"The Encounter of Light and Darkness"

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(3rd POV)

Sayo: Chisato-san?!?!

Hina: Chisato-chan?!?!

Chisato: ...
The Hikawa twins were amazed, bizarre, and suspicious right now. They finally found Chisato after more than 1 week of missing. But, Sayo has a feeling that this will be no good to be true. Then Hina Hikawa rushes to hug Chisato, but she did something out of the ordinary that Sayo Hikawa was in a rage. Chisato just throws Hina to the side hard.
Hina: Grk!

Sayo: Hina!! Chisato, what the hell did you that for?!?!

Chisato: haha!!

Sayo: Eh?!
Sayo was right, Chisato isn't acting in her usual self just now.
Chisato: Fight me!

Sayo: What?!

Chisato: Did you hear what just I said?! FIGHT ME!

Hina: You are not the Chisato-chan I know!!
Hina stands up from her current location and then charges to Chisato and starts fighting her hard. On the other hand, Sayo just watched how Hina attack and defense abilities to Chisato.
Chisato: You pesky peasant, going to interfere with my main objective!

Hina: What the hell is wrong with you Chisato-chan?!

Chisato: Who is this "Chisato" that you called?!?!

Hina: What the?!?!
The next thing Chisato did was make Hina and Sayo realize something. Chisato summons a blue luminous whip and started to attack Hina. But gladly, Hina defended herself with her magical barrier that is generated through the ring.
Hina: Your not Chisato at all!! Your...

Sayo: ... your Carmeara!!!

Chisato(Carmeara): Haha! Finally! You notice me Trigger!!

Sayo: Why the hell are you possessing my friend's body?!

Chisato(Carmeara): It suits my needs!

Sayo: I am going to kill you and save my friend!!

Chisato(Carmeara): Then fight me!!

Sayo: Argkk!!!
Sayo then joins in the fight. Hina knows that her sister has no abilities like her if she is not in ultra form. So, Hina backs up her sister at all costs.

As the Hikawa twins are fighting against Carmeara that is still possessed Chisato's body, Chisato's soul herself saw the madness going on.
Chisato: Sayo-san, Hina-chan, please help me...
Just a floor up, the rest of Roselia and Rina were walking down to the ground floor and help Mari in preparation for the party tonight. Once they were on the ground floor they heard a loud bang.
Yukina: What the hell?!

Lisa: That was loud!

Rinko: That was an explosion...

Ako: I can confirm that! That was an explosion of some sort!

Rina: It is coming from the gardens! Let check it out, pronto!
All of them started to rush towards the location where the sound of a somewhat explosion. Once they arrived at the garden, they shockingly saw Sayo and Hina are fighting with someone.
Yukina: Hina and Sayo?!

Rina: Who are they fighting too?

Lisa: Chisato?!?!

Yukina, Ako and Rinko: What?!
After the release, Chisato hits Sayo so hard that she was thrown to the wall that was just right beside the other Roselia members and Rina where they standing. So, All of them rushed towards Sayo.
Lisa: Sayo!

Ako: Sayo-san! Are you okay?!

Sayo: I am fine. I need to fight Carmeara!

Rina: Wait, the dark giant? But that's, not her...

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