Cardin Who?

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Y/N yawned as he sat beside Weiss and Ruby, the two both having looks of either denial or guilt plastered on their faces every time they glanced at Y/N who glared at them with sleepy eyes. The two had kept him awake until late at night thanks to Ruby's late night studying and Weiss' talk to her about coffee which lasted until 2 hours past midnight.

Ruby: Look, cuz. I'm sorr-

Y/N: No cookies for a week.

Ruby: But!

Weiss: shush!

Y/N: and no morning coffee for you too.

Weiss: But!

Weiss was silenced as Glynda shoots a stern glare towards their direction, effectively shutting up the Schnee heiress which caused Yang to giggle quietly.

Y/N: oh yeah, what's happening even?

Ruby: Jaune is facing up against Cardin, which isn't going so well.

Y/N: Cardin who?

Blake: Cardin Winchester. The leader of team CRDL

Y/N: ..... That idiot is a leader?

Yang: uh-huh. Kinda of a douchebag though.

Y/N: I'm starting to think Ozpin is getting old.

Weiss glanced at him with half a smile at the comment

Y/N: I don't care either way though. Don't have a team.

Weiss groaned as Y/N leaned on his chair and placed his feet on top of the table much to Glynda's annoyance. He watched with little interest as Jaune tried to block a strike from Cardin's mace with his shield which ultimately failed and he got slammed to the ground from the blow.

Y/N: Yikes.

Jaune: I'm not done yet...

Y/N watched as Jaune got up and brandished his sword and shield before dashing towards Cardin whilst aiming for his torso. This however, also failed as Cardin moved to the side and tripped Jaune causing him to let go of his shield as he skidded.

Y/N: Wow, Jaune really blows in fighting.

Yang: Eesh. Tone down the insults there cuz.

Y/N: Shut up boobs.

The rest of team RWBY chuckled at Y/N's nickname for yang who rolled her eyes but there was a visible smile on her face. Jaune on the other hand had an upset look on his face as he spun around with his sword and brought it down in a downward arc at Cardin who blocked it easily with his mace.

Cardin: this is the part where you lose.

Jaune: over my dead bo-OOF

Jaune immediately doubled down as he got kicked on the stomach by Cardin who smirked and looked down at him, raising his mace high up in the air and preparing to bring it down only to be stopped as the lights turned on and a buzzer goes off.

Glynda: That's enough.

Y/N: (it better be. Otherwise Jaune's Aura won't be the only thing red on this classroom.)

Y/N Glanced at Ruby.

Y/N: ( and Ruby.)

Glynda: Students. As you can see Mr. Arc's aura is in the red. In a tournament style duel this indicates that Mr. Arc is no longer fit for battle and is hereby eliminated

Y/N meets Jaune's dejected eyes and he watches as it meets with Pyrrha's worried eyes. It had been 3 weeks since the semester had started and he could understand Jaune's annoyance and drive in getting stronger.

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