"Showtime at Yuigaoka!"

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(Sayo POV)
It is been three days since the shenanigans that Ako made in the ship that she thinks that Kanan was been dead or missing or been a hostage. Now Me, Hina, Tomoe, Rinko, Mari, And Shibuya are now doing final practice in CiRCLE for the performance tomorrow evening at Yuigaoka Girls High School for the closing of their intramural sports and fun-fair day. We have selected three songs to cover and then Mari gave all of us two of their Aqours songs from their time when they were an idol back in their homeworld.
Rinko: I could not believe you're an Idol, Mari-san.

Shibuya: Me either!

Mari: I have a passion to become an idol with my friends. One day I can be one again.

Hina: We will wait for you guys! When the time comes let's perform together!

Mari: Sure!

Tomoe: No rude upon intended, but it almost getting late.

Sayo: Tomoe-chan is right. Let's finish our final practice, then we can go home and rest.

Everyone: Okay!
We continued to have our practice for another one in a half hours. After we are impressed and ready for tomorrow's event, we concluded our final practice. Shi-chan left in a hurry because she will miss the last few train rides for the day. As the remaining of us, we exited the studio and bid farewell to Marina, who was kind enough to open the doors for us even it is beyond the closing time.
Sayo: I am kinda hungry...

Hina: Me too!

Tomoe: Because we haven't taken our dinner yet...

Rinko: Yeah. We were focused on our practice that we have forgotten to have dinner...

Mari: Okay! Tonight will be my treat! Let us head to a fancy restaurant!

Sayo: Huh? Is there still open this later at night?

Mari: I know a place! So, hope into the vehicle and we are going to fly there!
So, all of us boarded the flying vehicle and then head off where Mari said that there is a good fancy restaurant. When the ship landed in that said area, I realized that we are in Roppongi, the place where most that I heard were all famous restaurants and late-night bars are located. Then Mari guided us to a famous fancy restaurant chain and we spent our dinner there.

(3rd POV)
After the well-spent dinner at a fancy restaurant, Sayo, Hina, Rinko, Tomoe, and Mari heads back to Nursedessei to have a well-nigh rest for the event tomorrow. Once they reach Nursedessei, they started to walk towards the command center while talking.
Sayo: Shockingly Mari-san, you are bringing your bass tonight.

Mari: Yeah. I want to play it more later.

Sayo: I see...
Once they entered the command center, they see three familiar faces. Probably waiting for them. It was Yukina, Lisa, and Ako.
Sayo: Oh, the three of you are still awake?

Lisa: Yep!

Yukina: Where were you all?

Rinko: P-Practice.

Lisa: Practice?

Ako: Mou! You guys didn't tell us!

Sayo: It is a practice that isn't related to our band.

Yukina: Huh? What do you mean about that?

Tomoe: We are forming a one-off band for tomorrow's event that we're attending.

Yukina: Oh, Where are you guys performing?

Hina: At Yuigaoka Girl's High School!

Lisa: Oh, the newly reopened school in the Shibuya area?

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