Forever fall

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Y/N was walking, or rather limping, besides team RWBY, JNPR and CRDL underneath a myriad of red leaves and branches as they walked further into the forever fall forest.

Y/N: Couldn't I have stayed back in the dorm and slept?

Weiss: No, you might go and sleep on one of our beds.

Y/N: And that's a problem why? I mean you aren't using it.

Blake: Weiss doesn't want you smelling her pillows since last night was hot and she might have sweat in her sleep.

Weiss: Wha- I do not!

Y/N: Too much information Blake.

Blake: I know.

Y/N groaned as he struggled to walked straight. The fight with the priestess had him bruises from all over his body, as well as a few dislocated joints on his right arm and left leg. Normally he would be bedridden for atleast three months but he was doing just fine with his aura.

Yang: I'm still jealous that you and Blake got to fight... What was it again?

Y/N: The priestess. Yang please remember, this is the 7th time.

Ruby: Hey Blake, what was Y/N's weapon?

Blake: I told you Ruby, it was a card.

Blake flashed a smirk at Y/N who smiled slightly in return. Weiss rolled her eyes at the two and started walking at a faster pace.

Ruby: Weiss! Slow down!

Y/N: Hey! Injured person on this train ride!

Y/N screamed but sighed.

Y/N: Dunce.

Glynda: Yes students, the forest of forever fall is truly a beautiful place but we aren't here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

Y/N: Who's professor peach?

Yang: Our science teacher.

Y/N: We have a science teacher?

Weiss: Yes you dunce. Maybe you would have known if you didn't keep cutting classes.

Y/N: I think sleeping in the courtyard is better than science Weiss.

Weiss: that's not the point you dolt!

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one har worth of sap. However, this forest is teeming with Grimm, so be sure to stay with your teammates. We will have our rendezvous at 4 o'clock sharp. I will see you then.

All of the students began packing up to leave with their team. One by one the group started to whittle down until it was only team RWBY, JNPR and CRDL as well Y/N was left.

Glynda: Oh and Mr. Branwen, please try and avoid unnecessary trouble? You and I both know your injuries aren't caused by....what was your excuse again?

Y/N:....falling down the stairs?

Glynda: Yes that, next time please come up with a more believable excuse and don't stray from team RWBY or JNPR.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Professor Goodwitch rolled her eyes at Y/N before turning on his heel to look over a group of nearby students. Y/N shrugged as he began to walk alongside team RWBY and JNPR bit stopped as he noticed Jaune wasn't walking

Y/N: Hey Jaune, hurry up.

Jaune: you guys go on ahead. I'll be hanging out with team CRDL for a while.

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