Inter Universe

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(Another Dimension | 3rd POV)

On the other Earth, something was happening. An alien named "Alien Barossa" has stolen something from the Special Tactical Operations Regimental Airborne and Ground Equipment or STORAGE for short. The alien stole King Joe SC from their facility.

Right now, the Alien Barossa with the King Joe SC is been followed by one of the STORAGE giant robots, Sevenger, and that Earth Ultra, Ultraman Z.
Sevenger: Hey! Get back here!!

Ultraman Z: Who the hell of some sort of idiot actually obeys that?!

Beliarok: What a hassle. Just let me cut it!
Then, Alien Barossa destroys some components of King Joe SC and throws them at them.
Sevenger: It's resorting to throwing things again!
Suddenly, The Alien Barossa grabs two somewhat rocks looking from somewhere in his infinite pocket and fused them.
Ultraman Z: What the Bullton?!?!

Beliarok: Hah! Amusing!!
A Bullton appeared in front of them. Now, they, including King Joe SC are currently sucked into a dimensional vortex.
Ultraman Z: This is bad, Haruki! King Joe is...!!
While everything around Bullton is forced to drag towards it, Ultraman Z pushes Sevenger away from Bullton. Then Z throws something to Sevenger in order not to get dragged. Then, Ultraman Z with King Joe SC and Alien Barossa vanished in front of Sevenger.
Sevenger: Lord Z! Haruki!!
(Dimension warp | 3rd POV)
Right now, the Alien Barossa transforms back to a small version of himself with a Baby Zandrias. While, Ultraman Z turn back into Haruki Natsukawa.
Baby Zandrias and Haruki: Ahhhhhhh!!!!

Baby Zandrias: Gimme those medals!!

Haruki: What the hell is this bird?!
The Baby Zandrias bites Haruki.
Haruki: Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts!! What is this?!

Baby Zandrias: Gimme the medals!!

Haruki: Let go of me!
Baby Zandrias flies off and now the Alien Barossa comes along and starts to fight with Haruki. The Alien took out his sword and Haruki took out his Z-Riser. Then they start to fight but Haruki's Z-Riser was broken after a blow from the Alien's sword. After, the alien took Haruki's Ultra Medals.
Haruki: Wait a minute! Give me back my medals!! Wahhhhhhh!!!!
(???? POV | Sayo's Earth)

I exited the dimensional warp that I have generated from my Miracle Type form and I see my homeworld for the first time in almost 3 years that I was gone.
????: Ahhh! My Earth, home at last. I am guessing it's early morning in Japan right now. I guess it's time to surprise my Mari-chan. Hehe.
After a few good minutes of just staring at my homeworld, I slowly enter the atmosphere in stealth mode so that every detection device won't detect me.

After slowly gliding down, I hover Awashima Island. Then, I land in front of my father's diving shop and then transform back to my human self. Once I finally back at my human state, I look at my Lieflasher that is fully 100% unusable after years of use.
???: Thank you for your service. It is time for you to take a rest and transfer your energy into something new.
I put my Lieflasher back in my pockets. After, I look around at my soundings.
???: Ahhh it seems it looks everything is still the same except, my father's shop which is really expanded towards the sea, then there is a new restaurant over there and especially, Mari's hotel is fully completed since I last saw it. Anyways, it is still 5 am it is pretty too early to visit Mari-chan. But, my father will open the shop moments from now, time to see him first!
So I proceeded to walk over to my father's shop and also my home. Once I made it to the door, I hive it a big knock. I wonder what I will be the reaction when my father sees me.
Mr. ????: Coming! I could not believe a customer comes this early...
I heard my father talking. He thinks that I am a customer. Then seconds later, the door opened.
Mr. ????: Welcome to Ma-...

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