ready for you then
Wolf: I don't care if you have hair you know?
Jared snickers: Well I do, I like feeling smooth, like a seal
Wolf: Weirdo
Jared: Are you going to pay for a new lock?
Wolf: ...
Jared: That's it, we're using toys
Wolf: Hell no!
Jared: Don't yell it's like, 11 o clock
Wolf: I fucking hate toys
Jared: And I love them, you better break my back too while you're at it
Wolf: I already have
Jared: Okay but for real this time don't go too fast 'cause I hadn't had sex in a while
Wolf: Define "a while"
Jared: Two months, give or take a few weeks
Wolf: Oh damn
Jared: Who knew that the past haunts you
Wolf: ...
Wolf: Can I come in?
Jared was taken aback, but around Wolf one must never be weak. He quickly regained his composure
Jared: I mean, sure but I'm not doing anything interesting
Wolf enters Jared's bathroom, who as said, was shaving their legs at the moment. So Wolf sits in front of him and silently watched
Jared: What are you pouting about?
Wolf: Nothing
Jared rolls his eyes: Let me guess, I'm a rebound?
Wolf: No, no you're not
Jared: I am though, you love to think of me as that bitch of yours. Skinny, sassy, and sadistic
Wolf: That is not my type
Jared shrugs and switches to the other leg: Well if it's not that you prefer the opposite spectrum of large, soft-spoken, and masochistic.
Wolf: I'm not a kinky person
Jared: You had sex with me, yes you are
Wolf: Shut up and shave faster
Jared: And potentially scrape my 'milky soft' skin? No way!
Wolf groans: You're never going to let that go are you
Jared: Who calls milk 'soft'?
Wolf: Jared I am going to beat you up
Jared: Oh and another thing, people don't like it when I'm bruised, so don't suck the soul out of me when you leave hickeys
Wolf: I don't leave hickeys...
Jared: Oh so if I wake up tomorrow with red marks I just happened to bruise myself in my sleep?
Wolf: I mean it happens-
Jared: Not my point
Wolf huffs impatiently watching Jared's hand move slowly down his leg and right back up.
Wolf: I still don't understand why you would want to shave
Jared: It makes me feel pretty, and I like feeling pretty
Jared: There all down, now that didn't take too long now did it?
Wolf: It took forever
Jared puts away the razor and starts washing all the excess away
Jared: Really now?
Wolf grimaced: No
Jared: Right answer, now go wait on the bed for me will you?
Wolf starts to look away: Uh, I think I'll wait for you
Jared: Wolf...
Wolf rolls his eyes: Okay but no handcuffs
Jared snapped his fingers causing Wolf nearly to get whiplash with how fast he looked towards the other.
Jared: Who's in charge here?
Wolf couldn't answer truthfully but his pride couldn't allow him to lie either.
Jared: That's right, now go wait for me~
Wolf: Yes Jared
With a dejected sigh Wolf got up as Jared continued on as he always have done.

