Connection with the Light

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(3rd POV)
Ailen Petrified named Carmeara being floating around for more than 30 million years since its petrified in the far distant space. The day has finally come that the Carmeara was free for its painful state and swear to revenge after her suffering for millions of years.
(Sayo POV)
It was late at night and its almost closing time in CiRCLE and it was raining since this afternoon. All of my fellow Roselia members left two hours ago, Yukina went home with Lisa since their neighbors, Rinko went home by herself and Ako went to central Tokyo for a Business meeting for Ohara Foundation since she is a member of that said organization.

I was all alone in the studio practicing to master one of the new songs for the upcoming Live performance that is less than 1 month from now, then I sense a weird present behind me and thought to myself that I am the only one in the studio, all of my band members left CiRCLE two hours ago, and Marina is outside because I'm facing towards the main door in the studio, my body feels the sudden change of temperature from normal to cold, then I told myself in my mind "Sayo you can do this". I turned around and my body shivers from head to toe after what I have seen.

A girl was standing right in front of me. She is wearing an orange and white robe, a shiny blue crystal ring on her right arm, and lastly, she is a glowing white aura around all of her body in which that's the reason for my shock and anxiety. My heart was beating fast and ask her "Who are you?" loudly, then she still silent for one minute then she said: "You are the light and ...." suddenly the studio was filled with dark somewhat of cloud or fog and I was startled and started crying, then a figure appears and it looks like somewhat of a giant but I'm not sure if it was the light giant or dark giant and that giant fires a beam towards me and.....
Sayo: Ahhhh!!!!!!!
"It was just a dream again," I said. That dream again it happened for almost two weeks now. Then the door to my room opened and slammed loudly, I saw my caring twin younger sister Hina with a worried expression written all over her face. "Sis, what happened? Are you okay?" she asked, "I'm okay Hina, I dreamed that thing again." and I started crying.

After Hina sees me crying, she sits down beside me wiping my tears away from my eyes, and said: "Sis, don't worry I am always here beside you." After hearing those words from her mouth my heartbeat calmed I hugged her, and said to her: "Thank You, Hina."

Hina stands after she calmed me down, and faced me, and said: "Sis, Breakfast is ready, and also, mom and dad left early for a business trip to Italy." I almost forgot that our parents are leaving today for Italy. "Okay, I guess let us have breakfast Hina". I said it to her and she greatly accepts it.

I get up from my bed and we exited my room and head towards the Kitchen/Dining room to have breakfast. As we get closer, I smell something delicious. "Sis, I think you will love our breakfast today!" Hina said in excitement. As we enter the room, I saw what's on the table and my stomach got instant grave of food, it's because our breakfast that Hina prepare is baked beans, bread toast, and French fries. "Hina, you know that I love French fries but you know, it's still early morning, right?" I said it to her, and she replied: "Yes Sis, I know but common I'm craving for French fries, to be honest." after hearing I let out a big smile at her and said: "Fine, just today, okay?" and Hina replied happily: "Yes Sis!"

After having a nice breakfast to start the day, since it was a semestral break for both me and Hina, I went back to my room. While walking back, I think about what I am dreaming of for two weeks already. When I got back to my room and close my door, I start playing on my wonderful dark blue electric guitar to relax my mind.
(Hina POV)
"It seems sis is having fun right now playing her guitar," I said with happiness and joy as I clean the table that we have taken our breakfast today. While washing the dishes, I come to thought about my older sister's nightmares that she had experienced since two weeks ago. "Sis, I want to know what are you suffering with."

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