" I hope so too." Logan said with a cheek smile before I narrowed my eyes at him.

Alex and Jason came downstairs too and we were all ready to leave when Logan got a call .The phone was on loud and I heard an voice that sounded angry speaking from the other end of the line .

" I'm sorry , it's the investors from London. I have to take this ."Logan told us .

" But Dad, the play is starting soon . I'm sure Miss Holly must be looking for me ." Avery protested .

" Just give me a minute sweet pea. You'll get to school early I promise." Logan replied as he walked into the hall way and disappeared.

" Emma guess what ? Dad is finally letting me go on a date with Tristan . Although he's going to chaperone but I don't mind as long s I get to see Tristan." A very happy Alex informed me while we were waiting for Logan .

" Really? That's great." I replied equally happy that Logan took my advice and listened to Alex . " But you apologized to him , right?"

" Yeah , yeah I did but he still grounded me . Typical dad ." Alex shook her head . " Now I can't see Tristan until I'm done being grounded."

" Well I think that's fair enough. You didn't exactly speak to your dad in the right kind of way."

Alex gasped . " I feel betrayed but okay. You're probably right. Still Dad might not have listened to me if you didn't talk to him so thank you."

" You're welcome sweetie." I said happily.

" So....what made you change your mind about seeing us publicly ?" Alex asked . " Because I was super shocked when Dad said you were coming with us tonight."

" I guess I decided that I didn't care about the paparazzi." I shrugged. " Besides you guys are way more important than whatever the paparazzi does."

" Well I'm glad you changed your mind."

"Dad is definitely going to make that photographer pay you know ." Jason said , looking up from the video game he was playing.

" I know ." I replied . I knew very well what Logan was capable of doing and the lengths he could go to get what he wanted .

" So Emma, now that you're going to be coming around more often , will you help me set up my studio ?"Alex asked

" What studio?" I asked , befuddled.

" My fashion studio. Dad is going to get me a sewing instructor and I'm going to learn how to sew. Can you believe it? I'm going to be a fashion designer!" Alex said excitedly.

" I'm so happy for you Alex. I'm glad your dad is finally giving you a studio." I told her equally excited. I was so glad Logan had noticed Alex's talent and was encouraging her to harness it.

" Yeah and I'm so glad Dad finally moved Mom's stuff out of the room or we wouldn't have found the space ." Alex continued.

" Wait." I paused. " What room are you talking about?"

" The room Dad always told us not to go into. You know, the one that kinda looked like a shrine of Mom's old things." Alex whispered dramatically .

" H...he cleared it out?" I stuttered. Why was I stuttering ?

" He finally cleared it out." Alex replied with emphasis on the 'finally'.

I couldn't believe it. Logan had cleared Amy's things out of that room ? The same room that he would loose hell over of anyone ever went inside ? The same room he visited over and over again , consciously reminding me that he wasn't over her ? The same room that intimidated me ? That made me feel like Amy was still present in this house ? The same room that made me feel like no matter what Logan and I had, he would always choose her over me ? That same room ?

Forever His { On going }Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz