"The Marked Kanan: Detective Ako's Case File"

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(3rd POV | Nursedessei)
Back in Nursedessei, something is currently happening. Ako was acting weirdly and some are in a panic to find someone.
Ako: Pardon...


Ako: Everyone has assumptions about things.


Ako: "Maybe that person likes me!"


Ako: Perhaps you've had such an embarrassing episode of your own.


Ako: Assumptions are dangerous!


Ako: Yes, assumptions are...

????: Oy! Ako! Who the hell are you talking to?! Who?!

Ako: Eh?!?!
Ako Udagawa was startled. Because of that, she jumps out from the head captain's seat, also known as Hina Hikawa's seat.
Ako: Sis! You sacred me!

Tomoe: Yeah! Who the hell are you talking to?!

Ako: Ah... My unconscious mind!

Tomoe: Okay...

????: What is happening here?!

Ako: Oh! Sayo-san! Hina-sempai!

Hina: What is going on in my ship right now?!

Sayo: Yeah, why is Lisa-san is scrambling like she was on fire?

Ako: You see...

????: I can answer that.
Everyone turned around and it was Yukina Minato. She requested to call over Lisa Imai and Rina Tennoji to be summoned to the command center. Once Lisa and Rina arrived, the seven of them took a seat on the hexagon table in the center.
Hina: So, what is the problem?

Lisa: You see...

Yukina: As I have said, let me answer that question and straight to the point. Kanan-san is missing.

Tomoe, Hina, and Sayo: What the hell?!?!

Hina: Is that true?!

Rina: Maybe no and maybe yes.

Sayo: Impossible! Kanan-san will never be missing...

Tomoe: Did you try calling her?!

Yukina: Yes. But didn't answer our multiple calls.

Lisa: Yeah... even emergency calls...

Ako: hmm...


Ako: What the?!

Everyone: !!!

Ako: Hey everybody! Take a look at this!

Tomoe: What is it now?!
Everyone stood up from their seats and headed straight towards Ako's current location. When they arrived. All of them can only see a small red splatter in the pure white floor of the command center.
Lisa: No way! Could it be Kanan's...
Lisa tries to touch the red splatter but Ako stopped her from doing it.
Ako: Lisa-nee, Don't mess up the crime scene!

Lisa: S-Sorry!


Ako: Hmm...


Ako: It seems someone may have snuffed her out.

Everyone: Eh?!

Sayo: Impossible! Kanan-san will fight off if thats the case!

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