"Exchange Student for two weeks?!"

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(3rd POV)

It is now the next day. The sun was not yet up because it is still 4 am in morning. But there one person is an early bird and that Tomoe Udagawa, the girlfriend of the Hikawa twins. She is now trying to wake up the twins in a politely way as possible.
(Sayo POV)

????: Sayo-chan, Hina-chan, wake up, it is now morning.

Sayo: hmm? It is morning already?

Hina: Gimmy a few more minutes...
I slowly rise up and opened my eyes. Then I see my girlfriend smiling.
Sayo: Good morning.

Tomoe: Morning.

Sayo: What time is it?

Tomoe: 4 am. I hope I didn't bother you because I am used to waking up at this time.

Sayo: No worries. I sometimes wake up at this time to prepare breakfast for Hina.

Tomoe: Oh, I see.
After Tomoe spoke, I passionately kissed her on the lips.
Tomoe: S-Sayo?!

Sayo: That was my first-morning kiss to you.

Tomoe: I was stunned... but thank you for the kiss.

Sayo: Don't mention it.
After, I decided to wake up Hina.
Sayo: Hina, wake up. It is morning already.

Hina: Gimme more...

Sayo: No more extensions, it is our first day in Nijigasaki!

Hina: !!!
Hina suddenly jumps out of bed with 100% energy.
Hina: What are we waiting for? Let's take a shower! But first!
My sister then passionately kissed Tomoe and that made her startled again.
Tomoe: H-Hina?!

Hina: That was my morning kiss to you!

Sayo: Fufu, Tomoe is lucky.

Tomoe: Nah, I feel blessed! Anyways, let us go. We need to be the first one taking a shower because there are only limited slots.
Then three of us grabs our individual uniforms and headed out to the shower and bath area of the ship. Once we made it into the shower and bath area, we proceeded to do the usual body care stuff, after we change into the winter school uniform set of Nijigasaki and head back to our room. Tomoe decides to head back to her original room with Rina. As for Hina and me, we pick our essential stuff like wallets, guitars, and my sparklence. But Hina decided to bring the blue rose that I have bought her and the reason I don't know. Then we exited the room and headed straight to the command center to wait for others.
Sayo: Where are the lights?

Hina: I got it!

Sayo: Thanks. Why did you bring the Blue Rose here?

Hina: Well this part of the command center is bland. I decided to start a small indoor garden.

Sayo: That sounds like a good idea.

Hina: Now, help we waking up the ship is.

Sayo: Sure Hina.
I started to help Hina to wake her ship for the day. As I turn on the navigation display, I see that our current location is over the Fuji area. After, I open the shutters of the windshield to see the magnificent sunrise. Then we just sit down, talk and chill until everyone is up.
Sayo: Where is Chisato?

Haha: Everyone will not come except for Maya-chan. She will meet her at Nijigasaki.

Sayo: I see. The question, what is "LoveLive!"?

Hina: Oh! Thats a school idol competition. Sadly I can't join that since we are an idol band. Why did you ask?

Sayo: Nothing, Shi-chan, Keke-chan, and her other friends joined that set competition.

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