"The Last Game and Hina's True Power"

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(3rd POV)
Yohane: Now, Sayo-san, your sister needs you.

Sayo: W-What happened to my beloved sister?!

Yohane: Your sister fainted. She needs you. Tomoe-san and Lisa-san are taking care of your sister.

Sayo immediately left after what Yohane said to her. Now she just boarded Nursedessei and rushed towards the command center. When she got there, she only see her fellow bandmates.
Sayo: Where is HINA?!?!

Lisa: Calm down Sayo.

Yukina: Hina is fine. She just fainted.

Ako: Hina-sempai is with sis! My sister is keeping an eye on her in your room.

Sayo: Thank god. Sorry...

Yukina: No need. As long as you are back, it's better.
Sayo calms down a little. Then she left the command center and headed straight to her room where Hina and Tomoe are currently at. Once she's at the door of her room, she knocks gently and opens it. When she got inside, she sees Tomoe sitting right beside Hina that was still sleeping in bed.
Tomoe: Sayo-chan...

Sayo: Dear, how is Hina-chan?

Tomoe: She is fine. Now, she is stable, so there is nothing to worry about.
Sayo then takes a seat beside Tomoe and then she rested her head on Tomoe's shoulders.
Sayo: Thank god.

Tomoe: How did you know?

Sayo: Yohane-san told me.

Tomoe: I see...

Sayo: What happened?

Tomoe: Hina-chan started to talk in other languages that we cant identify...

Sayo: My fear is coming so close...

Tomoe: Eh?

Sayo: Both of us are questioning our origins. We want to ask my parents but they are busy...

Tomoe: I see...


Tomoe: Whatever it is, I will still support and accept you both. Because I love both of you.

Sayo: Thank You, dear.
As time passes by, it was almost noon. Tomoe and Sayo were still keeping an eye on Hina. Then, Hina woke up which made the two stand up from their seats.
Sayo: Hina? Are you okay?

Hina: Sis... Tomoe-chan...


Hina: I am fine...

Tomoe: What a relief.

Sayo: What did you last remember before fainting?

Hina: I... only remember that Yohane-chan was talking with mainly Ako-chan.

Sayo: Okay... At least you're fine.

Tomoe: Hey, let me cook lunch for the three of us since the rest are already done.

Sayo: Let me help you.

Hina: Me too!

Tomoe: Are you both sure?

Sayo and Hina: Yes!

Tomoe: Great! Let go!
The three of them left the room and headed straight to the kitchen. Meanwhile, in the district of Shibuya in Tokyo, Kanon Shibuya and her mother were heading back to their cafe after buying more coffee beans.
Ms. Shibuya: Busy tomorrow?

Shibuya: Probably, Liella has practiced for the next LoveLive contest.

Ms. Shibuya: I see.


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