Y/N: Landing successful.

Y/N jumped from the branch he was sitting on and onto the ground of the emerald forest, suddenly finding himself surrounded by a pack of Beowolves.

Y/N: that was quick. Almost too quick....

Y/N sighs as an Alpha beowolf break free from the pack and started walking towards him. He stared at the alpha with the same old bored expression he always wore even when the Alpha flashed its fangs at him.

Y/N: let's get this over shall we?

Y/N sighed and kicked the Alpha in the place where the sun don't shine, causing it to flinch and crouch down making it easy for Y/N to grab it by the head and spun it around, sending it colliding with three Beowolves.

The pack of Grimm howled and lunged at Y/N at the same time. Y/N however didn't care and bended his back to the point his head was touching the ground letting the Grimm hit one another which provided enough time for Y/N to grab a Grimm and break snap its neck, turning it into a puff of black smoke.

Somewhere around in Beacon, Ozpin sat amused on his chair drinking a mug of hot chocolate while watching Y/N easily dispatch a pair of Beowolves with his bare hands.

Glynda: I don't care what his documents say, I still think that Jaune Arc isn't prepared for this level of combat!

Ozpin: Now,now Glynda. How about you sit back and just watch our new students do their work? After all, it isn't everyday we get to see Y/N Branwen fight.

Glynda raised an eyebrow at Y/N's name but reluctantly sat down on the empty chair behind Ozpin. There she watched on one of the many screens where Y/N was apparently holding an alpha Beowulf in a headlock while using the Grimm as some sort of leverage to freely spin around kicking whatever Grimm that comes close to him.

Glynda: I must say I'm quite impressed.

Ozpin: *smirks* you haven't seen anything yet Glynda. The true show is just about to begin.

Y/N sighed as he finally finishes off the pack of 15 Beowolves and their alpha, regretting his decision of not buying an actual sword to use instead of his semblance.

Y/N: atleast it's the end of that.

Y/N stretches and yawns as he suddenly began feeling tired again like he always did. He looked up at the sky and noticed something strange.

Y/N : huh...the moon is out...at noon.

Just then Y/N suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of fear as every strand of hair on his back stood up. He quickly turned around and jumped just a the nick of time to dodge an incoming giant hand that came from the shadows.

His eyes widened as the impact from the attack completely shattered the ground he was standing on, leaving only a giant handprint and dust on its wake

Y/N: What...is that thing?

Ozpin and Glynda both stared at the screen with the same amount of shock and fear Y/N felt as a giant figure emerged from the shadows of the trees and of the makeshift twilight. Y/N felt emotions he never had felt before as a myriad of giant hands and limbs came crawling out between the trees, several hands waving around giant metallic swords that carved through the thick trunks of the trees with ease.

 Y/N felt emotions he never had felt before as a myriad of giant hands and limbs came crawling out between the trees, several hands waving around giant metallic swords that carved through the thick trunks of the trees with ease

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A Remnant of Death ( Weiss X OP Persona 3 Mc) OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now