"The 30-Million-Year Miracle"

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(3rd POV)
Currently, in the present times, Dark Trigger that was recently been reawakened is now wreaking havoc on the outskirts of Uchiuramito, Numazu. Destroying, small houses and establishments along the way. On the ground, Hina Hikawa and Kanan Matsuura witness the mess that is in going on now.
Hina: S-Sayo...
Suddenly, Hina fell down to her knees but Kanan manages to catch her before hitting the ground.
Kanan: Hina, are you okay?!?!

Hina: I am useless when my sister is not around. I just want to die...

Kanan: Hina, don't ever think about that stuff! Your sister is going to be sad!

Hina: It's no use Kanan-chan... I gain my happiness from her... If she is not around anymore, I am lifeless as a dead body...

Kanan: Hina...
(Yukina POV)
Every one of us is currently witnessing the destruction across the island. I could not believe what I am seeing right now. Sayo, my fellow bandmate, and a friend betrayed us? No, I don't believe in that mindset. I know Sayo is still in there.
Chu2: What are we doing here?! Are we just going to stand and do nothing?!

Everyone: ...

Rina: We need to fight back.

Lisa: That giant is Sayo! We can't just attack instantly!

Rina: Yeah... your right. It is really hard to decide. Mari-san?

Mari: ...


Mari: It is hard to decide...

Chisato: We have just to believe in Sayo right now. I know she can win this.
Chisato is right. We have to hope and pray for Sayo right now. Everyone looks to each other's eye and all of us head nod symbolizes that we agreed on what Chisato said. Then a phone ring was heard across the room, it was a landline telephone.
Mari: Rei-chan can you answer that call for me?

Rei/Layer: Sure thing.
Then I saw Layer stands up from her seat. After, she proceeded to answer the call on the landline.
Rei/Layer: Hello! This is Mari's Room. I am Rei Wakana, I will be answering your call on behalf of Mari Ohara.
Okay, I didn't expect Layer to answer the landline call in a formalistic way.
Rei/Layer: O-Okay...


Rei/Layer: Okay! I will inform Mari as soon as possible! Thank you!
Layer ended the call. Base on her eyes, I could tell that there is a new problem arise. I hope it is not the worst one than the current situation right now.
Mari: Who was calling, Rei-chan?

Rei/Layer: It was one of your employees of this hotel!

Mari: Okay? Chill down, what is the problem? I could tell that this is not a normal situation.
I see, Mari as well notices it besides myself.
Rei/Layer: We have a major issue with the lobby area! A flood of mysterious entities is attacking guests! Right now, only the security guards are handling the situation and they can't hold it for much longer!

Rina: Wait! I hope that isn't the same entities that attacked Tomoe, Sayo, and Hina weeks ago.

Everyone: What?!

Tomoe: If they are the same, I can do it again!
I then see Rina rush towards the computer and open a live feed of the surveillance camera down on the reception/lobby area. And to all of our surprise, the employee and my worst feelings were right after all. Many multiple entities that shaped as humans appeared.
Rina: Ah sh*t! They are the same humanoid entities Tomoe!

Tomoe: Crap! What are we waiting for let's go!

Rina: Wait! We have a big problem than before. They are now rapidly appearing across the mainland!

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