First day

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Ozpin: Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day onward, you will be known as Team JNPR led by Jaune Arc.

Jaune: L-led by?

Ozpin: Congratulations Mr. Arc

Y/N watched as Nora jumped in excitement to which Ren rolled his eyes at. Pyrrha placed a hand on Jaune's shoulder as the auditorium was filled with applause for the newly formed team.

Ozpin: Now then. Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xia long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces making you, from this day forward. Team RWBY, led none other by Ruby Rose.

Y/N, Ruby and Weiss looked at Ozpin with a shocked expression as Yang moved to hugged her sister. Knowing he won't get a team or a partner at that, Y/N moved to leave the auditorium as it was pointless to stick around.

Ozpin: Now that we have the teams out of the way, would Y/N Branwen please come up to the stage.

The auditorium quiets down as all eyes fall on Y/N who had several bandages wrapped around his chest and forehead. Y/N sighs and slowly goes up to the stage with some support from Ruby and Yang.

Ozpin: Y/N Branwen. Now unfortunately for you, there had been a shortage of students that managed to qualify nor get relics. However, I do believe it is a waste for a promising huntsman such as yourself to go home for such a petty excuse.

Ozpin pressed a couple of buttons on his scroll and not long after clips of Y/N fighting the fool was shown on the big screen, earning several gasps from those present.

Y/N: can I get away with smacking ozpin on the head?

Ruby: I'm pretty sure you won't

Y/N sighs as Ruby and Yang placed a comforting hand on Y/N's back, both knowing the blue haired man didn't appreciate the attention.

Ozpin: So as of today, I am assigning you as the first ever solo huntsman. Do take note it might be difficult for you to attend tournaments nor you won't be getting a team name.

Y/N: Okay...

Ozpin: Congratulations Y/N

The auditorium was filled with whistles and applause as the screen played out the killing move Y/N performed to finish the fool, making Y/N groan.

Y/N: I hate you ozpin.

Ozpin: *sips hot chocolate* I told you I have the best job.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N running away from curious first year students.

Y/N slumped forward in exhaustion as he walked across the hallways of the dorms. He had spent the entire afternoon avoiding people that wanted his autograph or those that wanted to fight him. Needless to say the attention was just too much for him.

Y/N: I'm definitely switching Ozpin's mug with a mug full of chili oil.

Y/N looked at the set of keys Ozpin gave him with the room number embedded on the keychain. He continued looking for the room the key was assigned to on the second floor while remembering what Ozpin said as he gave it to him.

Ozpin: Ah, Y/N. Here is the key to your dorm. How I apologize for the circumstances of your room, you see we just can't find a nice room you can use so this will have to do.

Y/N: why? What's wrong with it?

Ozpin: *sips hot chocolate* let's just say, there's a pleasant surprise waiting for you inside of it.

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