"Back Home and The Ship"

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(Sayo POV)

-Alarm going off-

The alarm goes off. I blindly grab my phone at the bedside table and press the volume to silent the alarm. After, I put it back for now and then I rubbed my eye. After rubbing my eye, I feel something is over me so I touched it. It was soft like a cheek of a person. Then I heard a sound that instantly woke me up.
????: fufu. Sis loves to touch my cheeks!

Sayo: Wah!!!
It was Hina. She frightened me and I jumped out of my bed and hit my head on the wall.
Hina: Sis?!

Sayo: Ouch! My head... Hina, what the hell you scared me!

Hina: Sorry! I didn't mean it...

Sayo: come here...
Hina comes over and then I hug her gently. And combing her hair between my fingers.
Sayo: You don't need to be sorry. I was just shocked.

Hina: I just want to cuddle you more sis.

Sayo: I see. I don't mind it but just don't do that stuff like that to me again ever again.

Hina: Okay!

Sayo: It seems that your hair is longer than usual.

Hina: I want to get my hair long like you.

Sayo: That is nice to hear. Anyways, going to do a final shower. Want to join?

Hina: Of course! I would love to! Thanks, sis!
So the both of us stood up and then I make up the bed for the last time. After we proceeded to the bathroom together for a quick shower. After taking our final shower of this trip, both of us change into the casual clothes that I prepared. Then, I took the bucket from the side of the bed and put it back in the bathroom.
Sayo: Surprisingly, you didn't vomit.

Hina: Eh? I am that really that drunk?!

Sayo: Yeah. I have to carry you back here by myself. Thank goodness that you are not heavy or I am used to heavy things already.

Hina: Let me try you to lift a car or something when we get home, Sound okay?

Sayo: Fine. I am doing that just for you.

Hina: Yey!
It is still 6:30 am, we continue to talk to kill time until 7:20 am strikes. While talking, we do check everything that we have and own is been placed into our large rolling suitcase securely. After, we checked out the souvenirs that we bought yesterday and place them near our suitcase so that we will never leave them behind. Lastly, the rose that I have bought for Hina.
Sayo: Oh, you have already submerged in water.

Hina: Yeah, I know it will grow roots if I did this.

Sayo: I see. But how will you transport it today?

Hina: Just going to take it out and submerge it in the water again when we arrive back home. I am sure it will not die.

Sayo: Very well. Also, remind me later in CiRCLE that we need to give Marina-san her souvenir from us.

Hina: Okay! I will!
We still continue to talk for killing time. As the time approaches, I took a look around the room before we exit it. After taking a look for the last time, I took my guitar and sling it to my back, also Hina did the same thing as for her guitar. After both of us grabbed our suitcase, Hina grabs the rose and I grabbed the souvenirs, we exited the room and locked it for the last time.
????: Good morning!

Sayo and Hina: hmm?
The both of us turned to the left and we see Rei also locking their room.
Hina: Morning!

Sayo: Where is Tae-san and Masuki-san?

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