A day on the other side

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The sun seeped through the open windows of the RWBY dorm, the four girls were still sleeping as the digital clock besides them was turned off. They had gotten used to being woken up by Y/N an hour early from their alarm that they had turned it off.

It wasn't until that Weiss who turned around on his sleeping, expecting to hug Y/N's but but ended up falling off the bed with a Yelp that woke up Ruby.

Ruby: Huh, cookies.

Ruby said in a sleepy voice and yawned. In a flash her sleepy expression disappeared as she turned towards the windows where sun shone brightly.

Ruby: Mhmm, that was a good sleep.

She nodded to herself and peeked down on Weiss who had her eyes closed as she continued to grumble underneath her breath while sprawled out on the floor.

Ruby: Morning Weiss!

Weiss: ugh... Morning Ruby

Weiss sighed and stood up. A sense of disappointment lingering inside her chest as she looked at the empty spot on her bed.

Ruby: Did you have a good sleep? Cause I did, I couldn't remember when was the last time I slept this well!

Ruby giggled and jumped down.

Ruby: I feel so alive! And energetic! and a hunger... FOR 10 COOKIES!

Ruby and Weiss glanced at the sound of Yang jumping down on her bed with the same jolly expression as Ruby.

Yang: Whoo, that was some good sleep! I haven't felt this good ever since the second week of school!

Weiss stood beside Ruby and watched as even Blake woke up with a smile on her face, her eyes shining with much color than Weiss hadn't in a long time.

Blake: Mhmm, yeah I had a good sleep too. I wonder what changed?

Weiss: Hmm, don't tell me it was because Y/N was absent the whole night that we had a good sleep.

Ruby: Nahh, Y/N's gone for missions a lot of times in the night but we still woke up like zombies!

Yang: Hmm, now that I think about it... What time is it?

Team RWBY suddenly heard the sound of a tumbleweed stumbling around from behind them as the hollow wind blew from the window. One by one they slowly took out their scrolls and opened them.


The four of them shrieked.

12:31 PM flashed across their screens at the same time.

Blake: Oh no...

Yang: Yikes... This can't be good

Weiss: can't be? This is the worst! We missed-


Weiss: Ruby! Please! We have way more important stuff to think about than your breakfast cookies.

Ruby gasps in an offended manner.

Ruby: More important than cookies!?

Blake: Ruby... There a lot more of important stuff than cookies.

Ruby: Like what?

Yang: Crescent rose.

Ruby: Uh...

Blake: Milk...

Ruby: Uhm.... You guys have a point....

Ruby lowered her head as she thought of the things yang and Blake told her. Weiss watched the three of them with an impatient gaze and groaned.

A Remnant of Death ( Weiss X OP Persona 3 Mc) OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now