"My Friends"

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(3rd POV)
In the depths of the ocean floor, Darrgon was already broken free from the traps that Hudram sets up. Now, he is been waiting for Carmeara for almost a day.

Then, Carmeara shows up and Darrgon asked her where is Hudram. Carmeara then answered his question and said that Hudram was no longer alive. After hearing this, Darrgon decided to leave Carmeara. But then, something happened. Carmeara cast a curse into him that made her control his body.

As the night rolls along, back in Nursedessei, Ran and Moca went home. Sayo and Hina are already back inside with the rest. As for Lisa and Yukina, they decided to stay at Yukina's place for the night.

As the night rolled along, Ako and Rinko head to bed for the night. Meanwhile, Tomoe invited the Hikawa twins to the flat area that is outside of Nursedessei. The reason is Tomoe wants to watch the stars in the clear night sky. Now, Tomoe, Hina, and Sayo are laying down on their back and enjoying themselves watching the night, star sky.
Sayo: This really relaxes my mind after what happened today.

Tomoe: I have to agree on that.

Hina: Hey! Let's take a picture! Just the three of us!

Tomoe: Thats a great idea! How about you Sayo-chan?

Sayo: Okay. Let's do it.

Hina: Yey! Give me time to set up. Also, we have perfect natural lighting from the moon!
Hina immediately set up her phone on a camera and its timer. After setting up, Hina immediately runs back towards Sayo and Tomoe.
Hina: Position!!!

Sayo and Tomoe: O-Okay!

Hina: 3... 2... 1... SMILE!!!

Sayo and Tomoe: Smile!
Then Hina's phone takes a picture. After Hina rushed over to get her phone and the three of them look at the outcome and they loved it. Hina then shared the photo with her sister and Tomoe. After, they head back inside Nursedessei and call it a night.

As the next day rolled over and the sun is about to rise from the horizon, Hina was already awake, once she walks into the hallway, she notice that someone was already in the kitchen and in the command center, it was already woken up. It was Lisa and Yukina, Hina was surprised.
Hina: Why are you guys here?!

Lisa: Fufu. The both of us woke up around 3 am. The reason, no one will prepare breakfast.
Eventually, everyone started to show up in the command center. All of them take their breakfast and chat at the same time. As they talked, Tomoe remembers that Shibuya Kanon wants to hang out in the afternoon, Shibuya will wait in front of Haneoka later. So she tells it to everyone about it and agreed to spend time with Shibuya later.

After their breakfast, everyone headed to their respective school for the day. Rinko and Sayo head off to Hanasakigawa via the falcon. As for Hina, Tomoe, Lisa, and Yukina, they proceeded with Haneoka with Nursedessei. Once all of them arrived, they all proceeded to their usual doings for school life.

As the day passed and the school bells rings. In Haneoka, Tomoe was still sitting down at her desk and looking at her IPad's wallpaper while all of her classmates were exiting the room for lunch. Suddenly, someone is calling her from behind with a "funny" expression.
Tomoe: ...

????: Fufu! Tomoe-chan is thinking dirty things!

Tomoe: W-What?!?!


Tomoe: Moca? What was that for?!

Moca: Hehe.

Ran: It seems you're spacing out.

Tomoe: Was I?

Moca: It sure is!

Tomoe: Didn't notice at all...

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