First date (?)

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Ozpin: Isn't it too early for you to be here?

Ozpin watched as Y/N made himself comfortable on one of the chairs inside the room. He had brought a pillow and a blanket with him as he accepted a mug of hot chocolate from Ozpin.

Y/N: Got kicked out of my room

Ozpin: What is it this time?

Y/N: did nothing.

Ozpin: Oh?

Y/N: Don't give me that sarcastic sip Ozpin.

Ozpin: Care to explain why you got kicked out so early in the morning?

Y/N glanced at the clock in Ozpin's office, the time being 5 am. He yawned and leaned back on his chair with a troubled look.

Y/N: Something about.... Girls needing a lot of time to look pretty?

Ozpin: Mhm.

Y/N: Which is just ridiculous.

Ozpin: you shouldn't question girls about this Subject Mr. Branwen, trust me. I know

Y/N: But Ozpin. The date isn't even until 6 pm.

Ozpin: Wait a minute, date?

Y/N: Yeah.

Ozpin: You. You're going on a date?

Y/N: ... Yeah?

Ozpin: with one of the girls of RWBY?

Y/N: I think that's obvious.

Ozpin: May I ask with whom?

Ozpin leaned over his table to move closer to Y/N. Y/N on the other hand was weirded out as the headmaster acted like a girl waiting to hear a juicy gossip.

Y/N: Well, not that names should matter on the girl I'm going on a date with-

Ozpin: Answer the question please Mr. Branwen.

Y/N and Ozpin stared at one another, neither one of them backing down.

Y/N: *sighs* Weiss.

Ozpin: Come again?

Y/N: It's Weiss.

Ozpin nodded with a smile on his face, satisfied with the answer. He leaned back on his chair and pressed a button on the intercom which flared life.

Ozpin: Attention to all the students and faculty members. I have a very important announcement, the bets are off everyone and we have gotten a winner.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Ozpin who sends a delighted smile on his face

Ozpin: And the winner of the shipping wars is, drum roll please.

Ozpin pressed another button on the intercom which played a set of snare drums as he paused to add suspense to his announcement.

Ozpin: Mistletoe! I repeat, the winner of the shipping wars is Mistletoe!

Y/N could the sound of whistles and applauses ring about beacon, he tilted his head in confusion for a few minutes before realization dawned to him.

Y/N: You didn't.

Ozpin: Teachers needs ways to have fun amongst themselves Mr. Branwen, the students just joined in after catching Glynda and I discussing the ships about you.

The sound of the elevator door arriving at the floor filled their ears and came out Glynda accompanied by Professor Port and Oobleck.

Y/N: Professors.

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