"Operation Tsukinomori!"

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(3rd POV)
After the events that happened, everyone bid farewell to Kanon Shibuya that is currently having a massive smile written all over her face because of the new electric guitar that she has been gifted. Now, the Hikawa twins, Roselia and Tomoe Udagawa are heading back to the Foundation HQ to pick up the Nursedessei and Falcon. After minutes of train and monorail rides later, we eventually made it to the HQ.
Lisa: This place still amazes me to this day!

Tomoe: It sure is!


Yukina: Come. I want to see Roselyn.

Hina: You sure love cats!

Yukina: I do. There is no more point in hiding my addiction from everyone. I DO LOVE CATS!!!

Sayo: ...
Sayo Hikawa just smiled. Then, they continued to walk towards the HQ Hanger. Suddenly, Yukina lets everyone know that she needs to go to the restroom. After, she grabs Lisa Imai and heads off leaving the others with questionable facial expressions. Eventually, the others continued and Yukina and Lisa made it to the restroom.
Lisa: Yukina?! Why did you drag me all of a sudden?

Yukina: I can't hold it longer. My bar is at the max!

Lisa: My god... Your Lu-

Yukina: Sush! People may hear us. Please let me do it!

Lisa: I guess it can't help. Be quick and pleasure me!
Anyways, the others right now just made it to the HQ Hanger. Then, they were greeted by Mari Ohara and Kanan Matsuura which is holding Roselyn.
Kanan: This cat is so cuddly.

Sayo: It sure is.

Mari: Oh! You're back.

Hina: We are!

Mari: Going to pick up the ship?

Hina: Correct!

Mari: It is almost ready. Rina is doing some final works in the lab area.

Kanan: Anyways, where are Yukina and Lisa-chan?

Ako: They're off to the restroom.

Mari: Oh. I feel they are doing no good!

Sayo: T-That's maybe but maybe no...

Tomoe: Dirty minds ey!

Hina: Haha!

Sayo: N-No!!
After minutes of waiting, Yukina and Lisa appeared after their "mysterious" doings.
Lisa: Sorry for the wait!

Yukina: ...

Mari: Fufu. I sense dirty things coming from both of you. Hehe.

Lisa and Yukina: W-What?!

Yukina: We will never do shameless acts!

Hina: Hehe.

Kanan: Now, now. Stop bullying, it is almost six in the evening. Also, here is Roselyn back.

Yukina: Thank you.


Yukina: Meow!

Roselyn: Meow!!

Yukina: Good girl!


Tomoe: She really marked her words...

Rinko: fufu.

Ako: My god...

Lisa: That Yukina for you!

Sayo: ...
After their random conversation, all of them boarded the Nursedessei. Then they proceeded to the laboratory while Kanan and Mari grabbed their personal stuff in their room.
Sayo: Rina-chan, are you here?

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