"The Blue One Comes With the Lightning"

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It was a quiet night, Sayo Hikawa, Hina Hikawa returns home and Rinko Shirokane and Ako Udagawa went back to the Shirokane residents after they spent a whole day on a beautiful beach that is outskirts from Tokyo. Well, something did happen to them on the beach, but all of them moved on. Right now, The Hikawa twins decide to stay at the Nursedessei by themselves since the ship is just above their house. As they were about to leave their house, someone rings their doorbell.
Sayo: Who could that be? Are you expecting visitors Hina?

Hina: No, sis...
Sayo then proceeded to walk over to their main door. Once there, Sayo peeks through the glass whole, and then she immediately opens the door.
Sayo: Tomoe-chan!

Hina: Tomoe-chan?!

Tomoe: Wow! Looks like both of you have seen a ghost or something.
Seconds after, the Hikawa twins proceeded to hug Tomoe Udagawa at the same time. Then they exchange kisses on the cheeks.
Sayo: We're just happy to see you.

Hina: Sis is right.

Tomoe: Hehe.


Tomoe: I am pretty sure that you guys haven't eaten dinner yet?

Sayo and Hina: Yeah.

Sayo: Hina and I have been cleaning the house since we arrived an hour ago from Rinku Beach.

Tomoe: Woah! You have been out to the beach today?!

Sayo: Yeah. Ako planned it.

Tomoe: What?! Ako did not tell me! Huhu.

Hina: You also have practice right.

Tomoe: Yeah...


Tomoe: Tell me what happened while we eat.
The twins and Tomoe proceeded to prepare the table for three. Once every preparation is finished, the three of them settle down and started to eat what Tomoe bought. Tomoe bought three dishes, these are authentic Chinese noodles, Grilled Bluefin tuna, and Calamari.
Hina: Woa...

Sayo: Where did you buy this dear?

Hina: How much is the cost?!


Tomoe: I bought this on my way here. Also, the price well...


Tomoe: I can say that I spent all of my savings.

Sayo: What?! Why did you spend like that just for food?!

Tomoe: It is my other treat for the two of you. Both of you have done many things for me, so this is my gratitude.

Sayo and Hina: ...


Sayo and Hina: W-e M-Much appreciated...

Tomoe: !!!



Sayo and Hina: hmph!

Tomoe: Tsun Tsun!

Sayo and Hina: Say that again Ms. Udagawa?!?!

Tomoe: I am just kidding! Let eat before the food gets cold.
After that dramatic talk, the three of them started to eat. As they eat along, the Hikawa twins told Tomoe what happened today. Just like how Ako got shrunk into doll size.
Tomoe: What?! Ako got shrunk?! Hahaha!

Hina: God. You laughing.
They continue to talk until they finish eating. After, the three of them cleans the table and plates simultaneously. After that, they decide to watch the television first before they sleep.
Sayo: Dear, Hina and I are planning to sleep in Nursedessei tonight. Is it okay for you?

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