The Propagating Invasion

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(5 am | 3rd POV)

It is now a brand new day and Shibuya Kanon just woke up ten minutes ago. Now, she is helping her mother in cleaning the cafe before it opens around 5:30 am today.
Ms. Shibuya: Darling could you prepare the counter, please?

Shibuya: Okay mom!
Then the door of the cafe opens and it was Shibuya's friend, Keke Tang.
Keke: Good morning! I'm here for work!

Ms. Shibuya: Welcome Keke-chan! You are really early today.

Keke: Yes ma'am! I have nothing to do at my apartment.
Suddenly both of them heard something hit hard, so they turn around and saw Shibuya almost collapse on the counter. So, they rush towards Shibuya and they check if she was alright.
Ms. Shibuya: Darling! Are you okay?!

Keke: Kanon-chan?! What happened?!

Shibuya: I am fine... I felt that something bad will happened today...

Ms. Shibuya: ...

Keke: Don't say that, let us think positive!

Shibuya: Your right...
As they finish checking and calming down Kanon Shibuya, they continue to prepare the cafe while listening to the television for the morning news. Suddenly something happened to the television, It seemed to be static or corrupted for some reason. So, Ms. Shibuya turns off the television. Suddenly, all of their phones vibrate. So they took it out and saw it was being corrupted like the television. With the instant thinking of Kanon Shibuya, she instructed her mother and Keke including her sister at the kitchen to turn off their phones.
Keke: What is happening?!

Shibuya: This is what I was seeing on my vision just now!

Ms. Shibuya: No... it cant be.
Then, A large explosion and screaming people can be heard outside, so they went out to check. When they made it outside, many people are freaking out. Some wide LED billboard was glitching with a face of a creature of some sort. Lastly, drones from the sky are crashing down on the street. One of the drones is coming towards the three of them.
Shibuya: Look OUT!!!
Shibuya herself stood in front of her mother and her friend Keke. But then something bizarre or something miraculous happened.
Keke: W-What the...

Ms. Shibuya: It cant be...
The Shibuya that they know turns into the mysterious girl. She blocks them with her magical shield. After doing that, that mysterious girl turn towards them before fading away and Kanon Shibuya returns but she has fainted. Her mother manages to catch her daughter before hits her head on the solid concrete ground.
Keke: What happened to Kanon-chan?!

Ms. Shibuya: It can't be... the family prophecy is happening...
(Hina POV | WyndhamGrand Awashima)

Woken up fresh today. I stood up from my bed and slowly head towards the small kitchen of the room because my sister is still sleeping. Once made it to the small kitchen, I brewed one expresso then drink it down quickly. After, I proceeded to the living room and watch the local news on the television.
News: Just in! All of the Tokyo systems are being hacked. Tokyo's government advises all of the other prefectures and the world to be on high alert. More information will be available soon.

Hina: This is bad...

????: What did I just hear?

Hina: Huh? Aw, sis! Good morning! The news said, there is currently a somewhat hacked in every system in metropolitan Tokyo.

Sayo: Oh, a Cyber Attack.

Hina: Oh... Now I am worried!

Sayo: Just relax and pray. I hope that can be resolved soon.

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