It seemed like everyone was moving on just fine after all the messed up shit they done in high school. Must be the 'therapy' thing Wolf has been hearing about.
Wolf was stewing in denial when he was kissed on his collarbone
Wolf: Took you long enough
Jared scoffs looking up at Wolf: I was hoping you would be naked by now not fully dressed
Wolf: And miss out on foreplay I can handle?
Jared pouts: You're so boring!
They both chuckle, forehead against forehead looking into each other's eyes.
Jared: You should've stayed away when you had the chance
Wolf: Well I'm dealing with the consequences now aren't I?
Jared's mood soured, and yet he still reached out to cup Wolf's chin and lead their kiss. Sure Wolf was good at fucking but Jared had lost feelings a long while ago. Jared started unbuckling Wolf's pants as Wolf dominated his mouth as he loves to do. Wolf's hands were on his bare hips, and they were noticeably dry and scratchy from not moisturizing enough. It bothered Jared in the back of his mind, like a stain on a white couch. Wolf parted from the kiss first, to stand up and take off his shirt. It was Jared's cue to get on his knees and pull down Wolf's pants and briefs. There was a time where Jared would enjoy this, now it was just plain boring and kind of embarrassing to be wasting his talents on someone stuck in the past. Nevertheless he did his job and gave Wolf a sloppy blow job as well. Wolf's hand gently stroke Jared's hair, knowing the green haired one hates having their hair ruined. It was a peculiar sight and an even odder experience for the both of them.
Jared pulled back letting the saliva strand connecting his mouth and Wolf's dick drip onto the floor.
Jared: I see you remember my complaint about not being touched enough
Wolf: Yeah well-
Jared: It's a shame that you and me are never going to work out
Wolf: What?
Jared: Don't you "what?" me, between you being obsessed with your ex boyfriend who you go on and off with and me being your rebound every single time while not putting a 'label' on it, did you honestly think you could come over here, break into my house all sad and mopey, and expect me to let you into my life with open arms?
Wolf: Well I'm hot and a good fuck aren't I?
Jared bitterly: How ironic for you to say that
Wolf: Ugh great now I'm soft from bickering with you
Jared stands up, he was peeved. This would not end well for Wolf
Wolf: Why are you grabbing the handcuffs-
Jared coldly: Lay down on the bed
Wolf, afraid of Jared's many trinkets and gadgets quickly did as he was ordered- Told. As he was told.
Jared straddles Wolf: Now that's much better
Wolf flinches as thin fingers gently touched him on his bicep. The hand slowly went down his arm, skimming over the muscle that has faded away with time, when it finally reached his wrist. Wolf scrunched up as he felt the familiar fuzziness that the interior of the handcuff had. Jared wasted no time handcuffing Wolf to the bed post. Then he finished his work by doing the same to Wolf's other wrist.
Jared rubs his thighs against Wolf's body: There we go~
Wolf did not like handcuffs, but he could tolerate them at least. It was much better than Jared bringing out his dildo. Dildoes? Eh
Jared smirks as he lightly bounces, causing Wolf to buck on instinct.
Jared: Still can't handle foreplay huh?
Wolf: Don't you dare-
Jared opens his eyes: You still think you're in charge? How adorable~
Wolf gritted his teeth, hissing as Jared rubs his tip against his ass. He pulled at the handcuffs and the creaking of the wooden bed posts seemed promising.
Jared: Ah ah ah, be gentle
He stopped all movement and waited patiently for the restraints to ease up. Wolf wasn't as patient, and struggled to not destroy the chains like a cheap stress toy. When he was finally relaxed enough Jared patted his face mockingly
Jared: There we go, now that's a good boy~
Wolf: For the love of, get on with it already!
Jared considered it: ... No 💚
Wolf: Bitch
Jared scoffs offended by the one beneath him. Jared got off of Wolf's dick to prostrate himself so Wolf had a good view.
Wolf: How dare you
Jared didn't really care, he coated his fingers with his own saliva and started his show. He made sure to moan as breathy as possible, to make Wolf go insane from not being able to fuck him right there and feeling Jared's hot, needy, breath against his dick. Jared saw it twitch from his peripheral vision and was distracted by refocusing his attention on Wolf's dick hardening before his very eyes. He gave in and licked the tip making Wolf moan. It was dead silent for a moment before there was a metallic snap! And a very loud crack before Jared's face was smushed into his bedsheets when Wolf pinned him down.
Skin to skin, dick to ass there was a moment to breathe for the both of them when Wolf whispered
Wolf: You're such a little bitch
Jared smirks: You fall for this every time
Wolf placed his one hand on Jared's chest, slinking downwards
Jared was ready, two hands to steady himself, knees in working order, and dammit he was milky soft just as Wolf remembered. His shampoo, his hair, his clothes were different now but his skin was still the same.
Jared grew impatient and grinds himself on Wolf's still hard dick
Jared bitterly: While it lasts babe
Wolf snaps out of it and aligned his tip to Jared's entrance. Finally. He slowly intruded himself into Jared before full on slamming into the other. Jared hisses in pain.
Wolf: No way am I going to 'take it easy' on you
Although he could definitely feel the tightness that wasn't there the last few times. If Wolf could feel guilt he would. He didn't of course, because Wolf is an asshole. So yeah they fucked.
Jared: You still smoke?
Wolf buttoning up his shirt: Yeah, why?
Jared tossed him a box: You left these last time you came by
Wolf: I don't smoke this brand...
Jared: You're the only person I fuck with that smokes and this wasn't around before you came by.
Wolf huffs walking towards the door: Whatever, later Sun.
Jared: Oh and Wolf?
Wolf looks back: Hm?
Jared: I'm going to need you to pay for damages
Wolf: ... Fine
Wolf Keum died
but no one cried
except for Fruit Boi
who had tears of joy.

Finally that monster was dead,
died covered in his favorite shade of red.
I will tell you how he died,
but it's so unbelievable you'll think I lied.

He got drunk at a bar like he always did,
finally realized to escape the Union he'd go off the grid.
He hopped on his bike and revved it loudly,
rode his motorcycle down the road so proudly,
thinking that he'd succeed in pissing off Donald Na.

But alas, he had too many drinks that night.
He lost control, crashed into a wall, and became a horrifying sight.
With blood and guts everywhere,
the bystanders were all in shock and could only stare.

He was dead before the ambulance's arrival,
with not a single chance of revival.
His parents didn't care for his death,
didn't care that their son had just taken his final breath.

Wolf Keum was cremated and burned to ash,
he who died in a motorcycle crash.
No one gave a shit as his remains were flushed down the drain,
no sadness could be bothered to be feigned.

If Wolf Keum had a grave,
everyone would've danced on it and hosted a rave.
They'd desecrate his resting place,
because no one gave a shit about that nutcase.
Poem by Rintorar

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