A Plan went Wrong

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Mitsuru: I see, The general does have a good point.

Y/N: At first glance, yes he does, but at the bigger picture I'll just cause more problems for us.

Akihiko: being infiltrated isn't a small thing Y/N. The enemies could get vital informations about us and use that to their advantage, that's-

Y/N: Not as much as a big of a problem as let's just say, a horde of Grimm and Shadows materializing and coming after the city of Vale due to the overwhelming fear that's enveloping the city.

Mitsuru and Akihiko remained silent at Y/N who sped up his walking pace. The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallways that leads to Beacon's library. It had been 5 hours since his encounter with the general and the stupidness of his actions weighed heavily on his mind.

Mitsuru: I see, instead of focusing on the fact that there may be enemies amidst our allies.

Akihiko: You were more focused on the enemies that might come from Ironwood's decisions.

Y/N:... Ironwood most likely had fell for the enemy's plans already.

Akihiko: what do you mean?

Y/N: The enemy, as far as you know are working with Grimm?

Mitsuru: yes... Though that's only the partial truth.

Y/N: Got it. Well, what if they purposely gave my uncle the information that there are spies in Beacon, expecting Ironwood to grow cautious and bring an army for protection?

Mitsuru: Which would stir up the negative emotions of the civilians living in Vale, attracting maybe hordes of Grimm and Shadows.

Akihiko: So the spies being here were all lies?

Y/N: Not quite. Most likely they really are here, gathering data on all of the students here that might pose a problem or those they could recruit.

Mitsuru: What a devious plan, although I'm amazed you actually caught up to it.

Y/N Shrugged.

Y/N: It's all speculation at best really. But, considering who we just saved days ago and the fact that the info of spies getting in here not too long after gives me a pretty good idea on who might they be.

Akihiko: I see, if you already know who they are. What are you gonna do with them?

Y/N: Nothing.

Mitsuru and Akihiko stared at Y/N with confused faces as the three of them finally entered the library. Pyrrha immediately noticed them and sends them a little wave to as Y/N nodded.

Y/N: We give them what they want, and show them how much of a stupid decision it is to try and fight with us.

Akihiko: but isn't that putting as at a disadvantage?

Y/N: We have Ironwood, Glynda, the professors, you two and Aigis and lastly me. If they are planning to fight our overwhelming forces, then that means that they'll be sending out a bulk of their forces.

Y/N walked up to Jaune and Aigis who was playing chess with Jaune hopelessly losing. He then picks up Aigis' queen and moved it to a position that wins her the game

Y/N: and just let that. Checkmate on the first battle. We remove a powerhouse of their forces while gaining information on what's more to come, sacrifices won't be avoided but that's something always present in wars.

Mitsuru held a small smile as she watched Y/N walked towards the table where RWBY was playing a board game.

Mitsuru: I see he has been playing a little bit too much of those videogames. Well, atleast it's beneficial. Aigis, let's play a round of chess.

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